Dominant! Mythra X Shy!Male! Reader - Pool Party - Part 2

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Continuing request from Mememan64

I left you on a cliffhanger last time! I'm so excited to continue! 


"Um... hey, Zelda, Rosalina and Byleth..." I waved, forcing a smile. Zelda giggled girlishly. 

"We were wondering if maybe you wanted to get in to the pool with us?" Byleth asked, kneeling down beside me. 

I started sweating, and getting uncomfortable. This was noticed by the rest of the gang. 

"I don't think he wants to." Dark Pit told them straight forward, examining his nails. He didn't care if he offended them. 

"Oh c'mon, (Y/N)... we all know you want to!" Rosalina took hold of my wrist, making me flinch. 

"Rosie, he's not comfortable with that!" Terry said, standing up suddenly. 

"What do you mean, he's not comfortable with it!?!?" 

"It means he's not comfortable with it!" 

Everyone looked over at the tall figure of Mythra, standing there in her yellow bikini and capelet. She glared at the three girls. 

"He clearly doesn't want to get in to the pool with you, now accept it, freaks! Clear off!" She waved her hand dramatically. 

The three girls scurried away, looking back and whispering about the way Mythra had just dismissed them. 

"Thanks... uh... Mythra..." I muttered, smiling gratefully. 

She smiled back. "No problem!" 

"Ayyye, it's our girl Mythra! We can always count on her!" Dedede raised his cocktail glass. 

Mythra giggled and tossed her hair. "Call if you ever need me." 

Mythra sat down beside me, and chatted with the group of men. She seemed to be one of the only girls who actually understood men's conversations. It's always fun having her around in these kind of conversations too. 

We were casually discussing things about the pool party, until an idea popped in to Marth's head. 

"Hey! Why don't we do spin the bottle? You soon the bottle and it lands on someone, and that person has to go in to the coat closets just inside of the Smash Mansion!" He suggested. 

The crowd looked around at each other and nodded, agreeing that that would be some fun. 

Me, although, didn't say anything. 

I can't play spin the bottle! What if it lands on Byleth or Zelda!?!?

"We're not waiting for (Y/N)'s opinion on this. We all know what he's gonna say." Ike said, rolling his eyes. 

Everyone agreed, making me open my mouth to say something, but it was too late, Marth had already let Peach know about his game idea. 

She clapped her hands, obviously getting excited. Probably because there was a possibility that she could get to make out with Mario.

She grabbed a microphone.

"Hey, everyone! It's been suggested that we play a game of spin the bottle. Who's up for it?" 

Literally every single fighter that was in the pool and around the area said 'Me!'

The kids looked at each other in confusion. "What do you do in 'spin the bottle'?" I heard Ness ask. 

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