Chapter 4~~ something's gonna happen

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*Sunset's POV*

It was the day I left my home planet. One part of me just doesn't wanna leave anyone behind, the other's willing to help and has no regrets for Violet's plan.

I bit my lip nervously as I just finished packing my bags, my electronics were supposed to be left behind. Because Violet gave me this...complicated reason.

She said the radiation that came from the battle is still currently spreading through the oxygen. Any form of electronic strengthens the radiation, causing an explosion as powerful as last time, chances even stronger.

Violet's a smart person. She's just like her mom, only smarter. She's lucky she didn't get any inherited similarities with her father. Because that'll cause her knowledge at waste.

It's like even if her mother married someone else, she'd still be born. She doesn't get any similar features from her dad, which of course makes her very useful.

I'll be completely honest with my opinion. I don't see Flash as a good dad. He has the same similarities as the human Flash that made Twilight cry. Twilight deserves better than this. She really does.

And plus, Violet told me he wasn't taking his responsibility so seriously. He's really bummed out about Twilight's death. Won't accept the fact it was time to move on.

I brought my three backpacks to the living room, where Violet was silently looking at my high-school photo album.

She was at that page when we had that "battle of the bands" thing. She didn't tear up anymore, she just stayed quiet.

I spoke up, "Ready to leave?"

She tilted her head at my direction, turning her head away after noticing it was me.

"Yeah, are you sure you have all your belongings?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I'm sure."

We began walking to the school. Violet informed she wasn't really used to using a car.

Violet began a conversation, "So...who was that girl in the middle? The one with the star tattoo on her eye?"

"Oh...that was your mother."

She raised an eyebrow, "Really? Wow...she looks so young and cheery."

I smiled "She was a pretty happy woman that time. Even when the human Flash let her down one time."

She pressed her lips disappointingly, "I heard about that story. And I wasn't really happy about it."

I sighed, "Your dad was pretty pissed off. And he wasn't even under hypnosis when he scolded at her. No, he did that with his own will."

She hissed, "And at my mom's death, he still looked for five years. I can't believe he's being this aggressive."

"Not just aggressive, he used to have his self esteem at the top of his goals. He also has a few irresponsibilities."

She nodded in agreement, "He's taking life too far, in general. Yeah, I know."

The short conversation ended by the time we arrived. I already said goodbye to my friends. So we both jumped to the portal.

After a few seconds to teleportation, we finally arrived at...the everfree?

All of a sudden a young mare pounced at Violet, shrieking worriedly, "VI VI VI!!!"

Violet gently pushed her away, asking curiously, "What's going on, Star?"

The mare, better known as Star, began panting dramatically,

"There was this goth stallion who appeared from the wind and began controlling the five elements: wind, water, earth, air and metal. He was a dark avatar. He was good at searching but we were lucky not to be found.

I asked confusingly, "wha-"

"And then there was this light Aqua skinned, dark-haired mare who just came out of the sky and made knives and pistol blades out of the hard ground. She was making all the objects float. She was like a Phoenix."

I scratched my head, "Excuse me but-"

"And then the last mare put a spell of brightness on us to blind us from the things she was doing. She was almost as powerful as Rosy Gunpoint."

Violet's eyes widened, she covered her face, muttering, "No...No...this can't happen."

"What? What's gonna happen?" I asked.

She turned her head at me worriedly, saying coldly, "Rosy's descendants have arrived in Equestria."

Trying to Move On (Flashlight sequel) (on hiatus and writer's blockWhere stories live. Discover now