Chapter 3: Another friend?

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Today when I woke up I didn't even check the time I had just gotten ready for school. After I was ready I rememberd the kid from yesterday Wasn't his name Alex? I was hoping he would be there today and looking at the time 7:02 if I was going to walk I had to leave now. I was heading out the door to school and a cool breeze blew through the air, I continued to the school without stopping, I got there on time and went into the gym were I sat in my normal spot and Alex noticed me and walked over to me so we talked as normally his face still managing to give a better smile each time

My eyes darted across the room looking back and forth trying to see someone that would be coming over to talk to Alex, someone like Alex should have lots of friends he's such a sweet kid,

"Alex, who else do you hang out with?" I said this with a smile and looked at Alex

"Just you" his voice wasn't as high as normal and he was starting to turn a bright shade of pink and looking down

"Its not like that Alex you don't to be embarrassed" as I said it a small giggle escaped my mouth but I tried to stop sigh "I've only been here one other day" Alex said in a voice softer then normal that means he started going to this school the day after that explains why I didn't see him the first day

"So you missed the first day of school" I asked this with curiosity in my voice.

"Yes, I didn't come the first day, I over slept and my dad let me stay home" he started sounding nervous and his smile was fading away

"That's nothing to be embbarased about, but how come you haven't talked to anyone else" when I said that I tilded my head slightly to the side trying to get an answer faster

"Well I am but I wa-" he was suddenly cut off by a teachers voice

"Time for advisorys" he nearly shouted, as a started getting up I seen Alex give a silent sigh why didn't he want to say why? Is all I thought as going to my homeroom.
When I got there Alex was sitting in the seat he sat in yesterday and I sat in the sane seat I sat in

"Hey, Alex what were you going to say back there?" I said puting a smile on my face wanting to know

"Well... I didn't say hi to someone else first because I seen that you were not with anyone so I had went over to make friends with you, everyone needs friends to talk too" as he said it he put I big smile on his face and I laughed a little bit

"So you thought i didn't have any friends?" I giggled a little bit and waited for his answer

"What no that's not what I men-" He was scratching the back of his head nervously

"I know what you ment I was just messing with you" I told him and couldn't help but smile
After awhile of talking first class started and we left for it. I had math first then I would be in English class then lunch came. "Hey Alex" I said as he sat down at the lunch table while I was doodling in my notebook.

"Hey Cassie, how ar-"he was forced to start stop as someone said something as they came right up to the table

"Hey look eight year old and dumb blondie sitting at a table" he said as he leaned agents the table looking from Alex to me, I wanted to do nothing more then punch the kid right in his teeth as his smile showed some crooked teeth.

"You know that I'm eleven and Cassie isn't dumb" Alex blurted out sounding iritated with no smile, I just tried to duck me head trying not to be noticed

"Oh really then, if you were eleven then you wouldn't be do dumb and if she was smart she would have known what to say" he looked at Alex smiling a develish smile, Alex seen me nodding no as he curled his hands into firsts, he had sat back down

"You got anything to say Blondie?" He looked over at me with crossed arms smiling just as he was before

"Nope, don't want to get into some stupid fight like a dumbass, but obviously you've been in plenty" I said as calmly as I called

"Oh so I'm a dumbass am I?" He snarled at me with hatred in his voice

"Ya you are Joseph" a voice came from behind me as I turned around there was a girl behind me with half a smile on her face "oh you going to say people with brown here are stupid now? And in case you didnt notice your hair is brown" she crossed her arms and stared at him, it was as if she looked into his soul and told him to leave because he had just left after that.

"Hey my name is Anny" she said with an outstretched hand towards me, I had shaken here hand

"Nice to meet you Anny" I said as we let go she then shook hands with Alex

"Ya nice to meet you" Alex said smiling

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