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The sun was beaming on my face which was weird since the only window i had in my room was facing the opposite
Direction of my bed,I never had the sun even touching my face,but I thought i just slept in the direction of it.
I slowly opened my eyes which was quite difficult my head felt dizzy and my eyes were so heavy on me.
When i finally managed to open my eyes i was looking straight into a big window looking out to what seemed to be London??

Holy shit- uhm no no no..where am i?
I was talking in a whisper since I didn't even know where i was to start off with.I started hearing foot steps from the hallway to the right.
Oh shit oh shit..what do i do
I started hearing the footsteps come more closer slower but closer,I had no clue where to hide this place was particularly empty but messy,i was wearing my clothes that I had on before falling asleep so all of this was so confusing.
Jimmy-bonzo! What would you like for breakfast huh?
I recognized the voices but no it's couldn't be can it? No its impossible I kept saying to myself because jimmy page is like 77 now he can't be young again.
Jimmy-'whistles' who the hell are you?
I was in complete shock,I couldn't even move or even say anything how was i! In front of jimmy page but he looked so much younger..i had to be lucid dreaming because this all felt so real.
I completely ignored Jimmy's question since i was such in disbelief,but out of no where I felt my head all dizzy and everything around me started to spin.
I couldn't keep balance and I dropped to the floor.
Jimmy-holy shit! Are you alright? Robert! Bonzo! Help me someone.
I haven't realized for how long i had passed out for,I opened my eyes to see the same big window i woke up to a few minutes ago.
Jimmy-i think she's waking up,bonzo go grab her some cold water.
I opened my eyes fully to see jimmy on my right side I turned a little than saw Robert plant and john Paul Jones.
I was in complete disbelief now,how just how was i in front of younger versions of Led Zeppelin?
Jimmy could tell i was frightening and he tried to calm me down.
Jimmy-hey uhm look are you alright? You just fainted on me.
I stumbled around my words I couldn't get a correct sentence out.
Oh uhm ya uhm am fine I think..I don't know actually my head feels like if someone dropped a bowling ball on it.
I was stuttering a lot cause I was still in shock about what i was seeing,i tried to get up but jimmy grabbed on to me giving me support,probably in fear ill drop to the floor again.
Jimmy-bonzo are you done with that water yet? Okay look hold on into my arm I can't have you falling again.
Robert and jimmy seemed the most concerned out of the four,bonzo and john seemed calm as if this isn't the first time this happens,oh were they in for a surprise because how i ended up here is a whole physco story.
Robert-sweetheart? How did you end up here i swear we had no girls over last night.how did you even get in.
Okay I had to calm myself down i needed them to believe me because saying that am some sort of time traveler and I just randomly got sent here is quite complicated to explain without them labeling you as crazy.
Look i need you all to please believe me,it's complicated like really complicated i don't know if am going crazy or what but.
I got interrupted by bonzo handing me a water to drink which I really did need at the moment.
Bonzo-sorry but here's your water.
Oh thank you. Sorry i was saying wait..first of all what year is it?
Everyone looked at me like i was crazy which is what i was afraid of.
Jimmy-uhm hun are you okay? Like really are you suffering from memory lost maybe we should take her to the hospital.
What no no! Please just hear me out. What year is it seriously?
Robert-uhm its 1973
I was not just dreaming was i..i dropped my body and landed on the couch. How was i just in 2021 in my bedroom then woke up in zeppelins apartment in 1973. Like did i smoke something? Did i consume anything how is this possible!
Everyone had a worried face now all four of them,i guess they were as confused as i was but they didn't know i wasn't from this year at all not even country.
It finally hit to them that i was American.
Robert-hold up your American right? Maybe that's why your confused did someone drop you off here last night?
No no one dropped me off and yes i am American but i don't think being in London all of a sudden is my biggest concern right now. Am not from this place am not from this year!
I think i let that all out in one take,i sure did mess up now.
Jimmy-okay hold on there your saying to us your not from 1973? Is that what I heard
Yes jimmy that's it now I know how i sound, i sound like a complete maniac right now but it's true i don't know how to prove it but am telling the truth.

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