In denial

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Jimin snuggled against the warmth, letting out a slight moan of pleasure at the comfort he felt, the male carrying him thought how erotic it sounded.
"Jimin....,Jimin your keys?"
Jimin lifted his drowsy eyelids seeing his bosses handsome face very near to his, then he woke up properly when he realised that the warmth he felt was his bosses arms carrying him.
Looking around he saw he was at the door of his home.
"Keys?" Jungkook asked again with a smile.
"S-sure, er if you let me down."
Jungkook smirked sliding the boy down his body onto the doorstep.
Jimin put his hand into his back pocket and took out his door key ," Erm thank you, sorry for bringing you out of your way , I'll let you go,"
He went in and was surprised when Jungkook followed.
"I need to talk with you Jimin,"
"Oh ok, please come in,"
Jungkook walked into the cramped room glancing around. Everything was clean and tidy just not much of it, a mattress against one wall, a coffee table one chair a tiny kitchenette are. A rail with two pairs of trousers hanging and three tops and a door he presumed was a bathroom.
"Er excuse me I need to use the bathroom" Jimin said embaressed.
Jungkook nodded, checking the door was shut as he sneaked a look in the kitchen cupboards only to find a box of cereal a nearly empty jar of coffee and in the fridge a bottle of water and some milk. He frowned no wonder the boy was so light. He quickly went back to the other part of the room when he heard the bathroom door open.
"Erm , do you want a drink?"
Jungkook shook his head not wanting to take the boys meagre supplies.
"No thank you I had one before I came here,er I won't take long you probably want to go get some food or something ."
"Oh no I have plenty here I'll eat later," Jimin lied.
At that moment someone thumped on the door, but Jimin made no move to answer it," shall I?" Jungkook queried stepping towards the door,
"NO!,no......, don't open it "Jimin said in an anxious voice.
Bang, bang," Hey cutie come on open up let me show you how to have fun," a male voice said.
Jimin stood embarrassed, not making eye contact with his boss...., bang bang, " you can't hold out forever cutie," someone smashed against the door making everything shake, Jimin rushed to turn the three locks he'd installed to make him feel safe, his hands visibly shaking.
"Who the hell is that?" Jungkook asked
"Erm he should go soon," Jimin muttered.
"What,is he an ex boyfriend or something?"
"Oh I've never had a boyfriend ,"
"Girlfriend then?"
"I tend to be by myself, I'm not really interesting so I don't want to bore others," Jimin said matter of factly just as a crash came from the bathroom window near the front door. Jimin jumped and Jungkook marched in seeing a man trying to get in, he grabbed his hand twisting it , "Jimin call the"
Jimin hurriedly did so and ten minutes later a policeman was knocking on the door," it's ok sir my colleague had detained him you can tell your friend to let go, he will be charged with breaking and entering........, you should be careful in this area a lot of unsavoury types around."
The man was taken off, jimin started muttering about putting something against the window when Jungkook spoke," you can't stay here!"
"Oh I'm sure I'll be ok, it's not the first time,"
"Last time the door lock was broken that's why I have three now, so if I can block the window I should be ok,"
"Are you nuts, this place isn't safe, anything could happen to you!!"
"Oh...., I'm sure it will be ok,"
"Why are you in denial, you heard what the policeman said!" Jungkook said angrily .
"B-because, this is all I have ....."
Jungkook looked at the boy, realising how dejected he looked as well as emmbaressed. Making a decision he spoke up, "pack your things up I have a better place, it's not much but you can use it, it's better than this."
"B-but ,I......"
"Now jimin,"
Jimin was literally packed up in fifteen minutes, jungkook picked up the suitcase Jimin had filled then ushered him out.
"WAIT!" Jimin said," my flowers, I want them nobody has ever given me such a nice gift before."
He cuddled the flowers to him and went with Jungkook getting back in the car.
The ride was familiar they were going back towards the restaurant .
They stopped outside and Jimin frowned looking at Jungkook.
Instead of going to the restaurant door Jungkook stepped towards a gated in stairway that had its own mailbox. Withdrawing a bunch of keys he took two off, one he used to unlock the entry gate.
Walking through they climbed up the stairs Jungkook easily carrying the suitcase. Once at the top Jimin realised they were on the roof area of the restaurant but their was a building in the middle.
Jungkook stepped towards it," it's not much, I used to live here when I first bought this restaurant , I wanted to be on the spot, it will be dusty I expect but it's still better than your old place, gas and electric are connected."
Jungkook switched a light on and Jimin gasped, wooden floors covered everywhere , blinds were at the windows , Jungkook pulled some sheets off the furniture displaying a three seater leather sofa a coffee table a two seater dining table a shelf unit against one wall and surprise a tv.
"Wow !! This is amazing! And a tv!! I haven't had a tv in years!
Jungkook looked at the happiness on the boys face, he felt sad for some reason when he realised what a quiet life Jimin lived. The small boy ran through doors to other rooms small shrieks came from him,
"a bathtub yes! And a shower, Omg look at this bed it's huge!"
Jungkook  was grinning pleased to have put a smile on the boys face , he went to the kitchen  switching on the fridge ready for Jimin to use then realised the boys food situation.
"Jimin come with me ,"
Jimin ran from the bedroom stopping in the kitchen to admire everything, then he froze," er I love this place sir but h-how much rent is it?"
"We will discuss that in a bit first come with me,"
Jimin followed the other, passing through the gate Jungkook crossed the road and took a sharp right leading Jimin to a convenience store, grabbing a trolley Jungkook started throwing in cleaning stuff, bottles of water, fruit, meat, Rameon, cereal milk coffee, rice then washing things like soap bubble bath shower gel and a bottle of washing gel for clothes, toilet roll,paying for it all and putting it in bags which he picked up only allowing Jimin to carry a light one.
"Wow you needed a lot of stuff haven't you been shopping for a while," a clueless Jimin asked.
"It's for you."
"What I don't need all this, I er..... can't pay you for it," he mumbled.
"Did I ask you to?"
They got back to Jimins new residence where Jungkook plonked the bags down.
"Right it's getting late, this is the deal, I want you to be an assistant manager, you clearly know how to do things and I need a helper as soon as, your wages will increase obviously and you live here rent free, what do you say?"
"I was thinking more of , yes Jungkook I'd love to thank you."
"Er sir I don't know what to say!"
"Yes will do and call me Jungkook,"
"Well ok then yes, I'll come in tomorrow and...."
"Nope you have three days off, I need to sort the office space and do some bits and you need to recover, laze around here whatever, oh and I need to take you shopping for clothes."
"Mmmm a couple of suits and whatever you represent my restaurant now, see you at eleven tomorrow , bye."
He ran off downstairs leaving a bemused Jimin standing there.
He went to the bags excitement in his face as he got the cleaning stuff out washing down shelves and cupboards putting food away mopping the floors making up the bed. He made himself something to eat then giggling ran a bath pouring in bubbles and immersing himself in them, he lay in the water until it started getting cold then wrapping a huge towel around himself he put on some fluffy pj's and sat in the sofa turning on the tv and laughing at some cartoons he found, at least he'd have a bit of company he thought even if it was people on a tv.
His eyes started to droop so he stood up wandering into the bedroom and climbing into the comfortable big bed where within minutes he was sound asleep happy thoughts in his head.

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