Chapter 14 : A problem

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It was mid after noon on Thursday a month after my dad moved back in we were all in school except John who was sick and Jacob who was let out early when we got the news...

I was getting ready for school and Jacob had come up from behind me and hugged me which had startled me and I jumped back a little

Jacob had giggled a little at this "No need to be scard its only me"

"I know you just surprised me, I didn't expect you to hug me"

Jacob started to scratch the back of his head and smiled "Well you got me there"

I finished up getting ready and Jacob had surprised me a few more times but the other time just with little screechs that made me jump. Once I was ready with everything I went into the car, Jacob and my mom soon followed. I talked to Jacob the whole ride to school and when we got into the gym we saw Alex and Anny but John wasn't there.

"Hey guys where's John?"

Alex looked over at me "probably sick"

It took me a minute to answer "Ya your right"

We all started talking ever now and then forgets John is gone but then remembering. Advisory started and I sat down and started talking to Alex



"I wanted to ask this before but... Why were you mad when I started dating Jacob?"

Alex started stuttering "well I-I... I just... I just didn't really expect it I... I had just met Jacob an-and... didn't think about how you knew him for so long" I had known that Alex liked me now but I decided to play along so I wouldn't embarrass him. "Could we not talk about it"

"Okay, I won't ask again"

We talked for the rest of advisory but I didn't mention when he got mad before. Advisory seemed like it went on for hours and so did the classes up until lunch, we all sat there talking. It seemed like today was moving in slow motion with how long every thing seemed, we heard some police cars go by the school and Alex joked around ducking under the table saying they were coming for him and we all laughed except Jacob who had gotten out early.
It was English class and I was just doodling instead of doing my work, all of a sudden my phone buzzed and I looked at it it was from John and it said

-you have to get to the market by your house jacob is in trouble

I couldn't help it I had to see what was happening, I ran out of the class and sprinted down the hall and out to the market. When I got there police were all over and I seen John, Anny, and Alex but I didn't see Jacob.

"Guys what's wrong?!"

When I got to them I seen that they were crying "Jacob got shot" Alex had said it right when I got to them

"WHAT?!" I was so worried and wounded if it was fatal, were had he been shot, how was he shot.

I looked over their soulders and caught a glimpse of Jacob on a stretcher being put into an ambulance. I ran right through everyone and went up to the ambulance to try and see but I was grabbed and pulled back. After the ambulance left I seen someone was being taken away in a police car, I ran home after and Alex came in my room as I sat on my bed with my head hidden behind my knees and arms.

"Cassie" I heard Alex speak in a soft voice and I looked up to meet his gaze and tried to speak through my sobs


"Are you doing alright?" He sat next to me and wrapped one arm around me

"I'm fine don't worry" but I knew that it was impossible for him to think I was alright, I had just found out Jacob was shot and just thought Who could even shoot such a sweet guy

Alex had helped me lay down and told me I should go to sleep but I couldn't go to sleep, not after Jacob was shot.

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