Chapter 4: The dream

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I woke up in the morning and started getting ready for school I looked at the clock 7:45, advisory was just starting now and I was going to be late for school all of a sudden I was at school in class. I looked around and seen Alex next to me I tried talking to him but I couldn't say anything. The next thing I knew a was on top of a building Alex and Anny were there as well, Anny left us but didn't say why.

I woke up and felt weird was that a dream? I glanced at the clock which read 6:25 so I had done everything normally took a shower, brushed my teeth and all it had been 4 months since school started and ever since Anny started hanging out Joseph hardly ever bothers us now.
When I got to school I told Alex about the dream

"I had woken up and got ready for school but then I was at school in advisory we didn't talk at all the whole time, and before I knew it we all were on a roof and Anny left but after that I had really woken up" I explained all that I could remember to him, I was completely puzzled.

"Thats weird" Alex had replied with a small chuckle I could see he was puzzled as well even though he was smiling.

"Well a dreams a dream" I said trying to make a joke of it giving a fake laugh, I seen him laugh as well but I could tell it was a fake laugh as well

Later I told Anny about the dream and then she just smiled and told me to follow her we told Alex that we would be right back and she dragged me into the bathroom

"Cassie you need to answer this question without liying" she had said it in a rush and I couldn't tell what was going through her mind

"Do you like Alex?" She had asked me and started smiling

"Of course I do I've known him for awhile now and he is one of my best friends" then it hit me, what Anny was really trying to ask me "Nooo" I said right after, and seen her roll her eyes and her smile fade away

"Hey Alex" I said as I sat back down at the table, I had a fake smile at the time though

"Hey Cassie" he had said cheerfully back at me having one of his big smiles on

We all talked throughout lunch then lunch ended and we had to get back to class, I went back to math class and started continuing on my work, during last class I had helped the teacher out and put up any chairs that anyone didn't put up. As I was leaving Anny ran up to me and said

"Hey Cassie, I just got a question for you" she said well smiling and panting

"Its not like the question you asked earlyer is it?" I said it in a taunting way

"No not at all, its just what street do you live on?" She asked sounding nervous

"Fendel street, Why?" I asked her as I started walking and she started walking too

"That's the same street I live on!" She yelled it out loud and I could just feel the eyes staring "Cassie you have to come over this weekend" she seemed really exited and was practically screeching

"Okay okay, I'll come over just calm down" we both started laughing after I said that

When I got home I called out to my mom
"Mom! Can I go over to a friends house this weekend!" As I yelled it I put my back pack down and heard here call back

"Do I know this friend?!" She called back at me

"Yes, its Anny that wants me to visit she lives down the street!" I yelled out to here and then I heard her call back

"Yes you can go over to Anny's house during the weekend" Yes I thought to myself I didnt think that she would say yes that easily.

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