Chapter 15: Gone and done

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I was laying in bed when I felt someone touch my shoulder

"I'm not asleep"

"How you doing?" The voice was soft and I couldn't make out who's it was

"Fine...juuust fine"

"I know your upset but you don't have to act like that" I had turned around to see that Alex and Anny where sitting on the bed next to me. I had pulled the covers over me so I didn't have to talk to them, I didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Cassie... Don't be like that, come on"

"Just go away I'll be down later" I wasn't planning on going down later or ever again. When they left I sat up and looked around, everything was silent, I stood up and walked over to sit in the chair near the computer. I started to think and just hope that Jacob was going to be alright, when I heard a knock on my door I said I didn't want to talk but then my mom and dad had just come in anyways

"Why knock if you were going to come in anyways"

"Where sorry we just wanted to see if you wanted to come and visit Jacob later"

My eyes shot open "please let me come with you!" I had shouted this and knew that everyone in and around my house would have heard it

"Alright sweety you'll see him later" I wasn't even bothered that they called me sweety I was to sad and exited to see Jacob at the hospital.

Later that day when I was ready to go to the hospital to see Jacob my mom, dad, and me where all in the car going to visit him when Alex and Anny came up and got in the back seat. The way there they tried to talk to me but I stayed silent and they gave up then started talking to eachother. We got there not long after we left and it took a little while for us to see Jacob

When we got in the room I seen Jacob on one of the hospital beds and I ran up to him but didn't touch him so I would not hurt him, I seen that there were bandages going around his waist "JACOB!" As I got to him he turned his head towards me

His voice was just a wisper as he talked "hey Cassie" he had tried to smile to me or at least I think he did

"Jacob I love you... please be alright"

"I'm fine Cassie I think I'll be out in a week"

"Oh I hope that you are Jacob" I wanted to hug him so badly but I knew it would hurt his side


"Yes Jacob?"

"I'll see you when I get out of hear I love you sweety and I can't wait to be home with you"

At this point I could tell I was crying at the sight of him like that after a few minutes of silence the heart moneter went still, doctors pushed in and surrounded him they we're all talking and I couldn't make out what any of them where saying then we where guided out of the room. After a few minutes or more than a few minutes a docter came out and told all of us that Jacob had died.

I seen that everyone was crying but no one as much as I was I had ran out of the hospital and tried to run home. As I ran the last words he said to me kept going through my head "I'll see you when I get out of hear I love you sweety and I can't wait to be home with you" After awhile my parents had caught up to me with the car and I knew that it would be better if I had gotten the ride home.

When we got there I just ran upstairs into my room just leting myself cry until I couldn't anymore. I heard a knock on my door and looked over at the clock wondering what time it was 2:30 am why where they knocking so early in the morning to talk to me. After a few minutes John had walked into my room

"Cassie how you holding up?" he said it as he walked over to my bed and I just looked at him

"Come on Cassie you can talk" I knew I had to say something because he wouldn't stop until I said something to him

"Horrible... I'm doing horrible"

"Is there anything that I could do to help?"

"Bring Jacob back from the dead" I had said it so plainly like I didn't care what he did "could I just be alone"

"Okay I'll leave" he got up and started for the door

"Wait...why did you come here so early?"

He had stoped in his tracks and scratched his neck "I left to come here as soon as I got the news" he had walked out of the room and I was left in silence except my faint sobs. After a few hours had passed and I thought I knew that I didn't want to like anyone else and I was just going to stop showing my emotions, I didn't want to love anyone other than Jacob and I didn't want people to see me like this anymore.

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