Chapter 1: New school

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I groaned as I was waking up, I rolled over onto my back and heard my mom call out "Cassie get ready for school you don't want to be late the first day" her voice was full of happiness as I was groaning in bed. I had to force myself out of bed

"Why does school have to start so early now!"I half moaned half yelled at the direction of the door. I flopped onto the floor and layed on my back

"Cassie? Is everything okay?" I heard her voice had concern in it so I shouted

"Yup just fine don't worrie!" It was time for me to get to the shower, I walked into the bathroom witch was connected to my room, as the water was on I felt myself wake up and let the tiredness leave me. I sighed in relief, "finally a nice warm shower" I whispered to myself.

After I was done with my shower I had put on a new pair of clothes on not even careing about my hair being wet, I brushed my teeth right after, not long after my hair was almost completely dry.

"Mom! What time is it?" I shouted down the stairs well I fixed my hair to not look really messy anymore.

"Its 6:53, almost time to go" she said this unconcerned and sounded really happy, witch bafuld me at why she would be happy having to wake up so yearly. I walked downstairs and put my socks and shoes on.

"Socks and shoes?!" My mom yelled from the kitchen sounding a little more serious tone in her voice now.

"Done!" I yelled actually happy now, and thought to myself 'well now I know how she was happy', I got my back pack and started picking through it to make sure I had everything, "Mom were are the pencils?!"

"Top shelf in my room!" As she said this her serious tone left her voice and she sounded really happy again.

"Thanks!" I walked into her room and went to her dresser and grabbed the pencils off the top shelf, took 3 out and put them into my pocket, I put the case back on the top shelf and grabbed my back pack. As I walked into the kitchen I said "ready" smiling at my mom who was puting a sandwitch into a bag and giving it to me. I put the bag into my back pack and headed for the door.

"Cassie, contacts" my mom said in a half singing voice and half mocking.

"Oops almost forgot, thanks" I dropped my back pack and ran upstairs, I went into the bathroway and looked into the mirror puting in my green contacts. "Done!" I ran downstairs and grabbed my back pack and for into the car. After my mom got in the car I had to ask her

"Mooom" I said pulling the aw sound, I said it as inicently as I could

"What is it sweetie?" She said smiling looking in the rear view mirror

"First stop calling me sweety, annnd when can I get my hair dyed?" I tried to say it like a little kid to get her to say yes

"Wait until your 12, then you can dye your hair" she giggled with a smile as she said it

"Awwww, that's another 6 months though" I knew she would never change her mind but I had to try. She laughed a little bit but we were both silent the rest of the way. When we got to the school there was a man standing outside next to the door. I got outside the car and the man asked my name

"Hello, what is your name and what grade are you going to?" He had asked smiling the entire time witch I found creepy

"Cassie Roblen, sixth grade" I replied in the nicest way I could.

"Your with..." He paused as he searched the list taped to the door "Mr ordelo, go into the gym to the right as you entire please" He seemed to only stop smiling when looking at the list, I know this guy creeps me out but I feel like he is important. As I walked into the gym there were people on both sides but one side had a paper thatdrift '5th' and the other read '6th' I walked over to the side with the 6 and I sat in a place were no one else was.

I had leaned back agents the wall and let my mind drift, then they started calling names witch people were lining up then once they called "Mr Ordelo" I stood up and walked into line. We started leaving and we went up a staircase to the top floor and to the right with a door numberd 416 I sat down in the back and started to doodle in my notebook school ended as fast as it began and my mom was outside in the car so I got in and she started home.

"How was your first day?" She was smiling but I could tell by her voice she was tired.

"Good we didn't do much but I spent some time doodling in my notebook" I said it happily because I did have a good first day.

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