Chapter 12- escape

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*Dawn's POV*

Rosy was able to transport us back to the everfree before even a second. And she as well informed everyone else about what happened and what they were supposed to do.

When we arrived, the first thing we did was ask the others where Violet was. But the answer they gave was...rather unexpected...

It was more of an explanation, if you ask me. From Sunset Shimmer. And here's what she said,

"I was the first to wake up in the morning, along with Applejack. She went off to search for more food while I was going to talk to Violet.

But when I reached to her tent, she wasn't there. I looked everywhere, and woke everyone else to help find her. I also noticed Pinkie Pie was gone. Then there was the point when I gave up and just used my head.

But...I couldn't believe what I saw. Violet escaped out of the everfree, with unconscious Pinkie at her back. and she went to this...unknown place. I couldn't find the details of that place because a forcefield blocks any telepathic contact.

And then there it came to me, when I once again searched on Violet's tent. I saw a note, it said,

'Dear Sunset Shimmer, and all of you as well,

All the sorries come to you all as I do this, but...I have to leave you all, forever. You will not understand, even if I try to explain. You will all still fight back.

I don't bring offense to any of you, but what you are all's very pointless. They can kill us all without fighting back. No matter how hard you do so.

But I will always protect you. Even if I'm not there. You will never be alone. I'm leaving because I want all of you to be safe. And for my parents to be free from the evil ones.

And though I will never come back, I will never forget you all. ~Violet Stormskies"

"What's the reason she needed to leave in the first place anyways?" Rainbow Dash complained to her fire-haired friend.

"I didn't get the story yet..." Sunset mumbled, placing her good on her head with her eyes tightly closed. We all got to see and understand what happened.

*time lapse*
*Violet's POV*

I was peacefully laying on my bed as I called it a night. But once again, I couldn't sleep in peace...or at all. My eyes were wide open, I couldn't close them.

I sighed desperately as I heard Rainbow Dash and Applejack, sparring outside. I still don't get why they still want to fight even when they just saw Rarity's head just lying on the ground hours ago.

But I wouldn't mind, if this so what they want to do, then this is what they're going to do. I was then interrupted when I heard a piece of paper fly inside my tent.

I turned to the front of my tent as I saw a note (A/N: I apologize if there are too much letters in this chapter, probably cause there were none in the last xD anyways, just continue reading) I begin to read it,

"My dear Violet

It seems like my patience is slowly drifting away. It seems like time flies fast, if I were to say so myself...

I need you to go here with your Pinkie Pie friend, you have until midnight to fulfill this bet. If not, your friends shall perish before your eyes.

May it be even for us all, unlike it was before... ~Serendipity"

Tears fell from my desperate eyes after reading this letter. There was no escape for this plan, so I have no choice to choose and escape from this team.

I took my pouch and ran as fast as I could. But I hesitated when my eye caught Pinkie Pie. I cast a sleep spell at Pinkie Pie and made her rest behind my back. I disappeared as fast as I could.

I appeared at the entrance of Serendipity's cave. I detected Sunset Shimmer looking for me. Tears streamed from my eyes once more as I whispered upon my breath, "I'm sorry..."

I entered the lair. And I found the three staring at me, as if they knew I was really coming. And then I realized, they did.

Serendipity's eyes grew white. I turned to check if Pinkie Pie was okay, and there I found Serendipity has already turned her into Pinkamena.

"Take a seat." She smiled.

My eye was raised to her polite response. Why is she so polite all of a sudden? I swiftly shook my head and sat like she said.

"So what do you want me to do?" I sighed again.

"We have to move away from this place." Pistol pressed her lips.

"But...won't my family look for me?" I asked.

"Not if they don't remember you..." Nuclear added.

I turned my head hesitantly, "wh-what...?"

Serendipity sighed while slowly shaking her head in an explanation, "It's...our routine. If we complete a mission, we have to wipe out every memory of theirs that involves the alpha. Then we move out."

"This can't happen..." I breathed heavily, walking around in circles, "Does this mean I will never be able to see them, ever again?"

"Yes. If you want to keep them safe that is..."

I thought for one moment. I had two choices. It was for them to remember be and die, or forget all about me and live. And then I already knew now...what my choice should be.

"I'll do it. For the safety of my family. And for the freedom of my parents."

"Oh that reminds me..." She lit her horn, must've let my parents go.

It went back to normal after a few seconds. And then light brightly again, and that must've been their memories wiped. The third time it lit was when we finally disappeared from Equestria.

Before disappearing, a small tear shed from my eye, and stained on the cave ground. And I wish that tear will never come out, for it is my only memory of that.

Trying to Move On (Flashlight sequel) (on hiatus and writer's blockTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang