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Tommy  once again woke up around midnight, in the cold dark alley ways of L'manburg.

yet another day of waiting for his parents to come back, even though it seems like years when they told him 'We'll be right back.'

he must have been around 8 when they told him that.

He missed them, so he was quite suborn when the thought came into mind.

The thought being: 'They're never coming back.'

It was a terrible thought.

How he was still alive was a wonder to him.

He had basically been living off stolen bread, or apples from the trees in the park.

Tommy sat up slowly, getting of of the hard concrete under him.

He decided to get up for a small stroll, then coming back to the small alley way his parents left him in.

Tommy found the empty streets quite calming, especially if it was night.

It was quiet. The quiet he enjoyed.

Tommy had a large fear of loud noises.

They just scared him.

occasionally he would here a car or an owl, but nothing to loud.

The light from the lampposts were dim, but he liked it that way.

He was afraid of loud noises, not the dark.

So it sort of startled him when he heard a branch break behind him.

"Who the fuck are you?" he questioned the figure.

The figure chuckled.

"I'm you're friendly neighborhood vampire"

Tommy honestly couldn't care less if he was a vampire or not. 

He wanted to be dead anyway.

"Alright," Tommy replied calmly. "What are you waiting for? Fucking kill me!"

This startled the figure, or vampire.

"What?" It asked.

"Well? Do it! I wouldn't fucking care if you killed me"

The figure stepped into the light.

Long pink hair, crown, a white shirt that was  bloodstained, and a bright red cape.

"You seem interesting." The guy said. "I think Phil would like you."  The vampire said calmly.

"What? Who the fuck is Phil?" Tommy asked, hoping for an answer.

"Its a shame I have to knock you out." The vampire said, dodging the question.

Tommy tried to answer this, but before he could, He felt a hand cover his mouth,  which then brought his vision to become blurry.

He could feel himself slowly blacking out, He tried to struggle out of the vampires grasp, but failed.

he drifted into unconsciousness, falling into the vampires arms.


Alright, the first chapter is done, its short because its like an introduction chapter.

word count- 391

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