Chapter 8: Telling my mom

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In the morning I had woken up and Jacob was still asleep. I looked around my room and seen the clock said 3:00 am it was always satisfying to see the time was at an exact number like that for some weird reason. I had started shaking Jacob lightly by his shoulder

"Wake up Jacob" I said it in such a soft voice I thought he would never be able to wake up like that but then he moaned and sat up slowly.

"Huh?" He was still very tired and started rubbing his eyes as he did so I had kissed him on the cheek. He leaned back and then smiled.

"Still tired?" I said to him "well go back to sleep if your tired" I had said this getting up off the bed

"No, its fine" he said sounding even more tied then ever "So wait, about last night-

"Don't think you need to apologize, last night was perfect" after I said this he started smiling

"You like me?" I couldn't see his face because I was heading towards the bathroom but I knew he had to be turning red, I gave a slight giggle knowing he would get the message.

After my shower I had went onto the new laptop I got looking over at the PS4 I don't want to wake my mom up and its to early to ride my bike' I thought to myself then turning back towards the computer going on and playing some games. After a few minutes I stood back up and stretched, then Jacob came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, I pulled away from him after that

"No, bad Jacob" we bothed started laughing so hard after I said that, I got back up off my bed and looked over at Jacob who was smiling over at me.

"Anything to do this early?" Jacob asked trying to think of something to do scratching the back of his head.

"Yup follow me" After I said that I ran out and he started to follow me. As I rushed down the stairs I head him whisper

"Were are we going?" As he said that all I had said was you'll see' I went out the door into the back yard and stopped at a tree waiting for Jacob to catch up to me when he got there I smiled then started climbing the tree the branch I was in was just above the hight Jacob could reach so I had reached down to grab his hand and pull him up but after I grabbed it he wasn't as light as I predicted and I was only able to pull him up a foot but luckily he grabbed hold of a branch and pulled himself up.

"Jacob you need to learn how to climb trees" I usually mocked him with that before and we both just laughed at that. After awhile of talking we had went back inside. I glanced over at the clock witch said 4:31

"Are you usually up this early?" I nodded at Jacob who seemed surprised at how early I'm usually up I heard my mom getting up after that so I went upstairs with Jacob. As I was up there I told him to give me a minute to put my contacts in, I went into the bathroom and had started putting my contacts in.

After that I came outside the bathroom and went down stairs to eat and Jacob followed. I had grabbed some cereal and pored a bowl for myself handing Jacob the box and a bowl as I got the milk out of the fridge. I poured milk into my cereal then started eating and Jacob did the same, after we finished eating we had went upstairs Jacob had asked if he could use the computer and I said yes he could. I flopped down onto the bed and started to think to myself

"What are you doing?" I turned to see Jacob smiling at my from the computer

"Just thinking, I do it a lot when I've got nothing to do, that or I start doogling" I had said it in such a plain way it seemed weird to hear.

"Alright, well what do you usually think about?" I could here the curiosity rising in his voice and I looked up at the ceiling

"Just stuff...its not that big of a deal" I had started thinking again and Jacob didn't bother me during the time.

Later in the day we heard my mom start walking around downstairs and I had looked up and smiled over at Jacob

"Do we say anything?" I was smiling and trying to make it sound like I wanted to tell her

"Ya I guess she is going to know anyways" Jacob said sounding skeptical of telling her

I got up and staryed walking towards the door and Jacob caught up and started walking beside me

"Moooom!" I shouted down the stairs "I got something to say!" I was at the bottom of the stairs when I finished saying it and then I walked into the kitchen Jacob following behind

"What is it?" She had asked me still obviously tired

"Well yesyerday Jacob gave me his present" I had said sounding happy and giving a big smile

"What was it?" She asked and then looked over at Jacob and smiled

"It was the best thing that I had started smiling and I could tell my mom was to tied for joking "He kissed me last night and now were starting to date" I seen my moms eyes widen with happiness, fear, and sadness

"What? Cassie are you really?!" She sounded worried witch was confusing me as to why she would be worried

"Yes we are" I said my voice sounding a little confused at the moment "is there something wrong?"

"No nothing is wrong its fine, I'm happy that you are dating Jacob now" she had started smiling but it was easy to tell it was a fake smile and I went back to my room with Jacob.

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