The End

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I was in a perfect slumber, enjoying my new bed and cuddling up in the sheets. I was planning on sleeping in, that was until I heard my bedroom door open and close...followed by the other half of my bed sinking in. A arm soon wraps around my waist and pulls my back into their chest. When I take a deep breathe I can smell him. 

"Good morning Tae."

"Good morning my love," he said leaving a soft kiss on my neck. "Did I wake you up?"

"Yes. But I'm not complaining," I said with a slight giggle in my voice.

"You can go back to sleep. I just missed you, so I decided to sneak in here," he said still kissing my neck.

"How do you expect me to do that with you kissing my neck," I said in a joking tone.

"If you don't want me to kiss your neck you should turn around here and let me kiss your lips," he said trying to turn me around to face him.

"Absolutely not. I just woke up. I haven't had time to brush my teeth yet."

"Turn around here," he said still attempting to turn me around.

"Not happening."

"I love you Ella. I don't care to kiss you with smelly breath. In fact I want to kiss you with smelly breath."

"Ew, that's gross Tae," I said laughing at his comment.

"That's not gross. It's supposed to be sweet. It just proves that my love for you comes before your smelly morning breath. So turn around here and let me kiss you please."

I finally give into him and let him turn me around. When we are face to face I can't help but realize how cute he looks in the morning. When he starts to lean in I cover my mouth with my hand. Which results in a pouty face from Tae.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," I said in a muffle since my hand is on my mouth.

"Let me kiss you already dammit."

The second I remove my hand from my lips it is replaced with his lips. His lips feel soft against my own. As we lay here and kiss one another, I can't help but feel happy with my decision. I wouldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. Even though this all started out fake, I'm glad that something real was formed. 



Well...that is it. I know that this story probably didn't end the way that you guys were hoping for. However, I have been working on this story since 2019 when I was a freshman in high school. I have now graduated and feel as if this story needs to come to an end. At a certain spot in this story, I no longer knew what to write about. I still have a love for writing and have many new book ideas that are not fanfics. I'm hoping to have more writing time as well. If you stayed with me till the end of this story...thank you. I know it was probably a long 4 years for you. Ending this story feels like a new beginning for me. I hope you enjoyed The Fake Boyfriend, please keep watch for a new story and show it some love when you can.


Maria Kim Writes

The Fake Boyfriend [Taehyung FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now