Chapter 20 / Arc 4 / Chapter 2

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Standing patiently at the Reef, Black Pearl felt as if she had nothing to do. Her former owner, a Fern Agate, had abandoned her, so she found herself wandering into the Pearson Reef in hopes of finding a new owner. She had hesitantly strutted over to the reception desk, where a tidy pink Magnetite was waiting for her. She leaned back in the chair she was sitting in, and stretched her top two limbs.

Doing a quick yawn, Magnetite leaned back up and looked at the Black Pearl in front of her. "I assume your looking for an owner." assumed the Magnetite. "Y-yes, indeed, m-my Magnetite," stuttered Black Pearl. She began to think, "What a stuttering mess I am! Nobody will want me if I keep stuttering," She was swooped from her thoughts when Magnetite spoke again. "Please head to Platform A2J-B in Building B," The code names for the platforms were unnecessarily complicated in Pearl's opinion.

Pearls everywhere around her were preparing to get new owners. One Indigo Pearl adjusted her chiffon, while a Cyan Pearl in the corner of her eye adjusted her hair. She suddenly began to notice the Pearls whispering to each other. "A Black Pearl? How rare," "She doesn't look like a new Pearl." said various gems. Black Pearls were the rarest colors of Pearls, topping even the Sea Green Pearls.

However, the Sea Green Pearls were more popular due to having more charisma and they certainly did things better than the average Pearl. In all honestly, Black Pearl wished she was a Sea Green Pearl, even though Black Pearls are superior to them when it comes to combat.

Continuing to walk down the lavender pathway, she found herself walking through a natural resort. A gorgeous lava fall contrasted with the pale lavender floors of the Pearson reef. Several blood red moons were seen in the night sky. In Black Pearl's eyes, the planet had a violent environment. She also began to notice the labels on the platforms, and read them carefully.

"A2J-A..." She thought, eventually finding her platform right beside the aforementioned platform. On the other platform sat a Blood Red Pearl, who were the type of Pearls that most often rebelled with standard non-colored Pearls (like our Pearl). Upon clambering awkwardly onto the tall platform, a Turquoise Nacre shuffled in.

She began to adjust other Pearls' poses. "Please, Purple Pearl, do the kneel, not the kiss." ordered the Nacre when a Purple Pearl did a kissing pose rather then a kneeling pose. After Nacre's reprimand, the Purple Pearl did as ordered. She was just finishing with the Blood Red Pearl next to her when suddenly, a loud wailing sound was heard. Everything flashed red, but it stopped. She had felt the platform move, and she had felt like falling.

The trap door above her closed, and a screen popped up, showing the source of the commotion. A Quartz was at the entrance, brandishing a sword that was a rose pink. Her curly pink ringlets curled even tighter as the Quartz glared at the Magnetite at the front desk. With her was a regular Pearl, tan hair in the style of a pixie bob. Her Pearl gemstone was located on her forehead, where her bangs had made room for the stone.

--Day 1 Word Count: 552--

A/N: I'll also be recording word count for each day, as well.

--Day 2--

For whatever reason, Black Pearl couldn't hear what they were saying. She watched as the Pearl unleashed a spear from her gem, quickly followed by the Rose Quartz, who summoned a small shield. Two gems ran over to them, weapons in hand. The Pearl slashed her spear through their forms, grey dust appearing and two gems on the ground. Various gems ran over to them in vain attempts to shatter them. Then, a Dragons Breath Opal poofed the Pearl.

She was just about to shatter the Pearl when the Rose Quartz grabbed her. Turning around, she sent one last glare at the gems before fleeing. Black Pearl was surprised when the platforms didn't go back out of the floor. "Security measures require all Pearls to stay underground for the next 72 hours. Relax, or talk to your neighbors." said a voice.

A window appeared to her left, revealing the Blood Red Pearl beside her. She looked petrified. She was curled up and obviously afriad. Well, she'll have to wait 3 days.


A/N: Turns out I didn't exactly stick to that schedule like I said I would, as shown by the word count of 700 and something. Anyways, I hit 1k views. 1K VIEWS! That's a massive milestone for me! I literally never expected this story to get so popular, but I am thankful for EVERY one of my readers.

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