Seeing is believing

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Jimin woke up with a bit of a headache, he sat up and went to the tiny bathroom looking in the mirror he saw the purple bruise on his head, oh well he thought it's not like anyone noticed him and he could pull his hair over it, he sighed, he would get charged a lot by Mr Li for the smashed plates, he was already tightening his belt as it was, he would just skip a few meals and he should be ok.
He often wondered if he should apply for a managers job elsewhere but he didn't think he would get it, Mr Li had told him countless times he wasn't management material.
He washed up, then tidied around which didn't take long, he basically lived in one room with a tiny bathroom, it was all he could afford when he moved here, maybe the neighbourhood wasn't desirable but he had extra locks on his door and really didn't have much to steal.
A knock on his door had him jumping in shock, carefully opening it he saw a delivery man with a massive bouquet of flowers and chocolates , he was probably at the wrong house Jimin thought waiting for the man to speak so he could direct him where he should be.
"Park Jimin?"
The man handed the flowers and chocolates and left.
What on earth?!?!
He found a card and opened it,
Dear Jimin
Please forgive my clumsiness last night
I hope your head doesn't hurt too much
Namjoon( the one who smashed into you)
Jimin smiled, Nobody had ever sent such a lovely gift, he breathed in the lovely scent, what a nice gesture he thought thankful that they already came in a vase as he didn't own one. He placed them in the old scuffed coffee table glad to have something bright to look at in the dingy room.
He ironed his work clothes got dressed then went to the convenience store and got milk and cereal that should keep him going for a bit, he bought washing powder as he had to do washing but it took a chunk of money from his allowance, after paying he remembered to draw some money out Mr Li would want the money for broken dishes.
Going home he put his supplies away quickly washed by hand some clothes and left them to dry in an airer stood up in the shower.
He already felt tired doing this and his head was buzzing but he knew he had to leave soon for work. The restaurant opened from 3-11 pm, he started his walk knowing he had plenty of time as he didn't want to arrive there hot and sweaty, he would see Mr Li as soon as he got there and he was sure he would be told that as he hadn't finished the shift last night his wages would be cut.oh well he thought philosophically at least it was just him he was sure he would manage.
He arrived at the restaurant , no customers would come in until it opened at three, but staff got there half an hour earlier.
Once in he got to the staff room aware that for some reason people were happy and laughing , he slipped out and went to Mr Li's office knocking on the door he entered but it wasn't Mr Li in there it was the big boss Jeon Jungkook, rifling through desk drawers as though searching for something.
"Oh I'm sorry sir, I needed Mr Li, " he went to back out but was stopped.
"Mr Li is no longer working here..., how is your head,"
Jimin raised a hand to the bruise then pulled it away rapidly," I'm fine thank you sir, Erm can I give this to you then for the breakages as Mr Li isn't here?"
Jungkook watched as the small boy took his wallet out and extracted all the money he had in there.
"I'm sorry Jimin that won't be necessary , Mr Li unlawfully charged staff for breakages and I will be refunding that money also he forgot to give staff the bonus money and that too will be given to you all."
Jimin was surprised but happy he would be able to manage after all this month.
"Thank you sir, if I can be of service please let me know."
He went to leave but heard Jungkook mutter," well I wish you knew his damn passwords,"
Jimin replied," I sometimes had to sort out the mess he made ordering things, that's his computer password and probably the safe he didn't have a good memory." Jimin then left with Jungkook staring after him.
He walked over to the wall safe and tried the combination and it clicked open," I'll be damned," jungkook muttered opening it and finding envelopes of money  and a diary which he flipped open and saw  fraudulent documentation of money aquired through staff, notes of suppliers who he had struck a deal with and got stock cheaply rather than buying the best, and details off planned cutbacks but full money being paid to him.
Jungkook was fuming, he rang through to the kitchen and asked the chef to come up.
"Chef answer me honestly, the food supplies are they the best? Or could we do better?"
"Ah,I told Mr Li that the produce was not good enough for the restaurant but he told me that's all you would pay for?"
"That little shit, right I need new suppliers and to cancel the old, I am not having my reputation ruined due to some thieving scum!"
"May I suggest you get Jimin to help, he gathered information for me in suppliers when I complained but Mr Li wouldn't listen."
"Great idea send him in please,"
Jimin going back to the staff room heard everyone talking about how things would be better now, he quietly sat listening to the conversations smiling to himself at the others joy, he was glad for them.
"Jimin....,the boss asked if you could go to Li's old office,"
The other nodded smiling at the quiet male, who stood up brushing himself down and then walking out.
"What's that all about chef?" The head waiter asked.
"That my friend is hopefully Jimin getting the job he should be doing," the two men grinned at each other.
Jimin knocked nervously on the door, he was called in.
"Y-yes sir?"
"Jimin I understand you know something about orders and supplies in the restaurant business, I want your help in cancelling the old suppliers and finding new ones, we haven't been getting the best and that's not good enough, I also know you have a business management degree, so I'm asking Jimin I need your help."
Jimin was never one to fuss around he got straight to the point," ok I'll need the list of current suppliers so I can decline their services but I need to contact new ones to see if they are able to supply us at a competitive rate with good quality,"
"Ok use this desk and phone, you start and I'll be back I need to talk to some of the other staff."
Jimin nodded his mind already on the task and ignoring Jungkook.
Jungkook left to go see the bar team and  to look at the bar stock, he knew that with good food you needed good wine so he needed to see if that was the case.
Jimin found himself in the area he was good at, he switched to autopilot his whole demeanour changed from quiet introvert to I don't take shit from anyone mode, he sorted out new suppliers and got rid of old, he got great rates as well but told them they expected only the best and nothing else.
He placed the phone down as Jungkook walked back in," right so I'll phone some as well to make this quicker I need my restaurant running properly,"
"It's done," Jimin said.
"I've arranged for meat to come from a well known butcher at a reduced price for a month so that we can tell if it's good enough, fresh veg and fruit daily from another supplier, all dairy to come in daily , there are two wine merchants due in today one at five the other six thirty both will leave three red and three white from their more expensive collection and also some from the slightly cheaper selection, I kept the laundry supplier as they are not expensive but do a great job on table linen and napkins and they have added a bonus of laundering all the aprons and overalls for not much more, I hope that's ok?"
Jungkook just stared at the male, he had a habit of brushing his hair back nervously as he spoke and Jungkook could now see the bruise had deepened in colour, also that Jimin looked slightly paler than earlier.he couldn't believe Jimin had done it all but seeing is believing.
"Jimin I can't believe you have done all that in such a short time, it's excellent, I'll remember to be at the bar when the wine merchants come,"
"Er you do know Mr Chang is a sommelier ?" Jimin said mentioning the head manager of the bar.
"Why is he working here he could get a lot of money doing that?"
"He lives five minutes down the road with his wife , he earned a lot of money when younger doing it but says the restaurant gives him the class for his job and he doesn't mind a wage cut"
  "You know a lot about the staff, you must be very happy to have so many friends you can mix with."
"Oh , I don't really go out, I'm more of a listener and I try to help when I can, did you know the head chef has four daughters that he's trying to put through uni, he works at a small cafe doing breakfasts for three hours every day to pay for it as well as working here, the lady who washes up in the kitchen has studied cooking but wasn't allowed by Mr Li to learn here just do the washing up, the waiters and waitresses always wash their own uniforms, well until now, the staff have nowhere to sit in their breaks which can be hard on their feet, the room that was supposed to be for them was this office but Mr Li liked this room better than the one outside your office."
Jungkook just stared at the boy, he was a mine of information clearly interested in others well being but apparently not much of a socialiser and there was no doubt in his mind that Jimin could do a managers job.
Jimin went to stand up to leave but then went very pale and slumped back in the chair," Jimin? What's wrong...?"
"N-nothing just a headache,I'll go now...."
He stood up on wobbly legs and went to walk past Jungkook who put his hand out to stop him," no wait, I think you have a slight concussion that is causing your headache, lie down here on the sofa I will bring some tablets and water, you will not be working for the next few days and I will take you home in a bit,"
"But........" Jimin looked at the others face seeing no room for refusal so he went and sat on the sofa while Jungkook left to get tablets and water, when he came back the small boy was curled on the sofa fast asleep, his pale face showing dark circles under his eyes and a bruise the size of an egg. Jungkook put the water and tablets down and gently caressed the sleeping boys face, stilling when Jimin leaned onto his hand and snuggled against it, he removed it gently then stood up gazing along the sleeping boys figure admiring the small hands and his ass then stopped himself , was he being a pervert staring at the sleeping male?
He switched the desk lamp on and turned the main light off closing the office door quietly.
His brain mulled over the days happenings, maybe it was the boys business like attitude that made him feel drawn to him, he sighed going out to meet with Mr Chang and the first merchant.

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