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           Service was at ten. A chauffeur was already outside waiting for Vivian to get ready. Things had changed quickly around here. More guards and more watching. Watching her movements and moments.

It'd been two weeks and no news had come from Meso. Another maid had replaced her in the section where Vivian's care was involved.

It was disheartening to let a new maid, a total stranger into her home and cook her meals. Most times, she would stop her right at the door and pick her food right off the tray on her palms.

           "Not even a call, even tinny tiny flashing eh?" She asked the mirror where she was applying her very basic makeup of simple eyeliner and nude lipstick.

Her flowery yellow Ankara dress flowed to her knees and a thread-like belt wedged at the center. She didn't see any need for it. With a ridiculous weight of a hundred and five pounds, she cursed her prominent clavicle bone sticking out her neck.

         Since the invasion of her biweekly nightmares, food has become her enemy. It was the constant feeling of nausea and dizziness at all times that made the situation worse.

Her beautiful brown eyes fell on the tablets on the left. Two pills of Dramamine sat on the bathroom sink.

Scooping and dropping them into her mouth, she swallowed hard after forcing a full glass of water down her throat to wash It down. There would be no excuse to embarrass her parents today. She mumbled under her breath.

After putting the finishing touches on her face, she rinsed her hands and wiped her bathroom floor.

With a quick scan, her gaze fell on a medium cooler beside the bathroom cabinet. She opened it tossed the well-wrapped blob into the container and covered it.

Not satisfied that it would stay in place, she placed a huge stone above it. Silently, she sent quick thanks to Zack who helped find the stone.

Satisfied that her demons wouldn't escape before she got back, she stepped into her silver flat sandals and walked into her sitting room.

From her window, the frustrated chauffeur whose restlessness could be seen by a blind man, stood beside a Honda Highlander, tapping his foot impatiently.

            "I am so sorry,  It took this amount of time to get ready. You know women and their beauty obsessions." She tried to explain.

            "That's fine madam." The chauffeur responded an angry mask covering his face.
Not waiting for more word exchanges, he drove off, stepping on the gas with precision.

Service was already in session when they arrived. Sounds of Worship boomed through the speakers and filtered outside as the car came to a stop at the parking lot.

           "We are here ma," Hezekiah said, opening the owner's door for Vivian.

A frown crossed her face as she looked at the old man who had been with them for years.

"Pa Hezekiah," she began, not quite sure how to pass this simple message across....again.
"Co...could y..ou?" Her stammering tongue wouldn't get out of the way for words to flow.

The older man's brows came together in confusion but still determined to understand what she wanted to say.

Vivian shoved her foot out of the car and stood to face the man. "Please, could you please, please..." Her palms cupped up like she was about to say a prayer. "Could you drop the 'ma' anytime you want to address me? For Christ's sake," her hands fell on her sides, trying to decipher the old man's confused expression.

IF I WERE YOU.    (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now