Who's that boy

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The laughter that came from the long table near the window made a few people turn that way, many awestruck at the handsome males sitting there.
"Hey Kook it's been great having this meet up here, great restaurant you own" Namjoon said.
"Thanks Joon , I'm making here my base now, I have great managers in the two other places so I've decided being back here will do me good, I've been away too long ."
"Well we are all glad you are back , you should come over to Yoongi and my bar soon," Tae said and Yoongi nodded.
"Well I'm glad you two got it together finally, who won the bet Jin?"
"What bet?" Yoongi asked.
"Hobi won it nearly to the day." Jin said
""What bet??" Tae and Yoongi asked loudly.
"After seeing you two last time we met up ,we all bet how soon you two would get it on, Hobi won even to the week it happened!" Namjoon said.
"Yer the others have paid up, so splash the cash Kook." Hobi smirked.
"I don't believe you lot ," Tae said
"Who was it who bet Kook wouldn't last a month with that girl in uni...,janine,Jayne,jina whatever her name was?"
"Well I was right," Tae said.
The waiters came to clear the table ,only Namjoon or wrecking ball as he was nicknamed chose that moment to stand up to go to the bathroom pushing his chair back with force and hearing a crash as he did so.
Everyone at the table looked to see a small male lying on the floor smashed plates around him.
"Oh shit sorry," Namjoon  said bending over the person," hey....are you okay,Kook!" Namjoon yelled at his friend who stood up just as the assistant manager, rushed over ," I'm sorry for the disturbance Mr Jeon,  Jimin....Jimin?"
Jungkook knelt to the small figure noticing a bruise on his head, "Jin I think he's unconscious ," he said to his doctor friend who was already bending over the male.
"Put some ice in a napkin......., thanks ", he placed it in the bump on his forehead " can we move him to an empty booth?"
Jungkook easily picked the boy up placing him on one of the comfy booth seats. Jin placed the napkin against the bruise sighing in relief as the male suddenly opened his eyes.
"Thank god, I'm so sorry it was all my fault," Namjoon said to the male.
The boy looked at the group of handsome men surrounding him with concerned looks on their faces, he realised one of them was his boss who he had never seen before he walked in today. His face went red with embaressment, even more so when one of them said," oh he is such a cutie, look at him,"
Jungkook was staring at the boy, his eyes taking in the angelic looking face which looked a little pale at the moment and the plump pouty lips which the boy was suddenly nervously biting, not realising what a turn on it could be.
He cleared his throat ,"Er Jimin is it? How are you feeling?"
"I-I'm okay, I'll just get back to work please excuse me for spoiling your meal,"
He pulled himself up staggering a bit as he stood up,
"You may be slightly concussed, you should go home and rest ,if it gets worse go to the hospital," Jin said.
Jimin bowed and slowly made his way to the staff doors.
Jungkook called the assistant manager over,"" Who is that boy?"
"He is Park Jimin , he has worked here two years ,quiet, keeps himself to himself never had any problems with him, Sir"
"We'll make sure he gets home safely in a taxi,"
"Yes sir," the manager scuttled off.
"God Joon you haven't lost your touch!" Jin said.
"I'm sorry babe, he's such a tiny thing too, I hope he is ok," Namjoon said sorrowfully when his husband told him off.
The males went back to their table, talking about the cute boy,
Jungkook glancing out of the window saw the manager and a small figure step from the side of the restaurant to a taxi that drew up, the manager passing money to the driver as he waved off the small figure in the back.
Half an hour later and the friends at the table were saying their goodbyes .
"Hey Kook, can you get Jimins address so that Joon and I can send some flowers or something as a sorry?"
"I have to go to the office to get it is it ok if I text it?"
Jin nodded then dragged Namjoon out along with the others.
Jungkook sighed, walking to the upstairs which held his office  at the back and a selection of large private booths.
Switching on the lights he turned his computer on
And brought up the personnel files, he found Jimins address and text it to Jin.,,
Jimins  information showed that he lived about twenty minutes away, he was the same age 25 as Jungkook. That surprised Jungkook as he had thought the small boy was younger because of his small figure which was so light when he picked him up. There wasn't much else on his resume which seemed peculiar.
He called the manager to his office.
"About Jimin...."
"Don't worry sir, I will deduct the cost of the smashed items from his wages."
"Why would you do that? It wasn't his fault at all!"
"Oh, er,well I've always done that for breakages, it keeps them on their toes, after all the customer is always right yes?"
Jungkook could feel anger building up," you are here to not only run the place but take care off the staffs needs as well,just how many times have you done this?"
"But sir, you can't let staff take advantage, it will affect your profits."
"Which in turn affects yours and their  yearly bonus?"
"Their bonus?"
"I set aside an amount every year for each restaurant to pay the staff a bonus, just what the hell have you been doing with it?"
"I,Erm,presumed from the way the email was sent that it was Erm just for the manager, it said managers bonus payment scheme?"
"Right use my computer to log on to your system...."
The manager typed in his details nervously.
"Go to your emails and find the one we discussed."
The manager did so smirking lightly as he pressed on the one titled 'Managers bonus payment scheme'
"There you are sir,"
"Did you actually read it?"
"Well..., the heading and amount"
Jungkook held onto his temper and read
Managers bonus payment scheme
Managers are advised above amount is to be distributed amongst all staff equally .
Thank you and staff for your service
Jeon Jungkook
"So which part of that did you not understand?"
The manager blustered,"it's...I......well I ensure the running.....it's only fair."
"Mr Li your services as from tonight are terminated, you can of course, refute this with your union but I cannot see them upholding a wilful miss use of funds also nowhere in my employment contract do I say funds must be taken from staff for breakages, I presume you have a list of those you took money from?"
"Er well Erm ,"
"Oh it must be on the company files if you deducted it on their wage slips?"
"I , it, Erm was easier for them to hand it over in cash stopped all that messy paperwork....."
"But of course that money is located somewhere on file?"
The manager knew he was in trouble, the nice little money earner he had going on was something he thought could be hidden but now........
"Mr Jeon, I'm sorry if I've angered you, please let me make it up to you."
"Your keys and anything else to do with the restaurant hand them over now, I can't keep an untrustworthy manager like you here, you will be paid up to the end of next week which is being generous considering the money you have already taken from the company, as I say feel free to get the union involved as I will also contact the police. Let me walk you off the premises,"
The manager knew he'd lost ,handing over his keys and restaurant credit card then being marched past the staff and off the premises.
Jungkook looked around the astonished faces of staff who were doing the final clear up.
"Could you all stay afterwards? You will be paid are you all here?"
The head chef stepped forward , "yes sir except Jimin."
Jungkook nodded, "ok then meet here in fifteen minutes."
He went back to his office sighing he held his head in his hands. Damn he hadn't expected this.
Standing in front of staff later he spoke.
"First of all I must apologise to you all, Mr Li who has been manager for two years has left, I understand that in that time you haven't received your yearly bonus this will be rectified in this months wages, I also understand that some of you unfortunately and mistakenly had money taken from you for breakages can I have a show of hands?
Two serving staff and one bar person put their hands up, again the chef stepped forward," er sir, apart from these members it was Jimin who got money taken from him, Mr Li had it in for him but he never complained."
"Why did he get picked on?"Jungkook said frowning.
The staff all looked at each other then the head waiter spoke," Jimin is in the wrong job, he applied for the managers position at the same time as Mr Li, because of his youth Mr Li was chosen, but Jimin showed time and again how good he was, he quickly implemented a solution to a problem that Mr Li couldn't solve or had created, he is quiet but polite to every member here and never complained even taking the blame for others because he didn't want them to be fined, we tried to stop him but he always paid the money over to Mr Li ahead of payday he knows some of us have families and didn't want us to lose money he said he only has himself."
Jungkook listened, amazed that the small male had qualifications for a managerial post but stayed as a waiter, he didn't realise he'd spoken out aloud until the chef spoke," he said he admired what you had done and wanted to work with the best."
"Well thank you everybody for staying I may have to talk to you individually over the next week but I assure you this restaurant will no longer treat its staff so humiliatingly ."
They all nodded and went to collect their things and leave, the head waiter stayed behind," er sir, you may find Jimins qualifications have been deleted or hidden, Mr Li didn't like the fact that Jimin was actually better than him, he often tried to put him down in front of us but Jimin never complained, I also think he underpaid Jimin ,as once I walked home with him, he invited me in before I carried on with my walk, let's just say Jimin lives frugally, he tried laughing it off saying he would move eventually but I don't think he could afford it, he's too kind for his own good."
Jungkook thanked him, he locked up once everyone had left and went home to his apartment, it was a penthouse with a large open outside area and had magnificent views of the city.
It was late but he knew he had to check up on some things before work tomorrow , finding when he did so that Jimin had been underpaid and then found a file hidden away which Mr Li must have thought he deleted. It had Jimins qualifications which were extremely good he'd high marks at uni in business studies and taken jobs here and there to boost his knowledge.
He checked other staffs wages and seen that Mr Li had been creative in their wages , nipping small amounts of but claiming the full wages, probably diverting funds to himself, he rang his accountant even though it was late and asked him to look at all the accounts properly, then told him that funds were needed to pay staff back. Once the call was finished he made his way to bed , he knew this week was going to be a long one but he told himself it was his own fault for letting this happen and not checking up.

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