What do naughty boys get?

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Jimin had got up early to go to the marketplace, as he was rent free now he decided to get cushions for the staff room, he found two perfect ones plus a small rug in the same colour to put in front of the sofa, he hurried back to place them in the staff room knowing the restaurant would be empty as it was early. Once there he set the rug down and put the cushions on the sofa, standing back to admire his handiwork , then he noticed a small fridge was now in there along with a kettle and Tea, coffee and sugar canisters.
"Sneaking in again?" A voice said next to his ear making him jump.
"I er, no ,er.......just added some bits." Jimin said.
"Ok, well as your here let me show you where you will work."
Jimin was taken past the private booths behind the trellis wall to a room next to Jungkooks office.
A desk with chair  and laptop were there along with the safe from the old office," I've changed the code maybe you should put it in your phone?"
"I um, don't have one,"
"That's no good, your going to need one in this job ."
"Can I wait til next week it's payday so I'll find a cheap one,"
"Jimin I will get you one,"
"Oh no you can't pay you've brought enough already."
"I can and I will."
"No I refuse, it's my problem to take care off,"
"Jimin......, are you trying to annoy me?"
"Good because you have already been naughty," Jungkook smirked," and I haven't given you your punishment yet!"
Jimins eyes opened wide," p-punishment? What do you want,?"
Jungkook stared down at the smaller male, seeing his anxious look and the way he nibbled his lip which turned Jungkook on.
"Why will you do or give me what I say?"
"Of course your my boss,"
"Forget me being the boss for a minute, are you going to take your punishment like a good boy?"
Jimins teeth nibbled on his lip, then he nodded looking up at the other.
Jungkook put his hands on the others shoulders then looking straight into Jimins eyes he brought his face near and kissed Jimins plump lips.
It was like something buzzed between the two, Jimin sighed and Jungkook kissed more passionately his arms pulling Jimins waist so they were touching chest to chest, Jimin let out a little moan enjoying the unexpected contact, Jungkook could feel Kookie Junior waking up so he let Jiminee go and stepped back looking at the boys flushed aroused gaze.
Jungkook coughed to clear his throat then," that's for lying and being naughty, don't do it again."
Jimins immediate thought was wow I like that punishment but he kept his eyes lowered and nodded.
"Right a few rules,
1) nobody who turns up and asks for me is to be shown my office, they must be told to wait until someone informs me.
2) No staff payouts for breakages
3) chef has given up his part time jobs, I am paying him extra to take in Mrs Chung as an apprentice and will engage someone else to wash up.
4) staff must take staggered breaks so that people can be deployed around.
5) each person now has two new uniforms as you mentioned they will be cleaned by the laundry so make sure they name them.
6) no drinking on the job
7) there is a non abusive policy to my staff, if a customer or fellow staff member does it, it must be reported.
8) either you or myself must be visible at times during opening hours.
Jimin nodded , he looked at the time, "why were you here early?"
"The stuff for the staff room was being delivered,"
"You could have told me, I can open up!"
"But then I wouldn't have had that delightful kiss,"
Jungkook said laughingly .
Jimin went red but then surprisingly stood up for himself," that was my first kiss you stole!"
"Your first? Jesus where have you been hiding!!"
"I told you , I don't really do the going out thing,"
"What about uni, surely you had acquaintances there,"
"No, I couldn't waste my time out of uni, I had to pay for it, so I delivered food and cleaned offices."
"I can't believe nobody tried it on!"
"I didn't say that, some did try but I managed to escape, I'm quite quick on my feet." Jimin said seriously.
"Jimin haven't you ever wanted to.....get close to anybody?"
"I don't think about that, my uncle who brought me up said I should never make myself a burden to others like I was to him."
"What?!? How old where you?"
"Nine, my parents died and he and his wife were asked to take me in, even though they took my inheritance  they said I was an encumbrance that ruined their life they made me leave as soon as I could pay for somewhere, so I make sure I don't make anyone else feel like they did."
Jimin said it so matter of factly believing all he said whereas Jungkook believed it was more likely the greedy relatives had used Jimins inheritance up and didn't want to use any of their own money in him.
"You shouldn't feel like that Jimin, you are a kind thoughtful person who deserves someone to be with."
"Thank you but I know I'm boring, I don't fit in anywhere and am awkward, but it's ok, don't feel sorry for me, I am doing fine."
Jungkook made a note to himself that whatever it took he would bring Jimin out of his lonely shell.
"Ok if that's all , I need to go back and change before work ."
Jungkook nodded and let the boy leave.
He sat at his desk thinking of the kiss and the sparks that seemed to go between them, he was intrigued by the male, more than a little turned on and eager to see where it would lead.
The staff had been gathered and Jungkook spoke,
"As you are all aware due to Mr Li's removal the vacancy for assistant manager was available, I decided to give the job to Park Jimin so let's all welcome him."
Everyone clapped and Jimin stepped forward," please be assured I will do my best despite my youth to be a good manager, please feel free to come to me with any problems or if I am the problem report to Mr Jeon. I understand Mr Jeon has told you his rules so let's abide by them, my only rules are to speak up if somethings wrong and please just call me Jimin when not around customers thank you for your time," he bowed to chants of " Jimin, Jimin! " which made him giggle making the other staff smile fondly.
The day progressed Jimin tweaking things here and there and greeting guests as he walked around. Things ran smoothly , the staff and guests were happy and Jimin sighed in relief once everyone had gone, Jungkook leaving him to lock up .
The next few weeks seemed to get busier, word of mouth spread about the food and kind staff and they were often fully booked but even so everyone seemed happier under the new management .
  One particular day an elegant women came in with a young child. From the time they entered things were hard on the staff, ' could she change her mind on what was ordered? Can she change her table, we're they sure there were no nut products in the food, could her son have a milkshake even though it wasn't on the drinks list. Jimin had been in the floor since her entrance and dealt with all her queries politely, then the child took to running around, Jimin was not only worried about his safety but the staffs. He politely asked the mother if he could sit nearby with the child when she nodded he sat with the boy with some sheets of paper and told him the story of the ugly bird who wanted to make friends, he folded the paper making an origami bird, he told how the bird wanted to be beautiful but didn't make friends easily, all the while making different animals until the end where a beautiful swan told him he wasn't an ugly duckling but a beautiful swan and how everyone liked him in the end.
The table was littered with origami figures which the boy clapped his hands at nodding to his mother who nodded back.
She called Jimin over, thanking him for his time and asked if the owner was there could she see him, Jungkook came from behind them having seen Jimins careful attitude with the boy.
"Hello ma'am , I'm Jeon Jungkook, how may I help you?"
"I'm Mung ho, the critic? You may have heard of me?"
"Yes ma'am, who hasn't , I'm sorry I didn't recognise you but then I don't think I've ever seen a picture," he apologised.
"You are correct Mr Jeon , I make sure when I publish never to have a photograph how can I be incognito if people know me?"
Jungkook smiled," I hope we have served you well ma'am ?"
"Mr Jeon, I came a year ago, just to test the waters, the food was good but to me not the best cuts, the manager at the time yelled at my child and every request I made was brushed off by him much to your staffs displeasure may I add, I didn't write about the incident at the time due to the success of your other two restaurants and also it would have been unhelpful for your staff. You may have noticed letters to you commenting how it was a shame your restaurant here didn't match your others?"
"Yes it's the main reason I decided to come back."
"Well this time I shall be writing, but I assure you it will all be praise, this young man has done you proud and your food now lives up to your reputation" turning to Jimin she said,"Mr Park? Let me tell you how impressed I have been with the way you handled things today, it's hard being a stroppy customer but it's how you see the real face of a place and I can assure you my son Jinghyun  only behaves like that when I tell him to he helps his mama out don't you darling ?" She said smiling to her son.
The young boy stepped towards Jimin the epitome of politeness," Jimin....Mr Park, thank you for treating me well, I loved the story you made it sound real."
"Thank you Jinghyun, well some people want to become like the beautiful swan so the story tells you that things can change."
"Hmmm I see, we'll you must have always been a beautiful swan Jimin," he held onto his origami figures tightly and shook Jimins hand.
"Thank you Jinghyun that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me."
Jungkook walked them out chatting leisurely, Jimin told the staff well done and went to his office . He was busy tapping something into the laptop when Jungkook came in smiling dragging him out of his seat and swinging him around," well done Jimin!"
"It's just my job ," Jimin said when Jungkook put him down.
"Learn to take praise,"
"Well I suppose it's better than being considered naughty," he said innocently.
"Ah but good boys get this too," Jungkook said, kissing Jimin deeply , biting gently on his lip making him gasp allowing Jungkook to swirl his tongue inside making Jimin moan." Kiss me back Jimin," Jungkook said authoratively.
Jimin anxiously looked at the others lips then placed his lips in Jungkooks applying a small amount of pressure until Jungkook took over passionately kissing the boy and letting Jimin follow him.
Eventually they had to separate for breath but Jungkook looped his arms around the other .
"You don't know what you are doing to me do you," Jungkook asked the smaller, who shaking his head frowned," to be honest I'm confused am I naughty or good because the results are the same?"
"Jimin I love your innocence,, but just for future warning ," he said leaning close enough to touch the small boys lower region letting him feel Kookie junior that had arisen and he could also feel Jimins reaction," that innocence is going to be given to me and nobody else do you understand what I mean?"
"I'm a virgin not an idiot of course I know what it means I just don't know why you want to with me?"
"Because Jimin your a beautiful swan trying to be an ugly duckling," he pecked his mouth and went into his office leaving Jimin perusing the conversation then smiling.

The Lonely Boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن