And then to work

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Jimin felt like he'd been tossed around by a whirlwind. Jungkook obviously liked to shop but he wasn't a shall I shan't I type of guy, he went to a fashionable clothes shop got Jimin measured the went to the rails picking up a black and dark grey suit in jimins size , going to the shirts he picked out two white a pale pink and a light blue one then ties to match , Jimin just watched as he picked up and gave the items to two shop assistants following him, his eyes glazed over after a while until." Jimin will that be ok?"
"Huh which one?"
"All of it, just need to get shoes," Jimin saw the assistants struggling under the piles of clothes, jungkook must have got himself stuff too he thought, a black and a brown pair of shoes were added totted up and paid for.
"Let's get a coffee before I have to go to work ,"
They went to a coffee shop and ordered Jungkook ordering some cake as well which he saw Jiminee peaking at.
"Mmmmm delicious Jimin said looking up grinning, Jungkook smiled leaning over to brush his thumb across jimins plump lips showing him the cream before he sucked it off his own thumb which Jimin watched mesmerised as the others tongue came out to lick the cream off, not realising he'd sighed until Jungkook said," see anything you like?"
"Huh,I wasn't,I didn't mean to...."
Jungkook laughed," Jimin your priceless your so easy to tease!"
"Am not.... I didn't mean to stare."
"It's ok, you can if you want, I am after all devastatingly handsome ," he joked .
"And way out of my league," Jimin muttered then realised he'd said it out aloud.
Jungkook frowned," why would you say that, do I seem the type of person who would only mix with certain types?"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to annoy you I just meant there's you then there's me, your charming you have many friends you have created your dreams and accomplished them, then me, I'm just .....well nothing really, I'm average looking, boring ,haven't got real friends just work colleagues, haven't amounted to much and generally what would be classed as a bit of a loser."
Jungkook couldn't believe what he was hearing, did Jimin really have that low opinion of himself, but looking at the boy he could see that Jimin believed everything he'd said and didn't seem to question any of it.
"You finished?" He asked the other quietly.
Jimin jumped up eagerly determined not to waste too much of Jungkooks time.
They drove back to Jimins and the restaurant," oh shall I take the suits," Jimin asked.
"What about the rest?" Jungkook frowned.
"The rest! I thought that was yours!"
"No come on I'll help you take it up,"
They struggled up the stairs with all the bags.
"Ok then I'm off to work, oh nearly forgot," pulling out an envelope he said," restaurant keys alarm code, your new contract just bring that in when your back ok?"
"Ok thank you how can I repay you?"
Jungkook stared at the other then grabbed behind his neck pulling the boy to him and kissing him deeply on the lips before letting go," that will do for starters," he winked at the dazed looking boy then ran down the steps to work.
Jimin touched his fingers to his mouth before a beaming smile came out and whistling he uopened the bags to take out numerous items he couldn't remember seeing, boxers , socks, sweatshirts t shirts jeans, he squealed in delight then picking out his old belongings he bundled them up and put them in a rubbish bag hanging up all his new stuff and admiring it all.
After that he threw himself into the middle of the large bed giggling for no reason.
The next day passed quickly, Jimin just pigged out slept watched tv, he stood outside on the roof thinking maybe he could decorate with plants and get a little chair to sit on.
Although it was late Jimin was now wide awake the restaurant had closed everyone had gone. Jimin thought maybe he could go to Mr Li's office and tidy it up or something.
He walked in surprised to find the clutter gone along with the desk. The walls were painted a fresh white and three round tables with chairs were now in place also a water machine and the small sofa had been kept.Jimin smiled so they had a staff room now.
He liked it but something was missing then he grinned he went to a storeroom searching and found what he wanted, paint to draw a huge Tiger lily on one of the plain white walls, even though it was late he decided to do it,five hours later his tired eyes studied the painting, art had always been a favourite of his. He tiredly cleaned the brushes up ,putting the things back in the store room. Maybe he could get cushions for the sofa to blend in with the lily colour, the room now looked more friendly and inviting.
Yawning he locked up, soon he was back in his new home he showered quickly put on cosy Pj's and fell asleep instantly.
Jungkook gathered the staff outside their new room before their shift started.
"I hope this will be ok, I'm waiting for a mini fridge and kettle to arrive, I will supply tea and coffee and milk but at least now you have somewhere to sit, please go in," he stood back hearing murmurs of delight and then," I love the Lily warms the room up gives it that nice touch."
"Lily?he hadn't put any flowers in."
He stepped in his eyes drawn immediately to the beautifully painted Tiger Lily , it brought a warm welcoming feeling to the room, but who?
Leaving the staff to admire the room he went to his office clicking on last nights camera footage, he saw Jimin come in just after twelve, he saw him go to the new staff room and look around surprised then his face was smiling and he disappeared coming back with paint cans and brushes, jungkook watched as the painting appeared Jimin stepping back often to see what needed to be done then balancing on one of the tables to reach higher up,jungkook could see how tired he looked when he finished it was early morning, he'd been there for hours,so much for the silly boy resting,
He hadn't known Jimin was so talented..
He checked that everything was ready for the day then walked to Jimins gate, he had spare keys so he used them to open the gate, he was about to open the front door but thought he should knock.
The door was opened by a weary Jimin who blinked then stood up straight nervously.
Jungkook decided to play with him.
"Hi Jimin, just thought I would check everything was ok before I went into work?"
"Yes fine all ok,"
"I hope you have been resting?"
"Yep, er resting, er see still in Pj's,"
"So I see....,cute,"
"I'm glad you took my advice so you'll be well rested for work tomorrow ,"
"Yes, all rested up busy doing nothing like you said."
"Ok then, I'll go now......"
Jimin nodded.
"Oh and Jimin,...."
"In my world naughty boys are punished!"
Jungkook smirked," the paintings great, so glad you naughty boy!"
Jimin gulped as he watched the other leave,' stupid stupid Jimin he thought as if the Lily would just appear there!'
He went back inside remembering Jungkooks words, how did he mean punished?
It played in his mind for hours but then he stopped thinking about it and decided it was just a joke.
He prepared himself something to eat then cleaned up. He made sure his clothes were ready for the next day then climbed into his bed to sleep, he needed to be alert and on his toes tomorrow , he needed to show he could do the job and that he wasn't a liability, maybe he could stay after hours to set in place a system he worked to, with that in mind he smiled and fell asleep .

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