Chapter 7

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     *Tae's POV*

I was just sitting on my bed going through YouTube videos to watch when I heard a knock on the door. Soon after Jungkook comes in and sits next to me.

"How may I help you?", I ask.

"So you and Ella?"

"What about us?"



"When did you start having feelings for her?"

"Honestly, the first time I laid eyes on her."

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"I don't know Jungkook. It didn't cross my mind."

"I'm your best friend and you couldn't even tell me that you liked a girl for the first time? That you finally got a girlfriend?"

"I did tell you. You and the guys where the first to know."

"She's your first girlfriend....are sure your ready for this?"

"I have too. My heart tells me this is meant to be."

"Having a girlfriend is a lot of work Taehyung. Their like dogs. They need attention. Lots of it."

"I know."

"Like a lot of attention."

"I get it."

"Taehyung...I just don't wanna see you or her hurt."

"I know Jungkook. Do you have feelings for her?"

"No, she's just a good friend of mine."



"Now get out of here I'm going to sleep."

"I didn't wanna stay anyway.", he said while giggling.



     *Ella's POV*

     I woke up and headed for the bathroom. I showered and blow dried my hair. I didn't feel like putting on the little amount of makeup that I normally wear today so I just skipped that step. Once my hair was dry and brushed I went back to my room and put on my school uniform. I went to the kitchen and made me a bacon and cheese omelet. I also fixed a ham and cheese sandwich for my lunch since I can't afford the schools lunch prices. When I opened my door there he was...Taehyung. 

"What are you doing here?", I asked.

"I'm picking you up for school.", he said with a smirk on his face.

"I can walk."

" really can't."

"All I do is walk to the bus stop. It's not that far Taehyung."

"It's a 10 minute walk from here."

"'s good exercise."

"Get in the car so we can go to school."

"Fine but only this once.", I said as I headed for the car.

"More like every morning.", he said as he opened the door for me.

Once I got in he shut the door and went to the driver side. He started the car and started to drive away from the house. Once we got out of downtown he slowly started to place his hand on my thigh. What do I do? This is what couples do right? But our relationship is fake. He's just trying to make it real. Right? 

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