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Three weeks passed, the two males got really comfortable with each other,
Jungkook slipped up to Jimins apartment most nights but Jimin never went to his.
Jimin was finding himself becoming less lonely as he spent time with Jungkook. He especially loved the sex, it was a closeness that lingered he always felt complete afterwards.
Jungkook showed such a caring nature to him that Jimin quickly became used to it.
It was Jungkooks day off , Jimin was busy totting up costs for the month when his phone rang.
"Jimin just to left you know I won't be over tonight, I'm staying in."
"Ok are you ok your not sick? "
"No just tired,"
"Take care then."
Jimin returned to work it was a long day and he missed Jungkook.
Just before closing he got a call from front desk," a lady would like to speak to you Jimin."
"Ok put her through,"
"I bet you thought you had got him, no surprise that he's already playing the field,"
"W-who are you?"
"You must remember me I'm the one who should have Jungkook,"
Jimin realised then it was Miss Haughty.
"Look I'm sorry if you got upset but Kookie and I are together now."
"You really think so, we'll maybe it's someone else I see sprawled at a club with women around him."
"Look I don't know why your lying but please stop,"
"I have no reason to lie, I'm just as pissed that he didn't call me, you want proof what's your email?"
Jimin called her bluff "why don't you just send it to my phone?" He gave his number and immediately a message came through, Jimin opened it and saw Jungkook sitting in a bar one woman on his lap and another leaning on him, Hobi was there too but seemed to be frowning.
"Shame, eh, he pretends to like you to get in your pants but he won't stray far from a woman."
Jimin clicked the phone off staring at the image on his phone, his insecurities coming back.
A knock at the door brought his head up, "everything's cleaned we are leaving are you going to lock up after us?"
Jimin nodded following the man down and locking up. He walked slowly up the stairs his mind trying to refuse what he'd seen. He looked at the picture again then rang Jungkooks number, after a while it was picked up," Jimin?"
"H-hi Kookie, just wanted to see that you were ok, is that music your listening to?"
"Oh er yer, maybe it's a bit loud,"
"I thought you were tired?"
"Yes er that's right, I'll er turn it off and sleep, night Jimin."
The phone clicked off .Jimin held his in his hand frozen to the spot, he knew Jungkook was Lying, why did he feel he needed to, if he wanted to go out he could have said.
Jimin locked up and walked to his apartment , he had the next day off as he had to go somewhere special, he realised he could catch the last bus if he hurried so throwing some clothes in a rucksack he looked around then locked up  just catching the bus to the airport where he sat all night until he could get a flight to the island. He didn't move just sat like a statue as his world felt like it was crumbling around him.
Jungkook woke up his head banging, sitting up he realised he was in Hobi's spare room.
Staggering out he made his way to the kitchen where Hobi sat drinking coffee.
"Headache? "The other said sarcastically.
" what's got you so knotted up?"
"What about me?"
"Hey Hobi let's go get drunk, I'm not bringing Jimin as I want to get totally wasted.Ring a bell?"
"Yes and?"
"Why did you let some girls sit in you and flirt next to you?"
"I did?"
"Yes, your supposed to be in a relationship with Jimin yet you tried the charm effect in those girls!"
"Oh it was harmless fun, I just needed to let loose a bit, I didn't screw them,Jimin doesn't socialise much so I thought one night wouldn't matter,"
"So you told him that then?"
"Er no, don't want to hurt his feelings,"
"That's a shitty excuse he deserves better."
Jungkook frowned," ok then I'll show you I'll call him,"
He rang Jimins number but none answered, he tried again no response he frowned at his phone.
"You sure you called the right number let me call him,"
"Why have you got his number?"
"We all have, he was so excited when you got home his phone he wanted more contacts."
"Well he's probably busy but you can try," Jungkook smirked.
Hobi rang and it was immediately picked up.
"Hi Hobi," Jimin said tiredly.
"Hey Jimin how are you oh and Kook of course long time no see."
"Hobi you don't need to lie I know you were out together last night ."
"Y-you do? Yes well I'm  just here to let you know he slept at mine, he was a bit hungover ,"
Jungkook snatched the phone",hi baby I'm sorry I should have said I was going out, but I know you don't like socialising so that's why I did it when you were working."
"You must have had fun?"
"Oh well not too much you know just Hobi and I"
"Please don't take me for a fool Jungkook, you could have told me if you were bored around me I don't own you,"
"Hey now come on Jimin it was just a night out with my friend,"
"Well as someone couldn't wait to show me their were a few others there too, I'm sorry I'm not enough for you, "
"What do you mean Jimin don't go imagining things just because I went out!"
A message pinged and Hobi grabbed his phone opening it." Oh shit!" He turned it around to Jungkook who could see what it must look like to Jimin, he spoke into the phone quickly , look Jimin it's not what it looks like, I'll come over and explain."
"Don't trouble yourself I'm not there, I'm with my parents, maybe we should stop this now and keep it to a working relationship, I'm sorry I made you feel trapped." The phone clicked off .
"I knew it you have to ruin the good thing you got going on," Hobi muttered.
"He's not there how do I explain, what did he mean with his parents?!?"
"You stupid shit, todays the day they died he's probably at their grave!"
"How do you know all this?"
"Because I listen when he talks, he was saying how nice your mother made him feel and we asked about his parents, he told us that they died in the 13th of this month on his birthday that's why he doesn't celebrate it, the crash they were in was after they took him to a funfair for his birthday!"
Jungkook groaned he did remember the conversation, he had told Jimin his parents wouldn't want him to be sad on his birthday, and here he was bringing grief to the boy.
He got his phone and tried ringing the other, when he didn't answer he sent text messages one after the other asking where he was could he come there sorry he wasn't with him in this hard day, did he want Jungkook to fetch him.
Finally he got a message
Mr Jeon, please don't bother me on my day off I will be in work tomorrow where I shall expect a business arrangement only.  Park Jimin
Jungkooks stared then slumped down in his seat,
"Hobi he wants to break up!"
"And your surprised?"
"It was nothing you know it!"
"You lied to your boyfriend , you lied again saying it was just us and you wonder why he's like this?"
"What do I do Hobi, he can't leave me!"
"If it was the other way and Jimin did this how would you feel?that boy has such a fragile nature, he told me he never thought he'd have someone who cared about him until you came along, so how do you think he feels now?"
Jungkook felt like his heart was breaking, he knew Jimin must be hurting right now and he was the cause.
"I couldn't tell him the truth that I didn't want to be without him for a day, I made up some shitty excuse then had to get drunk to carry it out and not run back to him, those women just threw themselves on us we were ok before they turned up and how did they know our names? Did someone send them over?"
"Your a prize idiot Jungkook you've fallen for the boy and got scared, he would have been fine if you said you were out with me...., but your right about those women where did they come from and who sent Jimin the picture?"
"I don't know where he is Hobi,"
"Didn't he mention something about Jeju island when he was younger, maybe they are buried there?"
Hobi got onto his phone calling someone he seemed to wait a bit frowned then asked something else, coming off the phone he said, that was my detective friend, Jimins parents are buried on the island, his parents house was sold by his uncle after he said Jimin had died as a result of the accident, he must have forged a death certificate!"
"All this time Jimins lived like this because of his uncle why would a lawyer on a small island question the only living relative!"
Jungkook hurriedly started dressing," Hobi get me a flight,"
Jimin sat on the bench next to his parents grave, he'd been here for hours, not even moving when it drizzled with rain.
"I have a good job you would be proud of me, I have even tried making friends," Jimin spoke to the grave as if his parents could hear him.
"I miss you both, I'm sorry I asked you to take me to the fair, I should have just been happy with your company, you would still be here. Remember the pretty blue dress you wore mother, you said it was because it was my favourite colour, I remember in the accident it turned red, you tried to stay awake but there was so much blood.
Maybe uncle thought I'd killed you, he didn't like me much, I think people don't like me around they always give up on me, I tried to not annoy others but I met Kookie, he makes me feel alive, he's so handsome mother you would love him,
Poppa he is so clever he owns his own restaurants you would have liked him too.
I think I'm a bit too much for him though, maybe I'm too needy, I don't blame him for wanting fun I'm not fun to be with, I forgot for a while how I make others feel, I will try and work harder and not get in his way and if he doesn't want me around I will move in and start again. I wish sometimes mother, poppa that I had gone with you because I don't like myself much at the moment, I was greedy I wanted something I couldn't have."
He let the tears run down his face, he was wet and cold but didn't care, he needed to be with the only two people that had loved him.
"Hello Mr and Mrs Park, I would like to greet you, I am your sons boyfriend and I hope you will accept me.
I have made him unhappy because I was too much of a coward to tell him just how good he makes me feel so I made up an excuse so I wouldn't be lonely why he worked. Some jealous ex got women involved just so she could take a picture to upset him, I have no excuse for being so drunk but I swear in my life nothing happened. I'm sorry for making him feel so bad and I will try my hardest to make it up to him as long as he and you will accept me."
Jungkook bowed to the grave then turned to a sobbing Jimin.
"I'm sorry Jimin , I'm a coward but I feel lonely when your not there, I lied to myself saying I needed to go out and have fun but your my fun I want to be with you.
Hobi got his friend to look up the cameras at the club, Lisa was there she paid the girls to put something in my drink and pose suggestively that's how you got the photo , but Hobi took me home when he realised I was drunk and confused. His friend had sent the evidence to the police."
Jimins heart felt lighter ," ok, but if you need time away from me you should say, and I'm going to try to be more outgoing."
"So your still mine baby?"
Jimin nodded then hesitated," I think we should slow it down a bit, we rushed into this, the whole thing is new to me, I need to start acting like a normal human being.....,that means that sometimes I might go out without you...., also sometime I want to see your place not just mine."
"Ah Jimin, you want to go out without me?"
Jimin stood his ground and nodded.
Jungkook pouted, "but..."
"No buts, you've been sociable for years I need to try it."
"Huh ok, but not too often, eh?"
"We will see."
"And as for my apartment well technically yours is mine but mine can be yours as well."
Jimin nodded then shivered, Jungkook held his frozen hands, "shit Jimin your soaked and cold, is that your bag? Let's book into a hotel tonight you need a hot bath."
Jimin frizen nodded. They found a nice hotel and booked in, Jungkook ordered some take away then ran a bath for Jimin who pulled if his wet clothes and climbed in the warm water making his cold bones sting til he got used to it, fifteen minutes later he heard a knock in the door so he got out and dressed in warm pjs and went back into the room feeling better and warmer.
Jungkook dished up the food both of them hungry , Jimin yawned wearily as he tried to finish the food, he hadn't slept the night before so now he felt drained. His head lolled he tilted sideways sleep overcoming him as a pair off strong arms caught him.
Jungkook took him to the large bed and tucked him in, he then cleared up, took a shower and crawled into the bed pulling the small figure too him. He lay awake for a while thinking about how much this small male meant to him, then he drifted off arms holding the other tightly.

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