Chapter 7: Birth day + special gift

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I woke up in the morning and stretched I didn't feel tied for once and I was in a good mood today but I couldn't tell why mabye its because its Saturday? I got in the shower and then got dressed not bothering to brush my teeth today. As I sat back up I remembered what day it was How could I have been so stupid its my birth day that's why I'm in a good mood I started downstairs and was heading to the kitchen to go and get breakfast and when I was going into the living room witch my kitchen is on the other side of

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone jumped out and were all smiling I had given a smile back to them all

"Thanks guys" I said with my smile growing, I went over to Alex, Anny, and Jacob and started talking, after awhile we all had cake but like every year I have to blow out candles in the cake Does everyone do this I know that it stops after one point but does everyone do that? The cake was vanilla and had red frosting on the edges near the bottom and green frosting along the edges of the top and in the center of the top it said, in blue frosting, Happy Birthday Cassie'

After I started to get gifts from almost everyone, Alex got me a bike, Anny had got me a brand new laptop, my mom got me a PS4 and Alex's and Anny's parents got me games for it.

I plugged the PS4 into my TV then put then put the games ontop of the cable box then put the laptop on my desk after that I put the bike in the back hallway. When i came back I started talking to everyone

"Jacob where's your present?" Alex had asked Jacob looking at him with a curious face

"I can't give it now but I will later" as he said that he sounded nervous and was smiling awkwardly. He just didn't have the money to get me one but I understood and just smiled at him to show that it was alright.

Later that day I told everyone that I'd be right back, I was going to go and get my hair dyed but I didn't tell any of them.

When I got back they all were amazed to see me with light blue hair. Anny had said that I looked good with blue hair but Alex and Jacob just kept staring at it, after I laughed at how dumbfound they looked they snapped back to reality.

We all started talking but Alex and Jacob kept looking over at my hair every once in a awhile. When everyone started leaving Alex had left with his patents, after which Anny left with her parents then Jacob had went to the bathroom, he was going to stay over the night instead of going home. His parents left as he was gone in the bathroom though. When he got back we started talking.

It was starting to get late and I had joked around with Jacob

"So when am I getting my gift you said i would get it later" I laughed after I said that and had finished brushing my teeth

"Right here" when I turned around Jacob had kissed me and it felt like ages as it happened but when he pulled away I didn't want him to I had a weird feeling but I liked the feeling. He jumped into the bed and covers himself from view but I didn't move from were I was standing when I finally did a had sat down next to Jacob and then kissed him on the cheek and laid down on my bed.

When I fell asleep I could just tell that Jacob had the biggest smile ever.

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