Chapter 3~~ sunset shimmer

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*Violet's POV*

I gleamed pridefully to Star's idea. The day after the celebration, I called everyone back to the everfree to discuss the plan.

The meeting began with my introduction, "Alright, let's begin. During the preparation for mom's birth anniversary,Starlight thought of a brilliant plan to keep the source of unicorn active. Star?"

I lent the spotlight to Star, who didn't listen until now, while everyone's attention was drawn to her.

"Oh, sorry. Anyways, just like Violet said, I've thought of a plan to help magic go on, even after the element was destroyed.

Violet will head to the portal going straight to the human world. Since Rosy gave her dark magic, it won't disappear when she gets there. She'll confront sunset shimmer and instruct her to head back to Equestria, sounds good?"

Everypony agreed, well...except of course Dad. He objected, saying it was too dangerous to come back there. I told him it was gonna be okay, it wasn't easy, but I got to explain.

~~~the next day. Time- 4:00am~~

This is it. I'm heading to the human world. I'm scared if I don't fit in right, I'm even more scared if I don't find Sunset Shimmer on time.

Starlight and Meteor were there to watch me. The rest were probably still in bed, I don't mind.

As soon as I went in, the next blink it took, I was in. It's the human world. Technically Earth.

When I stood up ( yes my brain had the courage the stand up right in the human world), the whole gang was here.

Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, even Applejack and Rarity. And there she was, leaning on a statue, Sunset shimmer.

As soon as they noticed me, everyone had their eyes widened. Sunset Shimmer held my shoulders sternly,

"Excuse me, ma'am. But we heard a giant explosion that might've been from Equestria. At least answer my question, are you related to Twilight Sparkle?"

I nodded, "I'm her eldest child."

Everyone looked at each other shockingly, asking each other the same question.

"Wow...does time fly that fast in Equestria? We're only colleagues and Twilight already has an 18 year old daughter."

"Who's the dad?" Human Pinkie asked curiously.

"Flash Sentry, of course. Why? Is the human Flash here?"

Rainbow dash frowned, "He...died of a plane crash with human Twilight..."

I sighed, "oh..."

Sunset gave all of them worried looks, then turning around, asking me,

"Do you know where she is now?"

I was hesitant. I felt my soul trembling. I fell on the ground. I was kneeling as I began tearing up slowly, muttering whispers,

"I didn't cry at her death...I didn't cry at her death..."

Sunset bent down, "Are you okay?"

I looked up, pressing my lips infuriatingly, "'s just... That explosion was a battle against mom and Rosy Gunpoint."

Sunset Shimmer widened her eyes in shock while the others just looked confused.

Rarity asked, "who is this Rosy Gunpoint?"

Sunset shimmer replied with a worried, and haunted tone. Probably of distress if you ask me.

"Rosy Gunpoint is the most powerful being in existence. She consists of so called dark magic which is more powerful than even friendship. Anyone who's able to defeat Rosy...dies with her as well..."

She hesitated, tears began falling from her eyes as she realized, "which means...Twilight's dead..."

Everyone began crying in sadness, well so did I. Everyone...except Rainbow Dash. She was pissed off, I guess.

She smashed her fist on her hand furiously, "we have to defeat Rosy at her own game!"

I sighed disappointingly, "Rainbow Dash... The radiation of the dark magic Is too powerful for even Rosy to handle. So she's dead as well."

Sunset looked impressed, "'re a smart girl. What's your name?"

"Violet S. Sentry. And Sunset, I'm the only unicorn left in Equestria. And the power of magic can't last of I'm alone. And since you were Celestia's former student, you must be powerful as well.

I need you to go back to Equestria and help me restore magic in Eqestria. I'm sorry if you have to leave your friends but if we don't do this, Equestria's tiny population will soon be gone."

She let go of my shoulders and rubbed the back of her neck nervously,

"I'll do it...for Twilight. When do we leave?"

"First thing tomorrow. So prepare."

Trying to Move On (Flashlight sequel) (on hiatus and writer's blockWhere stories live. Discover now