Chapter 5

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*Tae's POV*

     When Ella left we practiced the Run dance three more times before going back to the BTS apartment. It was around 1 am when we all got back. All I could think about was Ella. Her voice was replaying through my head. Her touch from when I hugged her before she left was still left on my body, causing it to tingle. I wanted to know more about her. I wanted to know what her relationship was with Jungkook. I decided to text Jungkook...

T-"Are you still up?"

J-"Yeah. What's up?"

T- "Could you come to my room really fast?"

J-"Sure. What's going on?"

T-"Just come to my room."

     Soon after Jungkook came in and sat on the bed where I was laying on my phone. He didn't say anything at first. Just sat there. I had a feeling that he was waiting for me to tell him why I called him in here so late, but the truth was I didn't know how to start this conversation. 

"I have a question.", I said, trying to hide the fact that I was nervous about it.

"I had a feeling. What's the question?"

"I don't really know how to ask."

"Just ask."

"Umm...ok. What's your relationship with Ella?"

"Ella? We're friends. Why?"

"I've never heard you talk about her before."

"We just met a couple days ago."

"Do you know much about her?"


"Could you tell me about her?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything you know."

"Umm...well she is from America originally. She moved to Korea when she was two."

"I already knew that part. Do you know why she moved her?"

"I do not."

"What else do you know about her?"

"She comes from a poor family. Her parents don't even live with her."

"They don't?"

"Nope, they are overseas catching fish. They send her a little money every month. She also has some part time jobs. I'm trying to get her a job her so she can quit the part time jobs and only have one job but it hasn't happened yet."

"So she lives by herself?"

"Yep, above the mini mart downtown."

"But downtown isn't that safe. Especially for a teen girl living by herself."

"I agree."

"Anything else you know?"

"Oh, she attends school on a scholarship."

"Really? Anything else?"

"Nope. That's all I know."

"Ok. You can get some rest now. Thanks for the information."

"Your welcome, and Taehyung..."


"Why do you want to know all this about her?"

"I was just curious."

"Oh...ok. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." And with that being said he left and then BTS apartment was as quiet as a mouse as everyone fell asleep.

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