New friends

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Around five thirty one day Jungkooks friends came in for a meal again . Jungkook had booked one of the booths near his office.
Jimin showed them to their seats as Jungkook walked out.
"Jimin how's your head? I'm so sorry," Namjoon said.
"I'm fine thank you very much and also for the gift it was very kind."
"You'll have to excuse my husband he's known as a wrecking ball ," Jin said which made Jimin giggle and all of them coo at how sweet he was.
"Your looking a lot better I must say," Hobi drawled eyeing the cute boy up.
"HOBI! YCT," Jungkook said
Jimin looked confused at them why were they using initials, he told them a waiter would be over soon and walked away unaware that the six men were looking at his butt.
"Hah, did you see the poor boys confusion , YCT, you can't touch, and HAM, he's all mine, god we haven't used that in a while, probably since uni! Jin said shaking his head.
"Soooo, Kook you like him eh?"
"Yes I do, he's sorta growing on me?"
"Does he feel the same?"
"He's not used to things like that he's a real innocent"
" For how long," smirked Suga.
"Suga! Don't insinuate things about the cute boy,@ Tae said.
"I'm not I just know Jungkook and he's a horny git and don't call anyone else cute but me, even if it's true he is kinda cute,"
Tae just raised his brows and ignored his boyfriend.
After their meal the men were all just drinking and chatting as the restaurant emptied out, Jimin had put the money in the safe to take to the bank the next day and had switched off everything in his office, he told the line bartender to leave as he would finish up.
"Jimin bring some beers over please," Jungkook yelled.
Jimin carefully carried a tray of drinks over and placed them in the table about to take the empties away.
"Jimin come sit with us meet my friends,"
"Oh, Erm...ok."
"This is Namjoon who you know and his husband Jin, these two are Tae and Suga, they run a bar called , serendipity and this here is Hobi ,"
"Hello," Jiminee said shyly as he stood there nervously .
Namjoon told everyone to shift so Jimin could sit in the booth, which he did only finding Jungkook put his arm along his shoulder holding him close.
"So Jimin,assistant manager eh, how is it working for this ogre ?"Hobi asked.
"Oh he's not an ogre, he's very kind and a good boss in lucky to be able to work in one of his restaurants"Jimin said simply.
"Sooo anything else you like?" Suga said suggestively eyebrow raised enquiringly.
Jungkook waited holding his breath.
"Erm, my new place and the staff?"
"Nnnnnargh!" Suga made a noise like a plane diving, "slammed down Kook!"
"Shut it moron," Jungkook said dismissively.
"Have you all known each other long?" Jimin asked.
"We all grew up together same infant school right through to uni, we had a blast,"Tae said.
"That must be nice," Jimin said wistfully.
"How about your friends?"Tae said encouragingly.
"Nobody to speak off except the staff here but I don't like to bother them as they have their own families they don't need to meet up with me after work."
It went quiet at the boys words, he realised he'd put a downer in the mood so hurriedly stood up," I'm sorry, I should learn not to spoil the mood I'm not very good at this I apologise," he went to walk away but a serious sounding Suga spoke," Jimin we would be honoured if you would consider us as your friends,"
"Here, here" they all cheered.
"Really!" The small boy asked biting his lip anxiously not hearing Jungkooks little groan at the sight.
"Very much so, welcome to this group of misfits, Jimin," Jin said.
"Oh I'm a bit of a misfit too," Jimin naively said.
The rest laughed lightly at his comment.
They stayed another half hour then Tae saw Jimins eyes droop," right time to go thanks Kookie," Tae said dragging a drunk Suga with him.
The rest left , Jiminee cleared up the drinks wiped down the table and made sure everything was tidy.
"Time to go,"
"Can't drive ,"
"Oh shall I call you a cab?"
"Nope,staying in my apartment here,"
"Y-you mean, where I live?"
"Oh yer, forgot can we share tonight?"
"I er I suppose it is your place really"
Jimin locked up then helped Jungkook upstairs.
Jungkook smiled to himself as he leaned on Jimin he wasn't really as drunk Jimin thought he was.
Getting inside Jimin looked at the other, " you want to shower he asked. When Jungkook nodded he went and found some shorts and a baggy t shirt for the other to put on and a spare toothbrush , Jungkooks took a quick shower and cleaned up then going into the bedroom and crawling into the bed.
Jimin stared at the male with his eyes closed oh well he thought guess I'm sleeping on the sofa.
He showered and put his cosy Pjs on.
He went to the bed pulled the sheet up and turned the lamp off turning to leave as a hand grabbed him pulling him into the bed," stay," a gruff.voice said.
Jimin gulped what should he do!!
"Just get under the cover Jiminee before I make you,"
Jimin struggled into the bed lying as far away from Jungkook as he could get.
He lay there quietly then assuming Jungkook had fallen asleep he curled up and fell asleep himself.
Jungkook was still awake he felt hot, stripping of the T shirt he sidled towards Jimin who then snuggled against him leaning right on Jungkooks chest his small hand on a nipple, Jungkook groaned, Damn this was torture Jimins leg intertwined with his, Kookie Junior wanted to come out to play, Jimin wriggled almost climbing onto Jungkooks body his head nestled against Jungkooks neck his little hot breaths making Junkook hard which made Jimin wriggle on him more pressing against him so he lay a hand on Jimins ass to still him but it made him want to squeeze that ass.
Half an hour later and Jungkook had calmed down , he eventually nodded off arms around the small boy.
His dreams that night were full of Jimin in erotic situations..
The morning came, Jimin became aware of a warmth
"Morning Jimin."
Jimins eyes shot open but all his gaze met was a naked chest. He went to scramble of but was rolled over onto his back his arms held above his head.
"All night you have been wriggling on me ,"
"I-I'm sorry I've never slept in the same bed as someone."
"Oh don't get me wrong I liked it, so did Kookie junior,"
Jungkook pressed himself against Jimin making sure he knew what he was talking about.
"Oh!" Jimin said.
"Mmmm, so what you going to do about it?"
"I er, d-don't know?"
"Just kiss me Jimin......"
Jimin gently kissed the others lips , then became more adventurous and licked along his lips, suddenly Jungkook was deepening the Kiss and grinding against Jimin," fuck you turn me on so much,"Jungkook groaned his member getting hard and painful wanting release. He had let go of Jimins hands while they were kissing and was surprised when the boys small hand reached down and palmed him.
"Oh yes Jimin.....,touch me,"
He rolled into his back so now Jimin was in charge. He wasn't sure what to do but slipped his hand inside the shorts touching the others dick which although rigid felt velvety soft," ooh!" He muttered.
"Fuck Jimin pull them down," he raised his hips so Jimin pulled the shorts down gaping at the large erect member, his hand went to it as Jungkooks hand closed over his so
both of them pumped up and down Jungkook moaning as Jimin watched as Jungkooks member leaked out, he couldn't help himself he drew near and licked it as they both still rubbed the engorged member then opening his mouth he took in the top sucking on it as his hand rubbed the base," oh shit I'm cumming," jungkook was so sensitive he exploded into the boys mouth as he thrust his hips up , Jimin gagged but swallowed it down licking the last drop.
"Fuck that felt good ,"
"Does it?"
"Well let me show you," Jungkook could feel Jimins hardened member.
Without wasting any time he put jimin onto his back and pulled down his bottoms, Jimins hands going to cover himself from embarrassment ." Oh no you don't, hands off!"
Jimin did as he was told, the next minute Jimin was gripping the sheets as pleasure ran through his body, Jungkooks mouth working wonders , his tongue licked the length and along the slit tasting pre cum , his mouth took him in licking and sucking delighting in Jimins moans , he put his hands under Jimins ass lifting him up to him as he sucked harder swirling his tongue around he knew from the rigidity of Jimins dick that he was going to come, jimin dug his heels into the mattress pushing up as Jungkook squeezed his ass his nerve endings begging for some sort of relief then,"aaaaaaaaaargh!" He orgasmed so intensely he nearly passed out, Jungkook sucked and licked every last drop out, Jimins legs shaking from the intense feeling.
Jungkook finally let go,"hmmmm, I think you are my favourite new flavour," he told the other . Jimin just lay there, Jungkook spooned against him neither of them caring that their trousers were down .
"Sleep baby," Jungkook whispered into Jimins ear and Jimin did so, with jungkook following minutes later his member laying against Jimins naked ass as if it belonged there.

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