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The house was eerily quiet for days. People walked about like zombies, afraid to speak to each other. It felt as though a cloud of doom hung over the house.

Pa Deji, tired of the demonic atmosphere that hovered over Bishop's court decided to take shelter in one of the apartments in 'Priests Haven'.
This was his Seventh day with the Maitamas, and it seemed as though the work he came too do was bigger than him.

       "Father, take this assignment away from me, for it is way heavier for me to do." Pa Deji cried unto God in his bedroom.

This became his prayers when he realized that Bishop Maitama's family was a hydra snake with many heads. As he's cutting one off, the others emerge.

         The multifarious nature of the situation was too difficult to handle. The root of the problem seemed to evade him every time he tried to figure it out.
And the family had been less forthcoming since the Bishops league bombarded them with threats.
His tears fell on the pillow that supported his chest. A cramp was coming on in his legs, he wished it away. Right there in his room, he'd been kneeling for hours.

           At this point he didn't know what else to pray about. He just laid there in silence, waiting to hear from God.
His entourage of twelve men were beginning to get restless. The journey was never meant to last this long.

All he wanted to do was come and help the family as God instructed him.  But here they were, right into the seventh day and nothing was happening, yet God had refused to release him to leave.

         "What else do you want me to do oh Lord?" Even the men you sent with me are beginning to loose hope. Please say something, bring direction." He whimpered again as the praying voices of the men dwindled.
Everyone of them had been fasting for the past three days, yet more chaos kept erupting from everywhere.

          Minutes passed by before he got to his feet and went to rinse his face. "Anoint them and lay hands on them." The voice spoke.

Pa Deji didn't have to ask questions. He knew what to do. He swirled around and grabbed his anointed oil, went into the living area and anointed the men who had suddenly fallen asleep.
Having fulfilled that instruction, he went back to wash his face.

After rinsing his mouth, he took a different praying position, sitting on the floor with his back resting on the bed frame. The night had already been covered by thick darkness. He did few worship before he dozed off on the floor.

A Hand tapped him. "Tell him to Show you his son's room."  The image of the speaker disappeared before he could capture the face.
Quickly, he rose to his feet and ordered his boys to take him to Bishop's court.

Kaima and Bishop were relaxing in the living area when Pa Deji was let into the house. The couple rose to their feet at the presence of the Pastor.

         "Good morning Pastor Joshua." Bishop greeted, bowing.

Pa Deji stood in place and returned his greetings. "Good morning. I know its pretty early. 12:45am, he muttered as he glanced at his smart watch. But I need to see your sons room.

        "Now?" A puzzled Bishop asked, looking from his wife to the man of God.
       "Yes, now!" Pa Deji responded without mincing words.
       "I don't think that will be possible. As you know Kelechi is still recovering at the hospital."
         "Do you not have a spare key to his room?"
Bishop nodded. "I do."
        "Then lets get there."
        "Zack!...... Zack!" Bishop called. A ruffled Zack ran into the living area. "Get the spare key to Kelechi's living quarters."

The young man nodded and raced out of the room. In a moment of time, he returned with the entire key bunch of Kelechi's quarters.

        "Here are the keys." He dangled them in the air as Zack handed them over to him.
Pa Deji nodded. "Please lead the way."

IF I WERE YOU.    (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now