Chapter 22

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Arrick slides down from his position behind me at the couch and slumps on the floor, using it as a back rest as I flop sideways and stretch out on the full length of the sofa, feeling his head and hair nearby and pushing my fingers into the spiky hair on top. He leans into my hand and sighs heavily, both of us equally worn out and breathless. Neither of us have a stitch of clothing on, yet my body heat is through the roof and generally feel like I could sleep. Heart pounding from exertion and every single part of my skin and inner body is tingling all over.

"Jesus baby... My little porn star. Who knew I would find a girl who matched my stamina? I almost bailed because I thought I was going to have a heart attack mid-way through. Now that.... Was worth missing you for a week!" He turns and hits me with a boyish smile, catching my eye from his angle as I can only try and regain my breath, calm my racing pulse and seriously luxuriate in the marathon of positions he introduced me to.

It wasn't like any other time he's made love to me; this time was all sex. Primal, unleashed, pushed by having been apart, and the first time I can tell that he has really let go and showed me what he's got. I was right about the unbridled passionate side to him; he's a demon when he lets go and my body hasn't an inch left that didn't meet some part of his. I didn't know sex in acrobatic positions could feel so good and found my favorite is when he gets behind me and we both stay upright.

Somehow intimate yet also so goooood!

He has left my skin pink and sizzling and taught me a thing or two in the last two hours. It only makes me love him more now, seeing that every other time has been gentle and controlled and has been fully aware of my every noise and mood throughout. This time he gave his all, like I was any other girl with no seedy past or fragile scars to worry about. I needed him to be that way, more than I knew I did.

I giggle at him, running my fingers through that sandy, sexy as sin hair style, all short back and sides but long enough on top to grab onto, which I did, several times. He's a lot less scratched up since I had my nails rounded out, but he still bears my marks on various places of that tanned body.

"You have been holding back on me." I tug his hair and he gets up, sliding on top of me on the couch and nestling comfortably into my body, propping his elbow at either side of my chest so he can rest his chin on his hands over me, eyes skimming my breasts.

"I haven't wanted to scare you. Didn't want a repeat of the first time we ever tried. Finally figuring out what triggers your reactions means I can relax a little. I can read you better than you think sometimes. Learning the little tells that I never used to notice when it comes to this." He leans down and plants a kiss on my left breast with a cheeky smile. His touch can still make me burn, even if he did just satisfy me in all kinds of ways. Our bodies fit so perfectly together.

"I trust you... I know that no matter what, I can always stop you... That no means something." I glance away, sudden emotion catching my throat when on this topic and gaze at the wall of books and memorabilia I have been filling my shelves with lately. A mini fluffy Unicorn Arrick brought home for me is sitting on the coffee table watching us.

"Tell me how your week was." Arrick changes the subject, sensing my uneasiness and I turn back to him with an adoring smile. His eyes trained on my face, committing me to memory and looking at me as though I am the most perfect girl he has ever laid eyes on. My heart does that gooey melt thing that he causes, and I sigh back at him, with complete devotion.

"You know how my week was, you text and called me endlessly." I giggle, pulling his face forward with two flat palms and strain up to kiss him on the mouth. Meeting those soft lips perfectly.

The Carrero Heart - The Journey (Book 2 of Heart Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now