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"Zagan, are you sure about this?" I quickly asked him while looking around the quiet village.

He stared at me with all the seriousness on his face. "Do you trust me, mi Amor?"

I nodded with all of my heart. "Of course, I do, mi Corazón."

Zagan smiled and softly caressed my cheek. He gave me a peck on my lips. "Then trust me when I say we have to do this. They need to repay for the sins they have done, mi Amor. And we are here to be the instruments for the world's brighter future."

I couldn't help but take a deep breath and sigh. Maybe this is really for the best. We have been doing this for months but I still can't help but doubt if what we're doing is right.

"Mi Amor, are you ready?" he asked as he wore his mouth mask and put his swords in their cases.

I wore mine as well and tightly held my swords. "Let's finish this."

He nodded at me and led the way. Like thieves in the night, we poured gas in every house we passed through. The houses were made of haystacks and woods, they can all be easily burned, which made our tasks a lot easier.

I was handling the houses on the right and Zagan was on the left. I wanted to finish this as quickly as possible, but I ended up standing in my place when I peeked at a window of one of the houses.

There were kids inside, sleeping peacefully.

These were the reasons why I doubt our every move. But Zagan said that this is for the betterment of our country—of our world. Therefore, I had to continue.

I took a deep breath and proceeded with what I was doing. Once done, Zagan and I met at the end of the village and both took out a match, lit them up, and threw it at the passage made out of gas.

Slowly, the dark and peaceful village soon turned into a huge campfire, filled with screams and horrors from every woman, man, and child of the place.

I then felt Zagan's arms around my back as I felt his body against my back. "Another successful mission, mi Amor. Let's go to the place of the village chief. We still have to finish him," he whispered to my ear.

Words weren't able to leave my mouth, hence I nodded, feeling weak as my ears were still hearing the pleas of the villagers.

Zagan held my hand and pulled me away from the scene. He guided me towards the hut of the village chief.

We still weren't able to get near the hut when the soldiers came out of their hiding spots and quickly attacked us. I was able to calmly defend myself and fight back.

Slash after slash, blood was dripping from both of my swords. The dead and some beheaded soldiers were lying on the floor.

The village chief then went out of his hut and faced us with a brave expression. "Anong karapatan niyong pumunta sa lugar namin upang maghasik ng lagim?" he roared as he pulled out his sword from its case and pointed at Zagan. "Mga wala kayong awang pumaslang ng mga inosente, para sa ano? Kayamanan? Kapangyarihan?"

Zagan chuckled and shook his head. "My reasons are not worthy for you to hear." He then readied his sword.

The village chief angrily advanced on Zagan and dueled him. I watched them fight as the words of the chief repeatedly played in my head.

Pumaslang ng mga inosente?

Innocent? Did we kill innocent people?

"Don't listen to him, mi Amor. What we are doing is right. He's just trying to mess with your head," Zagan suddenly said as he wiped the blood of the village chief off his sword.

The body of the chief was lying on the floor, lifeless and without a head.

"Now, this is truly a successful mission. Shall we have a fancy dinner in the city once we go home?" Zagan casually asked.

I didn't want to say anything. Zagan could smile, chuckle, and act normally after killing hundreds of people. But it's too difficult for me.

"Mi Amor?" he softly called out to me. I felt his hand cupping my face. "I think you need to take a rest, hmm? Sleep while we're traveling. You deserve it."

I kept my silence and nodded my head. He then put his arm around me and led the way back to our wagon. Zagan let me sleep inside as he rode the horses.

I did try to sleep but the earlier screams were haunting my sleep. I then pictured the children I saw earlier, burning and shouting for help.

All night long, I couldn't close my eyes to take a peaceful nap. I just can't.

Missions similar to that continued for years until the war that we were preparing for finally came.

We had more enemies than usual, and there were only the two of us. I was cut a couple of times but because of my curse, my wounds immediately healed.

But Zagan's case was different. His cuts weren't healing as fast as they should be. In fact, they're not healing at all. That got me worried but I couldn't go near him. The warriors were attacking me altogether.

Thousands of soldiers versus the two of us. We may be immortal but with what's happening with Zagan, I'm no longer sure about that.

I have finally finished—killed—my enemies. I rushed to his place to help him kill his enemies, but after beheading those who blocked my path, I saw Zagan lying on the floor.

He was bleeding out. The soldiers were all dead, we won... but Zagan...

"Mi Corazón, talk to me, please. Why are your wounds not healing?" I cried out as I gathered him in my arms.

Even in a weak state, Zagan smiled at me and his hand softly caressed my cheek. "Mi Amor should not cry. This might be my end but at least we won the war." He coughed blood, making me worried and bursting into tears.

"Mi Corazón, please... don't leave me, I'm begging you." I leaned my forehead against his. "Please, Zagan... stay with me, mi Corazón."

"I shall be back for you, mi Amor. I will always find my way back to you," he weakly whispered. "And once I do, we will continue our mission and will still be together for a longer time. I promise you this, mi Amor, my Athanasia."

Slowly, Zagan let out his last breath and I cried as I felt my heart shattering to pieces.

I couldn't stop myself from sobbing. I pulled his lifeless body closer to mine. I could no longer feel his warmth.

I looked up in the sky, hoping they could hear me. "I beg of you! Please! Please, bring him back to me. I'll do anything you want. Just please give him back! Please!"

I continued begging and screaming my heart out. But they never gave me what I prayed for. They never listened to me.

They never let me die before, nor gave my memories back to help me complete the unknown mission they gave me, then why would they listen now?

They are all unfair.

What kind of gods and goddesses tortures their people?

They do not deserve to be called gods. They are all merciless. And I...

I hate them all.

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