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Hi, how are you?

I want to get this introduction over with so I can work on the story :)

Tw's are actually in this part. 

Blood, corpses, Maybe child abuse...Idk

But anyway, this chapter may be a bit cringe and may feel rushed, Or happened to soon in the story.

This chapter will also have different Parts/segments. (I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW WHAT PEOPLE CALL THEM)

So that's really all I wanted to say

Thanks :)


"I think we should take Tommy on his first hunt."

That was the first thing that Wilbur said after walking down the stairs.

The room fell silent.

"What?" Techno asked, looking at Wil like he was crazy.

"You heard me." Wilbur said a little more anxiously.

"Are you sure he's ready?" Phil asked. "His fangs haven't fully grown in."

"Exactly." Techno said sharply.

"Dad, haven't they grown in enough? We haven't been on any hunts lately because of Tommy."

Wilbur pointed out.

"I guess you're right.."  Phil said, a tiny bit of hesitation in his voice.

"Come on Phil... he's an idiot." Techno whined.

"Sorry Tech, We have to teach Tommy how to hunt soon anyway.." 

Techno only rolled his eyes.



Step one. Convincing.


Wilbur smiled as he heard Tommy start to wake up.

Wilbur didn't have the heart to wake up a small sleeping child, so he had waited for him to do so naturally.

"Good evening Tommy" Wilbur said smiling.

Tommy nearly jumped as Wilbur had practically came up behind him.

"O-Oh, Hi Wilbur." He said with a forced smile.

"Sooo Tommy.. Do you want to go hunting with us?" Wilbur asked

"....Hunting?..." Tommy asked in confusion. "Whats that?"

Wilbur sighed.

"I thought you would know this. It's basically how we get our blood."

Wilbur paused. "Think of it like killing animals, but with humans."

Tommy's eyes grew wide. "But why would I need to kill someone?" 

Once again, this made Wilbur disappointed.

"To keep us alive Tommy."


There was a silence that filled the room for the second time today.

"I-" Tommy started.

"You what?" Wilbur asked, hoping he knew the answer.

"F-fine. I'll do it." Tommy said reluctantly.

Blood.. [Sbi vampire au]Where stories live. Discover now