The streets of London

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The streets of London in the 70s was more than I ever imagined them to look like
There were lights,banners everywhere.
It was such a weird feeling to walk around London with Led Zeppelin,they seemed more focused on my reaction than looking around themselves.
Jimmy-you really seem to like London huh?
Oh haha I really do,it's a beautiful city!
Robert-how's Chicago?
Well it looks quite nice actually,I think it looks the nicest during winter.
Jimmy-we've been to Chicago but we haven't gotten the chance to go during the winter,I think we will take your word for it.
As we were walking I set my eyes on a small shop of which I recognize as the Queen shop, I've had visited London with my aunt 2 years ago and we went into the Queen shop with her.
Ooh! This is where the Queen shop is well it's isn't here of course.
I didn't think my words through and I said that out loud,loud enough for them to hear.
Bonzo-Queen shop? whats that
Oh shit- I shouldn't have said that am sorry it's something from my time.
Robert-no it's okay but do you mind telling us what that is?
Oh will Queen is a famous group I don't think they are known right now but I bet they are in the process of that.
Jimmy-what year are they from?
They are from the 70s I think they get more known during 74? But they really do succeed during the 80s as well
Robert-oh woah what's their names?
The lead singer is Freddie Mercury, Guitarist Brian may,Bassist John Deacon,and Drummer Roger Taylor.
Jimmy-well  I have no clue who they are but I will keep my eye out in 74' for them!
Great and it would be amazing if you could duet with them during the 70s..I've always wanted that duet.
Robert-well we will see what can be done then. We don't even know if they like us haha.
Oh don't worry about that they really do!
We spended the rest of the afternoon walking around and peaking through shops,jimmy suggested to go get something to eat.
Jimmy-it's getting late we should go eat somewhere.
Ya agreed am hungry
We arrived at some restaurant,and decided to enter it.
Everyone in the restaurant instantly knew who they were but at the same time I felt eyes on me,I wouldn't blame them like who's this random girl walking around with zeppelin.
Robert-hey uhm I don't know if your quite comfortable with this? We can leave if you'll like.
No it's okay after all that walking I don't feel like walking back.
We sat down and ordered our food and as soon as we knew it were done and heading out.
Jimmy-okay so it's like 7pm right now we can catch a bus back home,it's too late to walk now.
It was cold and it seemed like it was going to rain.
Robert-damn it was nice weather just a hour ago now it's fucking cold..
I know right,is it always like this in London?
Robert-eh sometimes,it's usually raining most of the time.
We were all waiting patiently for the bus to arrive it felt like eternity waiting for it,until it finally stopped in front of us.
The ride back home was quite awkward I didn't know why but I knew something was up and they weren't telling me.
We arrived back at the apartment and we all walked in, it began to rain just as we walked in,to break the awkward silence between us i said something.
Woah it's raining already,well at least we got in on time.
Jimmy-oh ya it is,didn't even notice.
John-mhm it is,am quite tired am heading to bed now..
Okay what's wrong? Why are you all so awkward around me all of a sudden.
Robert-no we're not,we are just tired that's all..we don't have a extra room for you is it okay if you sleep on the couch?
What no there is something up don't change the subject Robert,why are you all dodging me?
Jimmy-just give it up Robert she's smart enough to catch us, look Abby it's just that we are leaving for tour in 2 days,and we don't know what to do with you..
Oh damn.. you know you guys should have just told me that instead of acting like that towards me.
Jimmy-ya your right we're sorry but what do we do with you?
Erm...I don't know
I bite my lower lip trying to think of something to say.
Robert-why don't we just bring her with us?
I mean I would but I don't want to interrupt anything,I don't want to be like a kid you guys are babysitting.
Jimmy-oh no not at all don't feel that way we're just trying to keep you safe since will you know.
Ya I know,fine I'll go but you can leave me at the hotel,cause I know you guys do your things.
Jimmy-if that makes you feel comfortable than alright. We're all tired and I bet you are too after that fall you had,and no Robert she's not sleeping on the couch, we can set up a mattress for you in Roberts room.
Robert-why my room? Not that I have a problem of course but why
Jimmy-maybe because you wanted to send her to the couch,now don't be a prick and help me get the mattress.
I laughed at seeing Robert get yelled at by jimmy,it's exactly how I imagined it to sound.
Jimmy-okay Abby the mattress is set and Robert put some clothes for you to sleep, in bathroom. Good night!
Oh okay thanks so much Jimmy and good night!
I made my way to the bathroom and got dressed it was a pair of shorts and a shirt which was quite tight on me.
Okay am done oh sorry i should have knocked.
Robert-oh no it's fine love I was already done.
I caught Robert starring at my chest which made me half uncomfortable and half flattered.
Uhm Robert whatcha looking at?
Robert-huh what oh nothing! Are you going to sleep?
Ya i am actually what about you?
Robert-maybe in a bit,am going to read me book.
Oh you read? I never thought of someone like you to read.
Robert-of course i do only because am a rockstar doesn't mean I can't take a time to relax in a book.
Ha your right about that. Well ill go to sleep now good night.
Robert-goodnight love.

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