Chapter 9

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*Ella's POV*

I didn't know what to think. I didn't know what to say. Was he just saying that in the pressure of the moment? I just looked at him. His dark eyes just staring into mine. I get lost in them the deeper I look. He lifted his hand up to my face and gently placed his palm on my cheek. His fingers softly rubbing my face. 

"I know that this is fake.", he said. His eyes never leaving mine. "But in moments like this when it's just you and me, it all just feels real."

I agree, in moments with him it doesn't feel fake. It feels like it was meant to happen. It feels like we've known each other for years and not just days. But I have to remind myself that it's all just fake and that I can't catch feeling for him. He's a star and I'm just a poor girl who need's protecting. He's worth so much more than I am. This fake relationship will come to an end eventually, and when it does I can't have feeling for him. It'll only hurt me in the long run. 

"Say something. Anything.", he said with a worried look on his face. 

"You danced great.", I said feeling like an idiot.

"Thank you.", he said with a laughing smile on his face.

I just stood there. Not knowing what else to say or do. He put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

"Are you ready to go?", he asked.

"Where are we going?"

"To your house."


"To hang out there till 9."

"How about you go back to the BTS  apartment and I'll go home and we'll meet up at the park at 9?"

"No, I want to see where you live. Plus it's only normal for boyfriends to hang out at their girlfriends house."

"Oh, then how about we just hang out at your apartment then?"

"The boys are there. Plus you said you would make the food. Is there a reason you don't want me at your house?"

"It's just that it's nothing big and special."

"If it's home to you then it's special.", he said with a smile on his face as he reached out for my hand.

I put my hand in his and we walked toward his car. He opened the car door for me and then he shut it once I got in the car. He ran to the drivers side and jumped in. He asked me for the address and I gave it to him. I sat there and looked outside of the window. I noticed that he was driving pretty fast. I looked over at him and his eyes were glued to the road. I guess he noticed my staring at him cause he looked over at me and smiled. As he smiled he looked back to the road and put his hand on my thigh. I didn't really mind it as much anymore. It felt nice knowing that it's there.

When we pulled up to the mini mart he turned off the engine and got out of the car. He came around and opened the door for me. I dared not to touch the handle since he told me it was a rule not to do so. I got out of the car and headed up the stars to the door. He followed without saying a single word. I didn't think he would be the type to judge. He isn't the type to judge. But since he's my 'boyfriend' I got a bit embarrassed. I opened the door and walked in and he followed.

"Nice place. It's very spacious.", he said looking around.

"Thanks.", I said, "I'm going to go change into something different. I'll be back. Make yourself at home."

I went into my bedroom and shut the door. He was very nice about the whole thing. I went and put on some black Nike volleyball shorts and a baby pink crop top. I then put my hair into a messy bun and put my rose gold round metal glasses on as I took my contacts out. Then I headed back toward the living room.



*Tae's POV*

I sat on the couch as I waited for Ella to come back out. When she did I think my mouth dropped all the way to my ankles. She was hot. The way her shorts fit her curves made me feel I way I have never felt before. The way her glasses brought out her eyes was so amazing. All I wanted to do was sit next to her, touch her smooth skin. She came and sat down beside me. I lifted her legs and placed them over mine. 

"What do you think you're going to cook for tonight?", I asked trying to hide the fact that I was drooling over her.

"I honestly haven't thought about it. Maybe some kimchi?"

"That sounds good. The boys all like it as well. Jin likes all food.", I said with a small giggle. 

"Okay, kimchi it is.", she said as she went to the kitchen and started to pull out the ingredients.

I watched as she moved all across the kitchen, just minding her own business. I watched as she cut the vegetables and as she mixed the sauce. I kept finding myself looking at her curves. Just waiting for her shirt to come up just a little bit. She makes me feel a way I've never felt with anyone before. All I want is to spend all my time with her. I haven't known her long at all, but when I'm with her I feel as if there's nothing else I need to do in life if it's not protecting her. 

I couldn't hold myself any longer. I got up and I walked toward her. I went up behind her and I grabbed her waist. When I did this she let out a gasp. 

"You scared me.", she said with a small giggle. 

I didn't say anything. I did however rest my head in the craves of her neck. I kept my head there for awhile, just laying there. But when she was done packing up the kimchi I started leaving soft little kisses on her neck. She squirmed a  bit but that didn't stop me. I then used my strength to turn her around. Our faces were only inches apart. 

"What are you doing?", she asked shyly. God why is she so adorable?

I didn't answer her with words. Instead I looked into her beautiful brown eyes and then I placed my lips on hers. She didn't pull back, but she also didn't kiss me back. Was this the wrong move?



*Ella's POV*

It all happened so fast. I was just cooking when I felt a firm grip on my waist. It startled me a bit so I let out a gasp. But then I realized that it was just Taehyung. Which surprisingly didn't faze me. I wasn't bothered by it at all. Then I felt him rest his head on my neck. Then I felt his soft lips on my neck giving it small soft kisses as I finished packing up the food. All of a sudden I was turned around.

"What are you doing?",I asked.

Next thing I knew his lips were on mine. I didn't do anything at first. It all happened so fast. But then I soon realized what was happening and I decided that I liked it, so I kissed him back. We stood in the kitchen, our lip moving at the speed at the same rhythm. I put my hands on his back as he put his hand in my hair. The kiss wasn't rough but passionate. I felt like I was on the moon, but I didn't know why. Here I am kissing a guy who I just met. Why do I feel this way? What is this feeling? I pulled away, ending the kiss.

"I'm sorry.", he said, "your just so god damn sexy."

"It's alright.", I said with a grin.

"So are you all done here?"

"Yeah, the food is all ready."

"Ok, should we go watch a movie?"

"Sure, we can watch The Kissing Booth on Netflix."


We went to go sit on the couch and we started the movie. I got kind of sleepy and cold. My body released a shiver.

"Are you cold?", he asked.

"Just a little."

"Come here.", he said holding out his arms.

I went over and we laid down. My head was on his chest while his arms were wrapped around me. I felt so relaxed, so calm. I don't remember what happened. Before I knew it my eyes closed and I fell fast asleep.

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