Chapter 2

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"No Christian." I haul out the sexy dress from my case for the third time and throw it back on the bed. He borrowed it from a senior, after a runway show they put on days ago, and I am not impressed with his choice of dress for me at my sister's party.

"He will literally have his eyes pop out of his head if you wear this." He smirks, holding up a scrap of cloth and sashaying around my bedroom like a movie star, molding it against him.

"I think most of me will be popping out in this. He's seen me in various forms of skimpy clothing, and trust me, it does nothing for him. I know him, Chris, this will just make him think I've gone back to slumming it with sleazy men and backstreet nightclubs. Not that I even care about making an impression on him, so really, it's not needed." I swipe the dress from him and throw it away, over the bed this time. Glaring sternly, trying to make him stop interfering.

Ever since he met him, he has not stop tried to goad me into playground tactics and far-flung ideas on Arrick being jealous or heartbroken without me. If any of that were true, he would have contacted me in the last few days, and he hasn't.

Or in the last three months!

"Of course, you don't, that's why you have spent the last two days obsessively trying on dresses and makeup looks for a seemingly innocent family gathering." He smirks at me with a knowing brow lift and a sassy twinkle in his eye and my temper bites.

"Fuck off." I wave him away as he comes to start snooping in my case again, infuriatingly. "Don't you have a boyfriend you should be kissing goodbye right now? Jake has the car picking us up in an hour for the flight home." I shove him away by the face as he starts messing with my lace lingerie in the open bag. Christian sighs and throws himself on the bed dramatically, adopting the Hollywood pose of distraught heroine with a palm on his forehead while making loud, weird noises that I'm sure are meant to represent misery.

"I already gave him the customary kiss and fuck, he's off playing straight tonight while he meets his father in the city." His boyfriend's double life is a huge sore point in Christian's and James's relationship. Christian figures that all parents are as easy as his when it comes to announcing one's sexuality and cannot empathies at all for anything different.

"Well go pick up Jenny, she should have been here by now, So we can all have a little chill-out drink before I need to get on a plane with you know who." Jake sprung it on me less than an hour ago that Arrick and Nathan will be joining us on the flight home to the Hamptons. Something Arrick rarely did was fly, and I don't know how to feel about this. Jake's been at the office sorting issues out, despite taking a break to help Emma with their new baby and is adamant we all go back together tonight, as one big happy family.

Clearly deluded and can't see past his own brother's ass.

The party is tomorrow night, but that means my family get to spend some time with me beforehand, and I can introduce my two best friends to everyone properly. Christian met my parents when they came to the city for dinner with me and my mother loved him. Pretty sure she missed all his gay hints until he confessed his boyfriend problems to her and broke her heart for any wedding plans she had brewing in her head.

"The shift dress." He points out the neatly folded item on my vanity, the dress I haven't worn since Natasha got red wine stains out of it. It reminds me too much of them both and it's sat there for weeks, unsure what to do with it. You don't just toss Louis Vuitton away, even if the thought of ever wearing it again makes me want to cut my own heart out with a spoon.

"For the flight." He winks at me with that irritating as shit, know it all look that is now becoming the thing I hate most about him.

"You always look super sexy in an understated way, in classic shift dresses, especially with those heels with the ankle straps." I gaze down at the skinny jeans and tank I was thinking of keeping on for comfort but realize he is on to something. I'll have to endure Arrick for an hour minimum, and maybe it won't hurt to look good while flying home and pretending to be over him. He sure as hell didn't seem that broken up over losing me when we saw him that day in the restaurant.

The Carrero Heart - The Journey (Book 2 of Heart Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now