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I hate school. I have 20 days left until seniors check out of their classes, and it's majorly nerve wracking. Of couse, I can't have some cool ass teachers that say "Meh, no worries, we aren't going to run the last semester of your high school career." No, I have to have dick teachers. 

I have one teacher assigning easily 8 hours of homework a night. A NIGHT. On top of the other hours of homework for the other teachers.

Okay, so I can manage time, I've been doing it for quite some time. I mean, I still have time to hang out with the boyf, family, and write for wattpad, right? ...but...then there's the mandatory things we have to go to in order to pass classes. Things, that are sincere wastes of my time. Such as: community volunteer service day (if it is 'volunteer' why make us go, and threaten our grades if we don't?), a career fair that was helpful to NO ONE (more negatives about it than positives, is what I'm talking about here), and other things that I need to do (band things, mostly). 

I don't mind helping out the community, because it's kinda cool, but dammit people, we have classroom hours to meet here, material to learn, and finals to prepare for. oh my fucking god. I appreciate where they're coming from; let's show the town we aren't jerks, but uggh. we have so much to worry about anyway. 

I forsee my spring break--AND THAT'S ANOTHER THING. OUR SCHOOL DISTRICT THINKS IT'S A BRIGHT FUCKING IDEA TO HAVE TWO SPRING BREAKS. WHY? I SURVIVED ELEMENTARY AND TWO YEARS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL WITH ONE. It does nothing but waste time, and make our calendar year longer. I mean, fuck...I had a sub the other day, who decided that the answer for expanding class sizes was to hire more teachers.

Conversation (I shit you not):
Her: well why don't we just hire more teachers?
Me: we don't have any more available classrooms.
Her: We can convert a computer lab into one. 
Me: It'll waste more money than it's worth. Plus, we need it for all of the standardized testing.
Her: Well we can add more classrooms.
Me: We just expanded the school, and our district barely has enough money as it is. We don't have the money for that.
Her: well we can raise the property taxes.
Me: Tried that four years ago, voters didn't pass it because of irresponsible spending by the CFO at the time. 
Her: well we should send informational packets out, saying we won't waste the money. 
Me: with what money? probably doesn't bother you like it does me...unless you're reading this and you come from my district/school. In which case, hello!

fucking people man...

...anyway, that's my angry-face emoji for the night!


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