Arman/Taka (pt. 2/3)

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He thought about Taka. Every day and every night. While eating breakfast and in the dark of his room when there was nothing but him and the memory of that video. He can barely stand being in the same room as him, but it's not like he can avoid him. Not when they spend nearly every waking moment together.

And when they're not together, Taka's with Fumiya. Fumiya, who, by some miracle, he's been able to avoid for the past two weeks.

He hasn't said anything about it yet. Instead, he wishes Taka good luck with his training and watches him leave. Then he heads up to his room and tucks his hand in his pants, imagining the kinds of things the two must be doing. He furrows his eyebrows, angry at the thought of Taka's lips on Fumiya's cock instead of his. 

Details from the video he had seen on Taka's phone were faint now. He wishes he would've found a way to send the video to himself. At least that way he'd have something to use rather than his imagination.

He's grown increasingly more aware of Taka's every movement. His eyes are constantly glued to him, everything he does and everyone he talks to. Arman never noticed just how flirty Taka was. He bats his eyes at Dante, accepting every one of his hugs eagerly. He constantly leans against Ichika, pressing their bodies close together even when they're drenched in sweat from a run around the block.

The beyclub had always been his safe space, but it's just not the same when he's filled with envy watching his cute little brother ask his teammates for help stretching. They'll take turns, adding pressure to shoulders and keeping legs in place and moaning and whimpering and gasping and he can't stand it.

He wonders: if Taka's willing to fuck Fumiya, what's stopping him from fucking the other beyclub members? Who says he hasn't already done so? After all, Arman can barely hold himself back. How could they?

Sometimes he's disgusted by it. Not Taka per se, but Fumiya's touch lingering on him. He'll stare at his mouth, his hands, his cheeks, knowing they've been touched by Fumiya's cock. Drenched in his come. Yet he manages to walk around so innocently. He flaunts his ass in every step he takes, as if no one would notice. But Arman does. 

He doesn't think Fumiya's fucked him yet. Sure he hadn't noticed they had something going on in the first place, but he's sure he'd pick up on Taka limping from being fucked. He prays they haven't. Fumiya may have gotten his hands on him first, but Arman needed to be the one to take his virginity. It was his responsibility as his older brother. 

Taka's getting bolder, too. He gathered from the video that Taka definitely had some sort of desire for Arman, but he had previously never shown it.

Just a few days ago, after a more strenuous run, Tango had rewarded them with popsicles. While Dante and Ichika were preoccupied with eating their own and regaining their energy, Taka had made a show of eating his in an eerily similar manner to the way he had sucked Fumiya off in that video. He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and took it all in his mouth at once before pulling back to suck on only the top half. Occasionally he would pull back to swoop his head and lap up any that would threaten to drip off of the bottom.

"Arman, you didn't even eat yours!" Dante exclaimed, and he was right.

Arman had shouted, train of thought broken as he rushed to lick off the amount that melted along his hand. He could already feel how sticky his hand was. He groaned, giving up and licking at the mush that was once his popsicle. 

Ichika had sighed, and Taka laughed. As if it wasn't his fault.

But now, he waited. Taka had come back from his "special training" and was now in the shower. Arman lay in bed, staring at the ceiling while fidgeting with his fingers as he contemplated the best way to go about this. 

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