A loss of trust

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The two families thought they would stay a while longer.

A while.

Not for too much longer, just a while.

But it was currently almost sunrise, the preferred time for sleep, and the sun was already high enough in the sky to really burn a vampire, so the two families were sort of stuck inside right now.

There were mixed feelings on this.

Tommy for one felt a bit uncomfortable around Dream, and was partly disappointed when he found out they were staying over.   

Tommy was lost in his own thoughts and didn't acknowledge that Tubbo had walked into the room, as well as not acknowledging Tubbo trying to get his attention.

"TOMMY!" Tubbo basically yelled.

"Oh uh yeah?" Tommy said snapping back to reality.

Tubbo sighed. "Never mind, are you alright?"

Tommy nodded.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about shit." 

Tubbo laughed.

"Do you want to play a game?" Tubbo asked.

"Depends, what game?" Tommy replied.

"Uno, or maybe monopoly, your choice really."

Tommy hesitated before answering.

"Uno, I think. That's the only one Techno and Wilbur taught me."

Tubbo smiled.

"I'm guessing you know where the card deck is then-" Tubbo said.

Tommy laughed.

"Uh-No I don't. I should probably go ask Techno." Tommy replied.

"Alright," Tubbo said.

Tommy left the room, closing the door half way, then following the torch-lit hallway to get to the stairs.

Tommy had become sort of familiar with the house now, but didn't know how to locate every room in the house, meaning he got lost every now and then, but Wilbur, Techno, or Phil would eventually find him.

Tommy came to an abrupt stop realizing he had taken the wrong stair case, let alone the wrong hallway.

"Just what I needed." Tommy said sarcastically.

He decided to continue walking anyways.

Even though he knew he would probably end up getting more lost, it would be a better way to learn how to locate through the house.

"What was I looking for again?" Tommy asked himself, forgetting why he had came downstairs in the first place.

He stood there wondering for a minute, then shrugged it off and continued walking.

at one point Tommy came across a door that had a rather interesting appeal.

It was a light purple color, and had bits of rust around the door frame.

But the thing that made it stand out to all the other rooms was the fact that it had a 'Do not enter, residents only' sign on it.

Tommy decided to open the door, like what else was he supposed to do? Ignore it? Pfft, as if.

Inside the room was dark. Very, Very dark.

Tommy looked around the room, and found nothing but bottles of potions, a brewing stand, possibly another vampire-

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