Chapter 20

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"I need to get up." Arrick makes a move to get out of bed and I cling on desperately.

"Nooooo... five more minutes." I stick to him irrationally, hating that he needs to go get a flight and leave me for a week. The last twenty-four hours we have not left this bed except to eat and use the bathroom and I don't want to uncurl from his naked body now. Especially not after the amount of times he has shown me exactly what that body is capable of doing to me. Shattered beyond belief, glad it's Sunday so I can finally sleep as we haven't done much of that and my body is tingling with every memory.

"I don't want to leave either, but if I am not on that flight in forty-five minutes Nate and James will kill me. I have to go, Sophs, I've delayed getting up twice already." He laughs at me, trying to uncurl my grip on him gently and sliding nearer the edge of the bed.

"I hate you." I murmur as he pulls out from under me, kissing me on the head as he lets me go, leaving me lonesome so suddenly.

"I love you enough for both of us." He winks and walks to the bathroom, switching on the shower and coming back to poke his head around the door as I lay here looking at him longingly.

"You could always come in with me." He grins at me in the devilish way of his and I zoom out of bed automatically, zero resistance when that body is the reward. Heart doing a little merry dance and lady parts limbering up in anticipation.

All it took was several times of letting him loose on me, although actual sex only happened twice... The rest was definitely him showcasing his skills, and I have a feeling things are going to be looking up after this. I didn't freak out once, didn't go back into memory or fight him off, didn't have bad dreams or any anxiety attacks, and didn't feel any after effects; except a seriously bad craving for more of his attentions and he has decidedly created a monster.

I saunter across towards him, completely unashamed about being naked as his eyes scan me unapologetically, reaching out to grab my wrist he hauls me into the bathroom as I squeal at the speed, he yanks me to him.


I miss you like crazy xx

I stare at the text and sigh; he's only been gone since yesterday and already it feels like an agony worse than hell. I stayed at his apartment last night and slept in the bed alone and hated every second of it. I hate him not being there and after school today I am going back to mine, to at least try and get through the next six days with only texts, calls and skype to get me through not seeing him.

"Earth calling Sopheee." Christian nudges me and I "shhhh" him as people in the auditorium turn to look our way. We are in a lecture on the history of denim jeans and completely bored with the onscreen 'jeans through the ages' bullcrap we have been subjected to for the last hour. Christian rolls his eyes at me and then pokes Jenny in the back of the head. She is sat in front and throws him back a haughty glare and slaps her notebook on his leg.

I miss you too. I hated staying there last night without you xxx

I text him back then push Christian's face away as I catch him reading over my shoulder.

"You two are so cute it's actually sickening." He prods me in the cheek and I sigh at him, pushing my phone under my notebook on my lap and go back to sketching the dress I have been doodling while listening to the video drone on about the denim industry. The auditorium is in semi darkness and packed with a couple of hundred students, none of whom seem to be watching this darn thing.

"Jealous much darling?" I smirk at him and he narrows his eyes my way. Jumping as my phone vibrates on my lap and I fish for it with an instant smile, unable to think about anything much in the last day except Arrick, his very fit, naked body, and those hours of knowing exactly what sex could be like. I literally dreamed about that tongue and what it did to me. I think I have a serious addiction and am counting the minutes until he gets home and does it all again. I squeeze my knees together just even thinking about it and my cheeks heat with the realization I am getting crazily horny.

The Carrero Heart - The Journey (Book 2 of Heart Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now