Chapter 16

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I stand laughing at Christian's awful attempt to get the ball down the ten-pin bowling alley with the help of Jenny; they are both equally poor at this and Claire, one of Arrick's friends I have known a long time is standing laughing beside me. She loves Christian and seems to find him equally amusing. Her short sassy red hair, framing an elfin face and almost lavender grey eyes are homed in on the two of them mirroring my amused expression.

"Chris is way too hot to be gay." She appraises him bending over and sighs hopelessly, despite being married to Jason, she does have an eye for a nice ass. I like Claire, she's one of Arry's oldest friends and has been around this group as long as I have known him. She is married to Jason, another long-termer and are pretty much the unofficial mom and dad of this group. Everyone looks to them for advice.

"Trust me, he's way gay. That much drama would never be found in a straight man." I giggle as we both watch him grab Jenny's ass rather ruggedly, grasping it boldly to push her along with the ball, his idea of helping keep her straight. Jenny squeals, batting at his hand in a bid to keep her dress down, modestly covering that sexy body and drops the thing on her foot. The following yelp is smothered by Chris's hand on her mouth as he dies laughing and tries to apologize without drawing attention to the fact, he probably just broke her foot. The comedy double act isn't unusual to see, I witness this hilarity almost daily at school and I love these two even more because of it. It's like sibling love, hate in the cutest way.

"There you are." Arrick's voice encompasses me at the same time as he spins me and meets my mouth with a kiss, taking me by pleasant surprise. His hand instantly cupping my face and the other slides around my waist, so I have zero opportunity to react. He leans in to tilt me back a little, pushing the kiss to a little tongue action, heating me up in full view of everyone he knows and devouring me with 'God, I missed you' lip action, before breaking away. He leaves me breathless and very warm with that little maneuver, knowing fine well it's the reaction he always gets and hits me with a sexy smile that is still practically attached to my mouth. I have to tame the inner tingles and uncontrollable urge to slide my hands under his shirt and feel out that sculpted abdomen. He has no idea how crazy with longing he can make me with just a swift kiss.

Still makes my toes curl, every time.

"Gray dress? Trying to tell me something?" Arrick's eyes scan the jersey dress over slouch boots I opted for instead of his favorite of the moment and sexy heels. I only raise eyebrows in challenge and feign innocence poorly.

"Don't know what you mean!" I narrow my eyes with a smirk. I don't know why I still feel the need to do silly things like this, I guess a part of me is still punishing him in subtle ways, even if I am wrapping my arms around his neck for that much needed hug I've yearned for all day. Relaxing finally into the only place I ever want to be.

"I love your little passive-aggressive stands, baby, reminds me to keep on my toes where you're concerned." He grins, squeezing me, fully encircling me and tightly bringing us together as he moves in for another kiss. Someone makes loud vomiting noises to our left and completely ruins the moment.

"Get a room." Nate chuckles at us, suave in navy tonight with freshly trimmed hair, as I swat a hand at him, and notice how his eyes immediately scan out towards where Jenny and Christian are still trying to throw one ball between them. I swear for a moment he looks positively nervous and then turns and walks off, my eyes suspiciously following him.

"What's that all about?" I nudge Arrick who seems to be focusing on my mouth still, lost in thought and push him a little to indicate Nate. Still trapped in muscular arms, holding me tight with no intention of letting me go anytime soon.

The Carrero Heart - The Journey (Book 2 of Heart Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now