Date night

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Jimin pulled himself together and walked to the table," would you like a drink too sir"
"Yes thank you Jimin red wine," Jungkook said smiling at him, he gave a little smile back but then,
"I want a refill as well so hurry along ," miss haughty said.
"Lisa please don't talk to people like that," Mrs Jeon said.
Jimin came back with the drinks," are you eating as well sir?"
"No thank you Jimin just catching up, let me introduce my parents Mr and Mrs Jeon this is Jimin who is exceptional at his job ,"
Jimin bowed and smiled at Jungkooks parents.
"Really Jungkook why do you have to introduce the help, run along little man go do your job."
Jimin bit his lip in nervousness, this felt like how he was treated by his relatives. Mr and Mrs Jeon gasped at the girls rudeness.
"Lisa, do you remember why we stopped going out?"
"Oh I can't remember you had a paddy over something stupid,"
"I put up with you for a month because of our parents friendship but I can honestly say I've never met such a rude egotistical person as you!"
"Jungkook ! Lisa remonstrated .
"Mother , father let me introduce you to my boyfriend Jimin," he said pulling Jimin to him and cuddling him.
"You...he, stop it Jungkook, we were meant to be together, Mrs Jeon tell him!" She ordered the other woman.
"Lisa.... Leave my son alone, your rude and self centred and I wouldn't wish you on anyone."
Lisa gaped then stamping her foot she stormed out, Jimin stood frozen in Jungkooks arms not knowing wether he should stay or go.
"So Jimin sit with us and tell us about yourself," a smiling Mrs Jeon said as his father muttered "thank god she's gone!"
They all started chatting the food arrived and the meal for Lisa was held in the waiters flustered hands," leave it here Chanyeol, it will get eaten."
Jungkook cut the food up taking a bit and feeding some to Jimin as they chatted with his parents. An hour passed and the older couple stood up to go," it has been a pleasure to meet you Jimin " Jungkooks parents said as they stood up to leave, Mrs Jeon pulled Jimin in for a hug, he felt overwhelmed at her kindness ," your driver is here dad, take care both of you see you soon ," he walked them out grinning when his dad said , "you've got a good one there son,"
Jungkook went back in looking around for Jimin but he wasn't in sight, going up to the offices he found Jimin sitting in the edge of his desk his own arms hugging himself.
"She hugged me Kookie, it reminded me of my mum when I was little."
"Oh baby, I'm glad you like them and I have plenty of hugs for you," he said wrapping his arms around the boy as he stood between his legs.
"Jimin what about a date?"
"What a real date, going out , together ?"
"Yes a real date,"
"But we can't be off at the same time?"
"Jimin everyone has a day off, if mine happens to coincide with yours so what? You have this place running so smoothly now, we can put someone in charge for a night,"
"Ok where too?"
"Would you like to see Suga and Tae's bar they have music as well to dance."
"Really yes!"
"You like to dance?"
"I don't know, I've only recently been watching K-pop on tv, I'm sure I could get the hang of it!"
Jungkook laughed at the others enthusiasm, he found himself mesmerised by the way Jimins eyes crinkled up when he smiled.
"Ok then, you have this Friday off don't you, I'll come for you at eight."
"What do I wear?"
"Put those skinny black jeans on with anyone of the tops I got you, oh damn I forgot come into my office ,"
Jimin followed him ," here your phone my contacts in it already and the suppliers just add who ever else you want,"
Jimin looked at the other male, he went over and hugged him," I don't know what I did to deserve having you in my life but I'm so pleased you are,"
Jungkook could see how sincere the other boy was and he hugged him back,"I'm gonna make sure you get everything you deserve baby"
A knock on the door had Jimin jumping back," mr Park a customer would like to say thank you for arranging a table last minute?"
"Ok I'm coming," he left after smiling at Jungkook who sat down in his chair adjusting Jungkook junior who seemed to want to come out and play whenever Jimin was near, he chuckled to himself, it looked like he was going to have a lot of cold showers!
Jimin was primping himself up staring in the mirror as he saw his newly cut dyed hair, gone was the dyed blonde and in its place shining dark brown locks done by a professional not a home remedy boxed one.
He dressed in the skinny black jeans which seemed to hug his ass tight, looking at the shirts he pulled out a black one with a thin silver stripe in it putting it on he nodded, he thought he looked ok, he didn't see what others would see dazzling good looks and model figure. He was putting an earring in when he heard a voice call him,"Jimin I'm here are you ready?"
"Coming! He called grabbing his phone and wallet and walking out.
"Holy shit!"
Jimin looked up," what do I look bad should I change?"
"Wtf, Jimin you look.....amazing I love your hair and those clothes.....honestly....I want to strip you right out of them and fuck you senseless!"
"Erm, so that means I look good then?"
"You sure do, now come on before I change my mind about taking you out and keep you here instead!"
Jimin grinned sprinting past him and going to the door then running back to reach up and kiss him before giggling and running out," Omg what have I let myself in for!" Jungkook sighed.
The music was loud Jimin and Jungkook were waved over to sit at a reserved table, all of Jungkooks friends were there.
"Wow Jimin looking hot "Tae said.
"So you finally asked him out" Suga said.
"Ah my heart is broken ," Hobi said theatrically while Jimin laughed.
They were all drinking beer, Jimin wasn't really a drinker he found it made him lose a few of his inhibitions, but he thought maybe one or two wouldn't hurt.
Everyone chatted about mundane things, but all the while Jimin was watching the dancers swaying himself in time to the music.
"So Jimin coming to dance?"Tae said.
"He doesn't dance he doesn't know how ,@ Jungkook shut the other up.
"No Kookie I said I've never danced not that I don't know how,"
Jungkook and the others looked confused at Jimin.
He sighed ,"I suppose I should have mentioned,I have a photographic memory and totall recall if I see something I remember it, usually I can do it if it's physical?"
"The man in the left of the bar has a red handkerchief in his top pocket, he walked by us earlier, the third booth along from the door has a girl in a pink dress and two men one older the other younger, she is a cover they are obviously gay their hands are touching under the table.
The waiter working the tables to the right us skimming the money if you watch he tucks a bill into his back pocket every third customer"
Everyone had looked to see if what Jimin said was true, looking amazed as they saw it, Suga stood up,
"excuse me I have a waiter to see"
"I'm sorry Tae," Jimin said about the waiter.
"That's ok Jimin I've never felt comfortable around him and Suga will deal with him," he said with an evil smile on his face," come on let's dance," Jimin looked at Jungkook almost asking for permission,
" go on just sway if you can't do the moves ," Jungkook turned to Namjoon asking about his business as the music turned to a raunchy little number.
"So your thinking of getting larger premises Joon?"
"Maybe, it's doing well but I'm worried about investing more, I don't want to lose any money on a silly dream."
"Baby it's not silly your good at business, I earn so we won't go broke....holy cow! Jin said then laughed," he's right he can do anything!
Jungkooks head turned to the dance floor to see his formerly innocent boyfriend doing hip thrusts and grinding like a professional dancer, Tae beside him the pair making some around them drool.
Suga came back a satisfied smile on his face as he rubbed his knuckles, then he looked around for his boyfriend seeing him in the dance floor looking like a wet dream, he walked over to him going behind him as he laid his hand at his waist swaying with him, Jimin was now by himself but was totally immersed in the music until he felt hands at his waist,"your a sight to behold my Jiminee" Jungkook whispered in his ear as they danced together .
The night wore onJimin had never had so much fun , he drank more beer and chatted along with the others before excusing himself to go to the toilet ,
He was washing his hands when someone grabbed him from behind ,I've been watching you cutie how about some fun, he tried kissing Jimin who shoved him back running into a cubicle .
"I've got all night baby....out! "he snarled to someone who came in.Jimin heard the door bang shut and got worried, what should he do he thought head must from the beers, then he took out his phone tapping into it as the male outside threatened him about what he would do to it.
Jungkook felt his phone vibrate taking it out he read the message
Kookie it's me, I'm Jimin, if you want me for yourself can you save me from this ugly ass ogre that's got me shut in the toilet,  otherwise I might lose my v card, I hope I see you soon luv Jiminee
"Fuck,"Jungkook jumped up running to the mens toilets, opening the door he saw a man trying to get into a cubicle.
"Get out" the man shouted.
"Make me,"
Throwing himself at Jungkook  he found himself  in the receiving end of a hefty punch which laid him flat out, Suga had followed Jungkooks hurried dash and sighed before getting security to take the man out.
He and Jungkook went to the cubicle to see if Jimin was ok .
"Jimin?" jungkook called lightly.
No answer came," Jimin?" He called again, the two men looked at each other before Jungkook went into the cubicle next door and looked over , he laughed then shook his head, Suga looked at him then got a flick knife from his pocket and clicked the lock open looking inside, he grinned up at Jungkook as the pair looked at Jimin sitting on top off the toilet cistern curled up fast asleep with a shoe in his hand.
Jungkook came into the toilet rubbing the boys face as he called his name," Jimin wake up," the small boy drowsily half opened his eyes," Kookie did you come to save me, I got  so tired,"
"Yes I'm here to save you, why is your shoe off?"
"It's not a shoe, it's a magic wand see the ogre has gone,"
Suga sniggered in the background.
"Let's go baby your tired,"
"But it's so comfy,"
"But your bed is comfy too,"
'Mmm Kookie gave me the bed, Kookies so nice,@ Jimin mumbled.
Jungkook shook his head and picked the small boy up carrying him out to their table and sitting down with Jimin in his lap.
"Can you call me a taxi Jin, sleeping beauty has had enough."
Ten minutes later and they were in their way back to Jimins, he slept so soundly that Jungkook had taken him inside stripped his clothes off washed him down and put him to bed, he was going to leave but then worried about jimin in case he was sick so stripping off his own clothes he got in next to the naked boy and spooned against him until Jimin automatically turned in his sleep crawling onto Jungkooks chest and Giggling in his sleep.
Never before had Jungkook felt so protective of someone, he gently rubbed the boys back then slowly fell asleep both males clinging to the other protectively.

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