Chapter 12

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Arrick moves out of reach and wanders to the fridge, opening it to rummage the contents and pulls out some labelled tubs. His housekeeper is paid to keep it stocked and easy for him when he wants to eat; his strict diet when in training means he eats a lot of healthy foods and high protein, but he is rummaging for something else. It's early morning, he woke me up with his alarm and now he's showered and ready to go to the gym at stupid o'clock even though I am half asleep and struggling to get ready for school.

Who even does that on purpose?

We were up so late, watching movies, fooling around and even had a little steamy make-out session that could have gone a lot further if he wasn't such a gentleman. I am suffering now though as I watch him, still in my clothes from last night, finding some breakfast before he takes me home to get ready properly. Normally I wouldn't be up for another hour at least, but I don't want to get a cab home this tired and dragging my weekend bags with me.

"I want to go back to bed." I whine petulantly, tiredness making me grumpy. I've never been a morning person and rub my eyes and head groggily. Arrick throws me back an indulgent smile and goes back to raiding the fridge, pulling out what looks like oatmeal and fruit.

Ughhhh, he's trying to poison me.

I join him at the fridge and poke around the huge pile of clear tubs with various titles. Spying a Chinese takeout box, I pull it forward and am disappointed to see it is being used to hold a variety of chopped peppers and salad.

"Do you never just want to grab a greasy dog and a chocolate bar?" I screw my nose up and dig deeper into the depths of organized eating; his fridge is a poster child for healthy living and organic goodness. There is nothing in here that even slightly calls to me to be eaten.

"Not at six a.m., Sophie, no. You really do worry me sometimes with your eating habits. Please tell me you have not been fending for yourself with hot dogs and candy for the last three months." He runs an eye over my body as though to check if he might have missed any obvious signs of malnutrition and I eye roll. I pull out a box without a label and sigh at diced chicken with some sort of seasoning that is obviously marinating for another meal.

"I want pancakes." I sniff a tub of dressing and stick a finger in to taste it, hoping it's some sort of syrup and screw my face up at its chili taste. Wiping it off my tongue with my nail and catch him looking at me like I'm some sort of alien creature he found in his kitchen.

"Baby, I haven't got time to make them right now. Just grab something quick so we can get ready and go. I have to get you home, so you can get ready. I need to meet Nate before five-thirty at the gym." Arrick throws two containers back in the fridge and pulls out a carton of fresh orange instead. Pouring two glasses beside the two bowls of oatmeal and fruit.

He must be insane if he thinks I am eating that crap.

"I don't like you anymore." I sigh. Pushing the fridge shut dejectedly and eyeing up the plates he is now carrying to the table.

"I know. Come on, I want to make sure you eat before I drop you off. I know how lazy you can be in the morning and you're then starving by lunch." He's bossy this morning, a return to Arry of old and no longer pandering to my every whim while he's in paternal mode. I stick my tongue out at him behind his back.

"Let's go now and find a convenience store to stock up on junk food, I cannot come over here if you do not have a good supply for my womanly needs. Chocolate is a must, Cheetos ... we need some Pepsi for sure." I slump back against the counter once more as he turns and gives me that commandeering narrowed gaze frown, making me obey and I follow him to what looks like granola, with fruit, and maybe milk, maybe yoghurt. Natasha comes to mind and I screw up my face in disgusting memory. I follow him anyway and sit in my usual seat, sliding down as he pushes my bowl towards me and digs into his own. I hate that he is a sexy eater, it just draws attention to the muscles in his face and that crazily strong jaw, those perfectly soft, not overly full lips that were invented for kissing

The Carrero Heart - The Journey (Book 2 of Heart Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now