Maybe a sip..

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Tommy woke up again, a bit overwhelmed from what had happened 'Last night', half his brain was still trying to process the whole situation.

He then heard someone sigh.

"Up already? It's only been a few weeks.." The monotone voice said.

"Weeks?!" Tommy yelled out in surprise, head almost immediately shooting up.

Techno nodded.  "It's unusual for someone who just got turned to be up so quickly."

Tommy was still trying to process what had happened.  

"What?"  Tommy asked.

Techno ignored this.

"I wonder if your fangs have came in alright." he said.

Tommy didn't like this.

Fangs? Why would he have...

Oh right.

"Tommy,can you open your mouth for me?" Techno asked, once again ignoring Tommy's confusion.

Tommy, not wanted any trouble, obediently did what he was told.

"They've almost fully came in." Techno said, patting the boys head.

"I'll go tell Wilbur and Phil that you're up."  Techno said, leaving the room.

Tommy was frozen.

how had he forgotten about them?

Why had they done this to him?

what did his fangs look like?

Tommy wanted to see for himself.

He looked around for the nearest mirror, not sure what to expect of his new fangs.

He wasn't exited.

He just wanted to see what they looked like.

Once he saw the nearest washroom, he nervously walked over, not knowing  what to expect of himself.

He got in front of the mirror, staring right at himself for a few seconds.

Tommy then opened his mouth to see fangs.


for crying out loud, Tommy knew he wasn't ready for this.

He didn't like them. He wanted to get rid of them.

No. He needed to.

Tommy looked everywhere in the room for a set of tweezers.

God, What kind of bathroom doesn't have any fucking tweezers?

(A/N: Not mine .) Also quickly I actually don't know my thought process at this point.

Tommy heard footsteps coming up into the bedroom.

Tommy knew if he wanted to find tweezers, he had to be quick.

Unfortunately, Tommy couldn't find them.

Tommy heard his  name being called, and awkwardly walked out of the washroom.

"Alright mate. Let's see those fangs." Phil said as he set his eyes on Tommy.

Tommy hesitantly opened his mouth.

Phil looked like at him in shock.

"They shouldn't be that developed." Phil said, completely astonished by this.

Tommy looked over to Wilbur, who had looked over at Phil like he had no idea what was going on.

After a few minutes of silence, Wilbur finally let out a sigh.

"Maybe you should give him blood." He suggested.

Phil only nodded, then motioned for Tommy to follow him.

Tommy hesitated before trailing after him.

What did they mean by 'Maybe we should give him blood?'

lucky for him, he was going to find out.

After four fucking flights of stairs, they finally made it to the kitchen.

Wilbur opened the fridge.

"Dad, what type do I give him?" Wilbur asked.

"I labeled a container that should say 'Blood for new vampires'..." Phil said thinking a bit.

Wilbur nodded. Tommy could see him reaching to the back of the fridge, grabbing something.

Tommy hadn't fully caught up on what was going on.

He saw Wilbur pull out a container full of blood.

Wilbur then opened the lid and held the blood right in front of Tommy.

"Drink." He said.

Tommy looked from the container to Wilbur.

Tommy hesitantly grabbed it, then tried to sniff it to get to know the smell.

It did smell good, but Tommy didn't really want to drink it.

But he felt really pressured to do so.

"C'mon mate, try it!" Phil suggested, patting Tommy's head.

"M-Maybe just a sip.." Tommy said reluctantly, staring into the red liquid.

Tommy squeezed his eyes closed, put the container up to his mouth, and drank a little bit.

To his surprise, it tasted great!... But it was wrong. Someone....Someone died for this.

But even so... Tommy couldn't resist drinking more.

He drank until the container was empty, then stared into Wilbur's eyes.

"I want more." Tommy said without an idea of what he was doing.

Phil chuckled. "I have another container in the fridge, Wil."

Wilbur nodded, then reached into the fridge only to grab another one.

Tommy once again drank the red liquid, this time without hesitation.

"more." Tommy said after he was fully finished drinking.

"No, Tommy. That's enough." Phil said sternly

Wilbur could have sworn he heard Tommy hiss at Phil.

"More." Tommy said sharply.

"Tommy, you'll get more tomorrow..!" Wilbur said with hesitation.

"God Wil. He drank to much..." Phil stated.

Phil must have forgotten that newer vampires should only drink one cup a day.

Wilbur was confused.

"Wait he's high on bloo-" He was cut off. "HEH??" The monotone voice screamed.

"Are you guys stupid?!" Techno asked. "You should never feed that much blood to a newer vampire!"

Wilbur only chuckled. "Be glad he's enjoying it."

Techno rolled his eyes. "Whatever."


That's about all the time I have right now

and I really want to get this published so I can start with the next chapter because I may have a good idea :)

Word count: 859

Blood.. [Sbi vampire au]Where stories live. Discover now