Chapter 14

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I froze. I thought that Tae would stop but he didn't. He just kept kissing me. But for some reason I remained frozen. I knew that Tae realized that something was up when he pulled back and looked at me.

"What's wrong? Why'd you stop?", he asked confused.

"The boys are home.", I whispered. When I said this his lips found my neck once again. 

"Just pretend their not there.", he whispered in my ear.

Once again his lips connected with mine as his hand trailed down to my waist. I kissed him back as I wrapped my hands around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair. 

"ELLA DO YOU WANNA COOK WITH ME!?", Jin yelled from the kitchen.

Tae's  head fell onto my shoulder with a huff.

"He's not going to leave us alone are they?", he asked annoyed.

"Nope. So I better go out there."

"Do you HAVE to?", he whined like a little boy as he rolled off of me and onto his side. 

"No...but I want to."

"You would rather go cook with Jin than to hang out with me here?", he said as he draped his arm over my side.

"Yes.", I said with a laugh as I got up and headed to the door.

"ELLAAAAAAAA.", Jin yelled once more.


As I walked into the kitchen I could see Jin in the kitchen and Namjoon on the couch. Jin was getting out the ingredients while Namjoon was doing something on his phone.

"What took so you long?", asked Jin as he looked at me.

"I went shopping with Jungkook today and I was putting up everything.", I said. It wasn't fully a lie. It was just cutting out a part of the truth. 

"Where is Jungkook?", asked Namjoon from the couch.

"When he dropped me off he told me he was going to the studio to run some dances with Jimin.", I explained.

Once Jin was done getting everything ready we started cooking Kimchi Stew for dinner. As he was making the sauce, I was cutting up the vegetables. As I was  cutting, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. When I took a breath in I knew instantly that it was Tae. The smell of his cologne is far to familiar to me now. 

"No PDA in my kitchen!", Jin yelled as he slapped at Tae arms.

"Hyung, she's living with us now so you better get used to it.", Tae  explained. 

"That's what bedrooms are for...NOT MY KITCHEN!"

"Fine then, I'll just take her to the bedroom then.", Tae said as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"YA! BRING MY CO-CHEF BACK HERE RIGHT NOW KIM TAEHYUNG!", Jin yelled from the kitchen.

As Taehyung was walking down the hall of bedrooms, I couldn't help but notice that he passed mine. Before I could ask where he was taking me, he opened one of the doors and walked inside and threw me on a bed. As he hovers over me, I can't help but to observe the room I have yet to explore.

"Whose room is this?", I asked.

"Who else's would it be...mine."

I looked around the room. The room itself was very bright due to the sun , that was now starting to set, shining through the ceiling to floor windows. The windows had light brown curtains. The room had a brown aesthetic going on. The room was painted a light creamy brown color with a white accent wall. His bed has a bedding with squares that are each a different shade of brown. He had a brown rug on the floor. In the corner of his room I see a recliner next to a bookshelf. 

When I went to go look back at him, he was already looking at me. Our eyes met and he held our gaze for what felt like hours. 

"You're so gorgeous", he says so quietly. 

He leans in for a kiss and our lips touch before I can wrap his comment around my head. Still hovering over, he moved one of his hands to my waist while the other rest by my head holding himself up. He deepened the kiss and I couldn't help by to melt into him. The way he's touching me is a touch I will find myself having withdrawals from. I'm surprised with myself that I don't want this moment to end. I want to be under him with his lips on mine forever. I have no problem staying like this until I take my last breath, that at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he sucked from me. He is not holding back, it feels as if he wants this just as much as I do. As if he's been waiting for this moment forever. 

When he pulls back he looks me in the eyes and swipes his thumb over my lips as he says, "I love you Ella."


Did that really just come out of his mouth?


It couldn't have.

As I look into his eyes, I have no doubt in my mind that they are shock filled. He must see it because he sits up and goes to sit on the side of the bed. I can't help but notice that when he did this my body instantly wanted him to touch it again. It felt almost like a need. Do I say it back? I've never told a man that before. Do I love him? What does love even feel like? 

I didn't realize that I haven't said anything until he says, "I know that this is a fake agreement, but I can't hide it from you anymore. This is real to me, it always has Ella. From the moment you walked into the studio with that damn jersey on I've felt this way. I couldn't stand watching you being pushed around, so I thought the arrangement would be enough. It would protect you and I would be close to you. But all it has done is make me realize that I need more, I need you to be mine and only mine. I don't want to have to worry about you wanting to end the arrangement, I I need to know that you're mine forever."


"I know I should have told you the truth before, because now everything is complicated. But I just needed you to know. I don't know how you feel, and no matter how much I hope you feel the same way, I know that the chances of that are slim. I mean hell you've only known me for a short time. But Ella, it's you. I know it's you. So please think about this. If you want to end the arrangement I understand. If you want to continue on with the fake relationship, I will work everyday to make you love me. But if you love me, even the slightest bit, be mine."



As he sits there, looking at me, saying all of these words, all I can think about is the butterflies flying around in my stomach. About how I want to kiss him and touch him. My mind goes to thinking about all the memories we made during this short time. About how we fell asleep together on my couch. About the time we had in the dance studio. I think about how all of these things felt right. How I felt safe and normal. I think about what the future will look like, and no matter what I think about I see him in it. After I think about it, I realize that the answer to all of my questions is him. So I get up, walk to where he's sitting on the bed and straddle him. I look into his eyes and see confusion but also hope in his eyes. I look at him and give him a gentle kiss and say,

"I love you too Tae. I think I always have."

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