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right, so my comp teacher has us use this Turnitin.com thing. It's...funky. I mean, it serves its purpose, in that it allows for easier peer-editing, and whatever, but...what the actual fuck. 

I spent easily 40 hours on an essay for her class, and when I turn the paper in, it checks it for plagiarism. Guess what? I "plagarized" 13% of my paper (which is bull, I did nothing of the sort. I'm a bomb writer, and they can suck my ass. I also cited all my sources...twice...) so...i look, because I'm curious, and IT FUCKING MARKED LIKE HALF OF MY WORKS CITED PAGE. WHAT THE HELL. IT ALSO SAID I USED WIKIPEDIA AS A SOURCE. NO, ASSHATS. 

...it also marked words like "the" and "a" and "he." OH SHIT. OH DAMN. I GUESS I'M UNORIGNAL BECAUSE I USED NOUNS AND SHIT. 

...fuck me man....fuck me...if she gets up in my face, im gonna go ape. I can't do this shit no more man. nope. fuck me...

In other news, my dad's a freak. I haven't hung out with Harry in over a month (feb. 13, to be exact), and i have a feeling our plans for this weekend are going to fall through because my dads a jerkhole. 


graduation's soon. Spring break is even sooner. Prom, all happy thoughts. 


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