Chapter 28

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I lose my courage and turn back to Arrick's car once more, aiming for the door, but he catches me from behind and turns me back around, keeping his arms around my waist and shoving me forward to walk slowly with his groin pressed to my ass to help push me onward.

"We're doing this... My mom will probably not react like you think she will." He's trying to get me up the path of his parents' house. The entire drive here I tried to talk him and myself in and out of doing this, my nerves are frayed, my emotions a mess and I'm losing all courage. I feel like I'm going to be sick or pass out and maybe just want to stay in his car and hide.

Or go home, we could just go home.

"It's not her, it's facing everyone, knowing that my mom has told them all. That they all probably know the stuff we get up to now. How they're all going to react. It's awful." I beg him, tensing against him to try and stop our descent down the drive. He keeps moving me onwards, not letting me go, and not backing down. His chest against my shoulders and winning with sheer strength.

"Where's my little warrior, huh? She's fearless in the face of tough times! Pretty sure you can get used to the family knowing that we have sex, Sophie. What happens if you ever get pregnant? Are you going to tell them it was an immaculate conception?" He chuckles and bumps my ass with his groin when I stop suddenly, urging me on and not giving into me. Arrick is trying to keep me moving, despite me digging my heels in, I push my butt back into his groin to stop him, but he's too strong.

"Keep that up and I might bang you here, and then no one will be in any doubt about what we get up to." Arrick leans back and smacks my ass hard, making me yelp and I throw back a glare at his face.

"You wouldn't dare. You're not allowed to touch me when we go in... Don't be all like lovey and touchy and stuff. I don't want you doing weird shit that you do, like smacking my ass.... Or you know, being sweet, or lame, or annoying me with wanting to touch me up." I scold, suddenly aware that they might scrutinize us in every way and not sure I will be comfortable with affection in front of them. Arrick sighs as I duck away from him and shove his hands off, not ready to have people seeing us all touchy and cuddly when I think it will just weird them all out. It's already weirding me out that they might see it.

"Don't make me carry you, baby. I don't think we'll need to hide anything if the first thing they see is me manhandling you in the door." Arrick yanks me back firmly and pulls me into a loose headlock, squirming as I give up the fight and sigh.

"I changed my mind. I don't want to come with you to see your mom." My tone fearful because I'm really starting to panic. Hitting that age old childish part of me and sulking, pouting, and whining expertly.

"Yeah right, you're my human shield. My mom is less likely to throw dishes at me for defiling your innocence if you're standing between us." Arrick smirks, still refusing to let go but I shake my head hard.

"Nope." I turn and wrap my arms around his waist in a bid to stop him walking, crushing my skull to that wide chest and pleading with little tense nudges; he unravels me, turns me back around and pushes me in front of him with more force than necessary, that sends me skipping ahead.

"If you don't come with me, I'll be forced to tell her to pick an engagement party date and that you want to give her ten grandbabies. You know she will hold you to it." He grins, and I stop, spin and stare at him in open mouthed horror.

"Stop with the B word! ...What engagement? You wouldn't dare!" I accuse, coming back to put my hands on his abdomen to keep him from the last few feet to the door.

"I might even have to bring up the M word... So, you better come in and supervise. Who knows what might come out of this mouth if she puts me under the grill. My mom can be really terrifying when it comes to you girls and her maternal need to protect you all." He chuckles, obviously smug at his attempts to blackmail me, but I admit, it's working. I don't trust him to not promise his mom big white weddings and three hundred grand babies before I'm twenty-two. I don't like that at all.

The Carrero Heart - The Journey (Book 2 of Heart Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now