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"Ugh, I'm exhausted!" Ichika whines, collapsing onto the couch after doing her afternoon run. She notices Amane sitting at the table, staring at a pink envelope. "What's that?"

Amane sighs, setting the paper down. "Another love letter from Fumiya. I thought you were going to tell him I'm not interested."

"When did I ever say that?" Ichika puts her arm over her eyes. "He's not going to give up unless you actually go and talk to him. Even then, he might keep trying."

Amane lets out a groan, laying his head on the table. There was no way in hell that Amane was going to talk to Fumiya after what he's said in all his love letters. Amane really doesn't feel like fighting off Fumiya's affection right now.

He's been getting weird gifts and love letters for weeks now, and he's spent all his time trying to figure out what he did to make Fumiya think they were the main characters of a rivals-to-lovers story.

It just happened so suddenly. One day they were trying to prove they were stronger than the other, the next Amane was receiving flowers and letters. Maybe Fumiya felt this way all along? But that would mean that throughout those battles, Fumiya had been holding back feelings for him. Gag. He's really not looking forward to dealing with this...

"Ichika, I told you to wait for me!" Takane huffs, sitting across from Amane while panting.

...but maybe he doesn't have to.

"Hey, Takane. You know how Fumiya's been sending me love letters and stuff?"

Takane looks up at him confused. "Yeah, why?"

"I need you to talk to him for me." Amane can see Ichika glare at him from the corner of his eye. "Just tell him I'm not interested in dating him, you know? Nothing too big."

Takane pouts. "Why do I have to do it?"

"Because if I do it, he's not going to listen. He'll probably just spend the whole time trying to change my mind."

"You're probably right," Ichika says as she moves to a sitting position. "But why make Takane do it? Just tell Drum or something. Maybe even send your own letter."

Amane shakes his head. "You really think Fumiya would listen to Drum? He'd probably start a fight with him. And who knows how long it'll take to send my own letter? It'd just be a waste of paper."

"Okay, but do you really think you should make-"

Amane ignores Ichika, turning back to Takane. "Here- if you reject Fumiya for me, I'll let you try out my bey. How does that sound?"

Takane's eyes light up. "Seriously? You should've said that from the start!" He turns to Ichika with a wide grin. "Tell Fumiya that Amane wants to meet up! Quickly!"

Ichika sighs, shaking her head as she pulls her phone out. She's going to love hearing about this.


Takane is in no hurry to talk to Fumiya, taking his time to admire the sunset and how it shines down on everything. He has to admit, he's pretty nervous about this. He didn't really think about what he would say to Fumiya, more focused on the thought of using Ashura.

Yeah, just think about using Ashura! I just need to do this real quick. It'll be worth it in the end! Takane smiles, feeling his confidence boost, not fading a bit when he sees Fumiya waiting in the distance.

Fumiya turns around at the sound of footsteps, frowning when he sees Takane. He looks behind and around him. "Is this a joke?"

Takane shakes his head. "Nope! Amane wanted me to tell you he doesn't feel the same way, so you should probably stop sending him letters!"

Takane's positive voice brings a slight comfort to him. It hurts just as much, but Fumiya already knows he'd throw a fit if Amane came himself. He doesn't really feel like lashing out at a kid today.

Sighing, Fumiya crosses his arms. "Alright. But tell Amane that we're still rivals! And even more so now that he was too much of a coward to reject me face-to-face!"

"Hey, Amane isn't a coward!"

"That's not the point here." Fumiya smiles at the way Takane's cheeks puff up when he pouts. "You're pretty cute when you're angry. Hey, what about you? What do you think about dating me?"

"Huh?!" Takane's pout is replaced with a blush that only deepens when Fumiya laughs.

"Just kidding! I already know I'm irresistible!" Fumiya pats Takane's head gently before turning, starting to walk away. "Remember to tell Amane he's a coward!"

Takane only watches as Fumiya waves. He can feel his cheeks burning, pressing his hands against them and shutting his eyes tightly.

Me... Dating Fumiya..? His heart skips a beat. Amane already rejected him, so that means he's available, right?

Amane and Ichika won't be happy about this one.

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