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"You're beautiful, Hyuga," Hikaru breathes out, kissing Hyuga's neck gently as he continues to thrust into him.

Hyuga lets out a whine, holding Hikaru's hands tighter. It's such an odd feeling. It's not anything like the things he sees in porn. He's getting fucked, but he doesn't feel the need to moan at every subtle movement like girls always do. Although, occasionally it does become a little too much and he does moan. But pornos are an exaggeration.

It hurts like hell. No one warned him about that. Thankfully, Hikaru noticed Hyuga's cries were in pain, not pleasure, and took his time. It became more enjoyable when he got used to it, but every once in a while pain will shoot through him, and Hikaru will take his time to wait for Hyuga to be okay again.

Hikaru is sweet like that. Whether they were cuddling or in the middle of an intense make-out session, Hikaru was always patient. While Hyuga would be left a panting mess, Hikaru would pull away with a smile. It was a smile that told him all he needed to know: 'I love being with you.' Whether it was an unbelievable amount of self-control or Hikaru genuinely having no interest in sex, Hyuga couldn't tell.

When Hyuga had finally gathered the courage to ask Hikaru to try it out with him on one of those days their parents would be out until morning on a date, he was surprised at the intense shade of red Hikaru's cheeks had gotten. But it was gone as soon as it appeared, Hikaru agreeing, but only if Hyuga promised he was completely okay with it, and knew that he could stop it at any time.

Sweat is dripping from Hikaru's forehead, his thrusts begin to stumble.

Although it was his idea, Hyuga was nervous to show himself to Hikaru at first. They had never seen each other naked before, since Hyuga had been born a female. Hikaru knew this, of course. He was older than him by about a year, so he still has faint memories of when their parents would dress Hyuga as a girl.

But as they grew up, Hyuga became less comfortable with the idea of being a 'girl'. He wanted to wear boy clothes, like Hikaru! And he wanted to go in the boys bathroom! And he wanted to be called a boy! "I'm not a girl, I'm a boy!" Hikaru can still remember Hyuga yelling this at their relatives.

Their parents were accepting of it. They encouraged Hyuga to express himself however he'd like, and if he felt like a boy, then he sure as hell was one! The backlash their parents got from relatives was why they moved. Hyuga never understood why the kids in his class could understand, but his own family didn't.

Moving gave him a fresh start, though. Here, no one knew he was born a girl! No one could tell at all! They didn't suspect a thing! It was such an amazing feeling, having strangers refer to him as a 'young man'. Really, he'd have to thank his parents buying him a binder for how well he passed.

But none of that mattered, because deep down, Hyuga has always been a boy. Hikaru didn't look at him any differently when he traced his hands along his thighs, or when he kissed Hyuga's breasts, or when he touched Hyuga in the spot he refused to acknowledge. He looked at him with the same loving eyes he always had.


Hyuga knows. He knows that when the top whimpers the bottom's name like that, they're about to come, right? He's read enough fanfiction to know it's coming up.

He wraps his legs around Hikaru, holding him close. He doesn't want to lose this moment. He wants to hold Hikaru close forever. If it could be just them, just them forever... It's too much to ask for.

Hikaru's whining and grunting next to his ear as he shoves himself as deep into Hyuga as possible sends shivers throughout his entire body. He feels it oozing into him, some of the come dripping out, some of it sticking to Hikaru as he pulls out.

They're both staring at each other now, both panting, flushed-red messes. Hikaru's arms tremble slightly from holding himself up so long, but it doesn't bother him half as much as the realization he just made.

"You still haven't come."

Hyuga hadn't realized it either. He's about to dismiss it, about to say he didn't need to in order to enjoy it, but Hikaru knows what he really wants.

If Hikaru was nervous, he didn't let it show. He reaches down, fingers grazing Hyuga's clit. Hyuga immediately moans. Did it always feel that good down there?!

Hikaru uses his thumb to continue rubbing his clit, his index finger slipping inside of Hyuga, further pushing Hikaru's come inside of him.

It never mattered that Hyuga had been born a girl. To them, it was a simple mistake, because they both knew Hyuga was a boy. As brothers do, they stayed close growing up. They were separate people, but they relied on the comfort and help of the other.

Hikaru was a very physically affectionate person. He always has been. So Hyuga knew he shouldn't have interpreted the forehead kisses or the hand holding or the hugs that would last a second too long as anything other than Hikaru being Hikaru, but he didn't have much control over those thoughts.

He knew what crushes were like. He's had a couple before then, and knew the nervousness that bubbled inside him was because of that. Getting that bubbly feeling was different with Hikaru though. It wasn't just him being shy around those he liked anymore, it was him wanting to be close with Hikaru forever, every single night. It was him wanting to have that love Hikaru gives be all his, wanting to experience more of that love that no one else could. It was a feeling that grew as they did.

Suddenly, Hyuga understands why girls moan.

He's mumbling nonsense, his breathing heavy and his legs twitching as he tries to keep himself from rolling around to get rid of all the pleasure he's suddenly feeling as Hikaru curves his finger.

Telling Hikaru how he felt was something he didn't want to ever do. He hoped the feelings would go away, but they never did. They only became more intense.

The fear of rejection is always there when it comes to a confession. But with Hikaru...it would be more than just rejection. It would mean losing him forever. It would mean ruining the relationship they had built throughout their lives. Hikaru wouldn't be comfortable with his usual affections, because he'd know Hyuga would interpret them romantically.

So it was a relief when Hikaru had confessed first. Hikaru had this soft blush on his cheeks, Hyuga couldn't help but reach out to hold him. In the middle of their kitchen, where they were supposed to be doing chores while their parents were out- that's where they had their first kiss. That's where they realized their love was mutual. It was such a weight off of his shoulders, knowing he didn't need to worry about how Hikaru would feel about him if he found out his true feelings anymore.

Hyuga cries, grabbing Hikaru's wrist as he arches his back, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he tries to understand how something could possibly feel that good.

Orgasms are way too underplayed in pornos.

He bites his finger, trying to regain his breath and calm himself down. Hikaru leans over him, kissing his forehead.

"Was that okay?"

Hyuga nods. "Mhm." He pulls Hikaru down, hugging him tightly. He tries not to focus on the fact that their naked selves are touching. "Thank you."

Hikaru chuckles, hugging back and tangling one of his hands in Hyuga's hair. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

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