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"You must understand that Pandora-" Over the phone, Pax freezes. He closes his mouth and leans closer to the camera. Pri can hear him pressing down on a button repeatedly. The volume button, she assumes. She knows exactly what he's hearing. Pax leans back in his chair and raises an eyebrow. "What is that noise?"

Pri scoffs. The banging of the headboard on the wall next to hers gets louder, faster. If she weren't on call with Pax, she'd cover her ears with her pillow as she normally did when this happened. At this point she knew which parts of her pillows were best at noise-cancelling.

"It's just Ranzo and Bel. I'd tell you to ignore it, but I can't even do that myself."

"Are they..?"

Pri shrugs, grabbing one of her shoes from the floor and throwing it against the wall. The banging halts momentarily before starting again, softer. She knew those two (especially Bel) had no manners, but seriously? Aren't they at least a little ashamed? She's already planning the dirty look she's going to give them during bey practice later.

"They do it all the time, Pax! I hardly ever get any sleep!" Her eyes dart to the wall again at the sound of a high-pitched moan. "They could at least do it in Bel's room so I don't have to hear it! I don't get those two at all. They're always bickering during practice but then go ahead and do this?"

"That's not important." Welp, Pax is back to business. "What's important is that you increase Pandora's elemental power during your next match."

"Mhm," she hums. She looks back into Pax's eyes and tries not to let her gaze wander back to the wall. Her cabinet shakes with every thud. "The sooner I master Pandora, the sooner I can get out of here."

It stops almost immediately after Pri finishes her call with Pax. She can hear Ranzo's door unlock and light footsteps make their way down the stairs.

Finally. She needs a nap.

The next day, it continues. However, this time it's Bel complaining.

"Ugh!" He groans, flopping down onto his bed with his limbs spread. "How dare they do this at The Phantom's Gate?"

A bead of sweat rolls down Jiji's face. Hiding away in Bel's room under the excuse of bringing food has quickly become a habit. The second he hears Ranzo's door shut, he's rushing to make Dark Prince Curry. While he'd prefer this didn't happen where they could hear it, who was he to stop them? The only time he talked about it with Ranzo was to make sure he was being safe. God forbid The Phantom's Gate has to help raise a baby.

"Seriously, I welcome Pri to The Phantom's Gate and this is how she repays me? By not letting me sleep?" Bel reaches over to grab a cookie from the tray Jiji held. He stuffs it in his mouth and doesn't even finish chewing before he speaks again. "And don't even get me started on Ranzo! I bet he's only doing this to make me jealous!"

The corner of Jiji's lips twitch, flashing a smile. "Jealous, you say?"

Bel turns red, shaking his head rapidly. "Wait, not like that! I wouldn't be jealous of that! It's just, he just, he must think he's better than me!"

Jiji chuckles. "No one is better than my grandson."

"Exactly! They should realize it, too!" Bel crosses his arms and looks to the side. In their silence, they can both hear the thumping clearly. He can't even imagine what they must be doing to make it sound like that. He swears, if they break that bed, not only are they paying for it, they'll be banned from The Phantom's Gate. But broken or not, he can't stand the sound for a moment longer. "That's it, I'm gonna go talk to them!"

Bel hops off of his bed and starts heading towards Ranzo's room. Jiji stays behind, mentally wishing Bel good luck. He didn't feel like getting involved himself.

The creaking of Ranzo's bed echoes through the halls. Bel can barely hear his own thoughts as he walks. Still, he doesn't need to think. He just needs to yell at them and that should be the end of it. He turns the corner and sees Pri, standing outside of Ranzo's door.

Bel jumps, pointing a finger at her. "Hey, I'm getting sick of you and Ranzo making all this noise!"

She gasps. "Me?" She stomps over to him, bending over slightly to push a finger against his chest. "You're the one always making noise with him!"

"How could it be me? I'm right here!"

"I'm here, too!"

They blink at each other. The thudding has stopped.

"But if it's not you..." Pri turns her head to the door. "Then who is it?"

They both scream when the door opens. Hanna, messy-haired and panting, puts her hands on her hips and glares at them. "What are you two doing out here? It's rude to eavesdrop, you know!"

Despite her being fully-clothed, they still look away. They knew if they stared for even a second longer they'd see undeniable proof of what her and Ranzo were doing in that room just moments ago.

Bel keeps his eyes on the floor. "It's even ruder to be making all that noise when you're a guest!"

"Yeah, exactly!" Pri adds, eyes clenched shut. "It's all we can ever hear!"

"That's it?" Hanna tilts her head. "Okay, sure. Just stop arguing out here already." She backs away into the room again and slams the door. They hear the lock click and the bed whine when Hanna climbs it.

Pri stands up straight and clears her throat. "Well... Looks like it was neither of us."

"I know that! I already knew it was Hanna!" Bel shouts, a blush dusting his cheeks.

"If you say so. I'm seriously going to sleep now."

Bel watches her leave to her room next door. He looks back at Ranzo's door and decides to step closer, pressing his ear against it. He hears whispers being exchanged but can't comprehend what they're saying. Eventually the talking stops, and is replaced the bed again.

Rocking, rather than thudding, at least. Bel smirks as he crosses his arms over his chest.

Another victory for the Dark Prince!

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