Chapter 9

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Christian shows up first, followed by a timid looking Jenny who seems to appear rather closely to Nate. Gathering together in the street outside Arrick's house. I notice Nate is being rather attentive to my girl and tries to take her hand as he catches up with her; she looks away, pulling away from him and slides an arm through mine in a coy move without catching his eye. I frown her way suspiciously and file it away to interrogate her as soon as I get her alone with Christian.

I'm now standing away from Arrick, as soon as I saw them appearing I made him let go of me and moved to two feet apart, needing a space to see my friends and let them know what has happened. My texts outlined the briefest explanation only and I am so not ready to be identified as Arry's new love interest just yet. I feel like they may judge me on my readiness to jump into a relationship when last night, I swore to never let him near me again.

"Well hey, hey." Christian grins swooning between us all and looking far too wide awake and glamorous while the rest of us are rough as hell. He winks at Arrick and gives him a coy shoulder nudge.

"See you finally manned up." He smiles at Arrick's frown and waves jazz hands in the air between them. So unmanly it's almost painful, but it makes me and Jenny giggle as Nathan also bursts into a grin. Seems he isn't surprised to see us together and I catch the way he throws me a satisfied 'know it all' smirk.

"I'm still in two minds about whether I should beat you or hug you." Arrick tries for deadpan cool but Christian only gushes at Arrick's sense of humor.

"Both. I am so into that." He giggles and winks his way, with a little twirl back to me and a butt wiggle. Arrick just shakes his head and sighs before breaking into a huge smile. Obviously feeling dumb that he never once clicked that Christian is very unmistakably gay.

"I can't believe I ever thought this guy was straight." He laughs, and Nate throws him the 'you're obviously a moron' look over everyone's heads. I catch it and giggle a little harder. Arrick must have been completely blind to not pick up on it before, I mean Christian is currently sashaying around in a sparkly T-shirt with a huge rainbow heart on the front and wearing matching sneakers over ultra-skinny jeans. It's not exactly inconspicuous.

I turn away and give Jenny a little nudge, noticing the way her eyes follow Nate as he moves in to give Arrick the familiar 'Bro' handshake and shoulder bump, the two of them lagging behind as we start walking towards the exit of the street. Christian comes to my free side and loops my other arm, gaining distance on the two men behind us so he can cut in with a whisper. Like three witches from Hocus Pocus doing the crazy walk and huddled to gossip about men.

"Did you two do the bed boogie last night? Notice you disappeared, along with our shameless hussy over there and the rather sexy Nathan." He raises an alarming eyebrow at Jenny whose face turns crimson. She literally recoils in mortification.

"Shh!" Jenny scalds him, glancing back between us to check they aren't listening, but the two of them are lost in conversation with equally serious expressions behind us and paying no attention to us. I glance back and catch Arrick smiling at something he is saying to Nate and that heart-swelling warmth hits me like it used to when I looked at him. I push it down, turning back to my friends, back to the very serious subject in hand.

"Jenny, please tell me you didn't hook up with Nate?" I giggle at her in both shock and a little disbelief, not sure if I am happy for her or not. Nate is such a womanizer and Jenny only just got dumped by her boyfriend of almost two years. I don't even know if I am impressed or seriously wowed.

"I got so drunk; I feel like such a slut. We somehow ended up making out in Arrick's mom's greenhouse, I don't even remember how we got there." Jenny's turning beetroot and unable to look us in the eye, trying to keep her voice on the low. Christian grinning like a Cheshire cat, clearly proud of his 'hussy' girls and trying to coax the sordid details it out of her.

The Carrero Heart - The Journey (Book 2 of Heart Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now