This boy is mine

698 44 7

Jungkook strode back and forth, pacing in the office, it was a month since that day and Jimin had kept his word, taking things slowly.
There had been no sex and Jungkook was horny. He was also worried tonight was one of Jimins nights out, he had dressed up in form fitting clothes. He had asked Jungkook how he looked Jungkook had tried to smile but his mind had said,' does he need to show off that butt and should that shirt not be buttoned right up?' But he'd said yes and kissed the boy waving him off . So here like every other night Jimin had gone out was a man wondering who would be looking at what was his tonight.
  Jimin threw the popcorn up in the air and caught it in his mouth," yay ten out of ten," Hobi and Tae said as they lounged in the sofa after pigging out in pizza , as per normal Jimins phone rang , looking at it he nodded at the others who jumped up turning some music up loud and grabbed there beer bottles clunking them when Jimin answered the phone .
"Hey, Jungkook,what,can't hear,oh yer I miss you too, what sorry it's so noisy in here see you later don't wait up!"
Shutting the phone off they all resumed their lolling around in the sofa after turning the music off.
"So how long you going to keep this up?"Hobi asked .
"You two said give him a taste of his own medicine !"
"And he really hasn't realised your not clubbing?"
"Nope, I slosh a little beer in my top before I get home."
"Ooh Jimin you can be evil!" Tae said.
"Funny Jungkook said that once!" His eyes smiled at the memory.
"But seriously, I think as his friends we are having way too much fun seeing him suffer, Jin and Suga keep on coming up with weird scenarios!!! And we can't tell Namjoon he's too straight laced!"Hobi said.
"When you told him you were going to go out and socialise I bet he never thought it would be at his friends houses!!" Tae laughed.
"I know I should stop this, he's getting ansty don't want it to go too far, but I'll stay another hour," Jimin giggled.
He quietly opened the door sneaking inside, just to be grabbed by a pair of hands and pushed against the door as a pair of hungry lips came down on his.
"Oh Kookie did you wait up for me ? You shouldn't have!"
"I fucking need you right now, I can't wait I want to feel you underneath me moaning my name,"
"But Kookie didn't we agree,slowly ?"
"I don't fucking care I've had it with you going out having fun probably everyone's eyes on you, I want you, they can't have you anymore!"
Jimin started to giggle then laughed then bent over laughing.
"What.Why are you laughing, is it because I'm jealous off you going out! That's right I'm jealous of other people seeing my boyfriend have fun!"
Jimin snorted with laughter," I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore,"
"Do what us? Jimin please ok I'll try harder I just love you so much!"
Jimin stopped laughing his mouth opened at Jungkooks words, he saw the sincerity in the others face. He gently put a hand into Kookies face," I mean I can't tease you anymore, all these nights out? At your friends houses, every time you phoned we turned the music up loud and played with beer bottles, my big socialising idea, nights in with Pizza!"
Jungkook stared at the other, his face a picture, then his gaze became lustful," you evil little shit all this worry....,I'm going to go so hard on you," he said as he stalked towards the boy that was walking backwards. He started stripping his clothes off as he went his gaze never leaving the other ," er...Kookie it was a joke....Erm,a bit of fun,I'm sorry !" He shrieked running to the bedroom Jungkook swiftly following and catching him.
He placed the small boy on the bed hovering over him. He quickly stripped the small boy who was getting turned on by the events," suck me off," Jungkook demanded off the other who quickly did as he was asked Jungkook laying in his back his large member fully erect, Jimins hot breath tantalised the other before he took him into his mouth the warmth encompassing him,"oh Jimin I'm so horny I want to cum already, he thrust roughly into Jimins mouth as the boy played with his balls and then pressed near to Jungkooks ass.
"I want to fuck you Kookie."
Jungkook looked at the gorgeous male before him wondering what it would feel like to have him inside him. He nodded reaching to a drawer to take out lube. Jimin coated his fingers the kissed his boyfriend deeply hearing him moan, he pressed a finger into him and Jungkook gasped at the invasion after a few minutes Jimin was thrusting three fingers in and Jungkook was a writhing mess.
"Ah Jimin fuck me already I need you."
Jimin lubed up his member and placed himself at Jungkooks entrance," now Jimin all at once I need this!"
Jimin pushed fully in capturing the gasp Jungkook made with his own mouth kissing the pain away,
"Jesus! I must be a sadist fuck my ass hard Jimin,"
Jimin obliged ramming into the other feeling Jungkook grip his member, Jungkooks own bouncing between them, soon both were panting and sweating Jimin feeling weaker then thrusting deeply he came pulsating inside the other as Jungkook came spurting between them," holy fuck," Jungkook muttered as Jimin flopped onto him still inside him.
Jimin gently pulled out rolling into the bed.
"Jimin you ok?"
"Hmph ...."
"Are you tired baby?"
"Uh huh"
"So what's better too or bottom,"
"I'll let you be top, I only did this for one reason."
"What?what do you mean?"
"I want to see you waddle into work...., pay backs a bitch! Jimin giggled getting off the bed and dancing around before whistling as he went into the shower.
Jimin giggled to himself as he ran a bath for Jungkook, he smiled then gasping he ran back to the boy,"Kookie!" He said in a panicked voice.
Jungkook stopped whinging as he saw the others face," what is it baby?"
"I forgot to tell you," he said throwing himself  on the other ," what is it your worrying me baby!"
"I forgot to tell you I love you too!"
Jimin smothered the others face in kisses," ah my baby your so cute you had me worried, now help me to that god damn bath!"
At wok the next day Jimins smothered giggles had some of the staff looking at him, he just smiled back putting a hand over his mouth as Jungkook limped by glaring at him.
"Oh Mr Jeon have you hurt yourself?" The sweet waitress asked him.
"Er ,yes did too much in the gym, " he lied.
"You should be careful sir your not getting any younger," Jimin said sweetly smothering the upcoming laugh.
"But Mr Jeons not old?" The waitress said.
"Well things are obviously getting 'hard' for do."
Jimin said trying to sound sincere .
"Mr Park could you come to my office?"
"Of course sir,oops gently does it," he smirked as Jungkook winced.
In th office Jungkook wasted no time pinning him to the wall and assaulting his mouth," my Jiminee you can be so evil yet so cute! I have something for you."
"What  is it my love , my hero, my protector, my...."
"Shut it you sound very insincere right now!"
"Ok ...what's up then,"
Jungkook took a deep breath pulling something out of his pocket and opening it," will you Park Jimin agree to be my husband the love of my life the mother of any adopted children the one and only person I ever want to be with?"
Jimin looked at the two rings sitting in the box and screamed,"you bet your fucking  life I will!" Jungkook laughed out loud at his boyfriends exuberance , he slipped the rings on their fingers.
"I really think I'm a bad influence in you, you never used to swear!"
"By the way husband to be why do I have to be mother?"
"Cos I'm the big strong protector of the family!"
"Ooooh does that mean I can call you daddy?"
"Park Jimin what has Tae been teaching you! Come here you little monster.... Ouch, you wait...., when I get hold of you....."
"You gotta catch me first .....Daddy!"
He blew a kiss at the other as he ran from the office his boyfriends smile following, Jungkook smirked , just you wait Park backs gonna be a bitch......ouch! He gazed lovingly at his seat with a cushion carefully sitting down as a loud farting sound came from underneath the cushion making him shoot up.....ow!! Reaching down he pulled out a whoopee cushion and bellowed,"PARK JIMIN YOU LITTLE MONSTER  YOUR EVIL!!!!" But smiled at the giggles coming from down the corridor , life was going to be fun he thought as he carefully sat down letting out a calming sigh as he planned retribution in his head.
The end

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