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"I don't see how this is supposed to make me a better blader."

Fumiya chuckles, his fingertips rubbing circles onto Takane's soft belly. He has the young boy pressed close to him, glad to have managed to convince him to 'train' with him privately.

"Are you seriously doubting me?" Fumiya presses his lips against the back of Takane's neck. "You seemed so excited to try this training with me." He sighs, pulling away with a shrug. "But if you're not interested, then I guess we don't have to."

Takane spins around, clutching onto Fumiya's shirt desperately. "No, no! I want to try it, I do!"

Fumiya shakes his head. "Nope. You don't have faith in me, I can tell." He nudges Takane's hands away and waves him off. "Just go. I can train with someone else."

"Please!" Takane cries, hands balled up into fists. "Let me try your training! I want to get stronger!"

A few seconds pass before Fumiya nods. "Alright. Just remember that this is our secret training. You can't tell anyone, not even Amane."

"Why not?"

"Because-" Fumiya ruffles Takane's hair, crouching down and resting a hand on his shoulder- "if you tell other people, they're going to want to try it, too. It won't be good for everyone to be doing the same training."

Takane nods in understanding. "So how do we do it?"

Slipping his hands under Takane's shirt again, Fumiya smiles. "Just leave it to me."

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