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Jimin felt amazing as he woke up again this time alone.
He saw a note:
Sorry had to leave, don't start imagining things I had to change my clothes for work later, although it was hard to leave you and your delectable ass you have on show 😉
See you later
Jimin looked down at himself realising he was indeed showing everything off but surprisingly it just made him giggle.
Wow he thought his life was certainly changing, he had a new place, he was an assistant manager, his bank balance was a lot better and his boss..........his boss what? Fancied him?liked him as a friend with benefits? Just wanted....what, it wasn't sex it was pleasure. Jimins mind tried to be logical.
Had Jungkook asked him
Had he even said he wanted a
Was it a spur of the moment thing.....  yes.
So did that mean he was
Should I forget it happened.....definitely Jungkook wouldn't want him thinking it was something special remember don't be a burden to others, he told himself.
It would have been nice to think that for a little while he was special but he knew that was not the case.
Now he'd sorted it out in his head he decided to go into work early, he was still updating his files and he was doing a spreadsheet on costs, so that was how Jungkook found him hours later when he came in.
His desk had notes scribbled on, a variety of files and an untouched coffee gone cold.
"How long have you been here?"
"Hmmm,oh I don't know since one?"
"Eh oh I wanted to catch up on things, "he noticed the full coffee cup and grimaced when he took a sip it was stone cold.
Putting it down he went to pick up a file but a large hand stopped him.
"Have you eaten at all?"
"Oh er no, I'll get something later."
"No," he rang down to the kitchen asking the chef to make an omelette and salad and send it to Jimins office.
"You shouldn't do that, it's not fair on the other staff if I get treated differently , they may think something was going on and you don't need that gossip to tarnish your image."
Jungkook stared at the other boys anxious expression." You do remember what we did this morning?"
"Of course, I understand you were feeling in need of release so we d-did that," he stuttered.
"And so what thoughts did you have on the subject?"
"Am I supposed too?"
"You have your first blowjob and sleep with a man and it's nothing?" Jungkook felt himself get irritated.
"I-I'm sorry have I done something wrong, I don't know how these things work, am I supposed to do something?"
"Well it would have been nice if you said you enjoyed it and hey Jungkook can't wait for next time, but obviously it wasn't that good for you.!" Jungkook stormed out to his office.
Jimin was upset and confused, all his life he'd been told to keep quiet don't burden others don't make a big deal of things.
He wiped his eyes knocking on Jungkooks office door he slipped in.
"I'm sorry if I have annoyed you, I was trying not to anger you by making a big deal about it, my uncle told me not to imagine something that wasn't there,I don't know what is, I've never had a friend like you before, you made me feel great it was amazing I didn't know it could be like that but I didn't want to burden you with my feelings, I don't want you to feel burdened by me I didn't want to expect something that is probably an everyday occurrence for you, after all your so handsome you must have plenty of people you do that with, I have never been in a situation where someone spent time with me willingly,if I knew it was allowed I would of said how great it felt I would have said, thank you for making me feel special for a while, but,I'm used to being told to not make a nuisance of myself, I'm sorry I realise I'm strange, I'm not used to company or w-what we did, I'm sorry I'll go now,I don't think I fit in"
All the time he'd been talking Jungkook could see him digging his nails into his hands worriedly, he saw the confusion on the others face when he wanted to try and explain the unknown feelings , Jungkooks phone rang so he answered it.Jimin rushed out the door he felt like a useless idiot, he'd made the only person who had helped him mad, his uncle was right he was a burden.
He slipped past everyone and rushed up to the apartment intent on disappearing before he caused more trouble.
A knock came on Jungkooks door as he put the phone down, he opened it to see a waiter holding a plate." Er I was told to bring this to Jimin sir but I can't find him?"
"Isn't he in his office?"
"No sir,"
"Give it to me I will give it to him when he gets back."
The waiter left, Jungkook stared worriedly at the plate,where had Jimin gone? He should have ignored the phone and gone after the boy, he suddenly thought of what Jimin said before he left....." I'll go now I don't fit in,"
Rushing down the stairs he pulled out his spare keys unlocking the gate and running up to the front door, he didn't bother knocking just opened the door, he could hear someone in the bedroom as he got closer he heard Jimin muttering to himself,
"Your so stupid uncle was right I'm no good, who would want to be around me........I should have stayed where I was  I thought I could have a friend , stupid stupid "he spat out, crying as he found his old suitcase just putting in things he had brought he shouldn't take the other stuff he thought.....
Jungkook walked in closing the door behind him seeing the boys face with dried tears, he knew he had to handle the fragile boy carefully.
Jimin had looked up at Jungkooks entry now he focused on filling the case.
"Jimin, what are you doing?"
"I um,I decided your better off with a decent manager,"
"Your running away?"
"N-no, I can see how silly it was for me too think I fit in , it's obvious I don't have the right social skills for a place like yours, I'll let you down, "
"Jimin look at me"
"I -I've g-got to go it's getting late, I need to see if my old landlord has found a tenant yet."
"Please look at me Jimin,"
"I'll leave all the stuff you brought I don't know if you can sell it, b-but it's not right for me to keep it," Jimin rambled on.
Two hands gripped his face tilting it up so that he had to look at the other.
"Jimin I'm sorry, you did nothing wrong, my ego was bruised by you saying you had no thoughts on it,so I shouted at you, but I realise you were trying to please me in some way by being discreet, you hold yourself back because you don't want to be a bother, you have this insane idea that your not good enough, I should have remembered this is all new to you, I should have also made plain that your not just a one night stand, I want to get to know you Jimin."
"Y-you do?But aren't I annoying ?"
"No your cute and cuddly,"
"But aren't you used to people who....,know how to act after s-sex?"
"Ah Jimin when we have sex you'll know it, this morning was a little taster and you blew my mind ,"
"I-I did?"
"I can't understand how such a competent person who could run my restaurant single handed can be such an innocent when it comes to socialising and relationships?"
"I feel in control if I think I can do something...., my uncle didn't like me bothering him, I drew a picture once at school of me and my uncle and aunt, I thought it would please them that I had drawn my new family, they ripped it up and said I was an encumbrance , I looked the word up in a dictionary , it meant impediment or burden,and that's how they saw me, I couldn't have school friends around so soon they stopped playing with me, those that tried to visit were turned away, I was told to be useful, clean up do the laundry and be grateful for the small amounts of food I was allowed, so I studied hard so I could leave and stop being a burden but I actually stopped living normally a long time before that."
"Jimin......... they treated you wrong , you've become so embroiled in living in solitude that you've forgotten how to live, but I'm going to change that,"
"Erm....are you sure you know if you want to get out of whatever this is now might be the best time?"
A pair of lips slammed against his, demandingly, pushing inside as he tugged the boy against him, Jimin fell into the pleasure feeling like he was where he should be.
Jungkook pulled back," ah Jimin your so tasty," he grinned making the small boy grin back.
Jimin suddenly looked shocked," oh no we are both out of the restaurant we should go back, what if someone wants us!!!!" Dragging Jungkook to the door he was stopped," Jimin I'll go back now don't worry so much, you clean up then come back ok and put this stuff back where it belongs ," he said pointing to the suitcase Jimin nodded rushing to empty it.
"Oh and Jimin this thing we have.....your my boyfriend ok, it's a relationship,@ Jungkook blew a kiss to the small boy who stood mouth open at the others words. Once the door shut Jimin ran round like a lunatic," I'm in a relationship I have a boyfriend!" He yelled to the empty room.
Fifteen minutes later and Jimin was back in his office , Jungkook came to see if he was ok and saw him eating the cold omelette and salad.
"Jimin you should have asked for a fresh one !"
"Oh no chef cooked this especially it's my fault it got cold and it still tastes better than anything I make," he mumbled as he ate.
Jungkook shook his head laughing and went back to his office.
Jimin took his plate down to the kitchen praising the chef for how delicious it was, his smile was infectious as chef grinned back saying Jimin was the best sort of customer.
Jimin went to check the restaurant when three distinguished looking people walked in they spoke to the table manager who looked a bit flustered, Jimin went over .
"Er sir , this is Mr Jeons parents and guest they would like a table."
Jimin looked to see a smiling older lady with Jungkooks eyes , who smiled a lot and an older gentlemen  and a haughty looking girl.
" hello my name is Park Jimin I am the assistant manager please come this way,"
"Oh what a sweetie you are," Jungkooks mother said.
Jimin smiled his beautiful smile as he ushered them to a table, passing the menu he asked them what they would like to drink.
After telling him,Mr Jeon asked," if my son isn't busy could you ask him to stop bye?"
Jimin nodded," I will see if he is available sir,"
"Just get him," the haughty girl said.
Jimin made his way to Jungkooks office," er your parents are at a table with a guest, your father asked if you have time could you drop by?"
"Really they are here! I haven't seen them since I came back they were travelling," he rushed out with Jimin following, he saw him greet his parents and then grabbed by the girl who kissed him fully on the lips.
"Jungkook I missed you, your parents mentioned they were coming so of course I asked to join them after all now your back we can be together like old times, maybe make it official this time don't you think?@ she pulled him into a tight hug as over her shoulder he saw Jimin go pale and look down visibly shaken on hearing her .

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